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June - October 2009

WEB SITE BLOG (sometimes more than Beavers!)

Currently visitor/visitors on the website.

31 October 2009

Last day of October, rainy, windy. I will be adding a surprise "test" page this weekend for you all. Just put another shot of S-9 (965) from the collection of the late Ian MacFarlane on the website, sent to me by a friend in the UK. Glen Auld and I used to correspond when we were school boys, all those many years ago. Glen wrote >>

I retired 8 years ago after reaching the dizzy heights of 
Watch Manager and ATC Examiner and over 36 years at Newcastle.

Nice to be in touch again. Needless to say we have similar interests.

29 October 2009

Photo: Neil Aird © 28 October 2009

No denying it is Autumn here in Kingston, Ontario. One positive attribute for me is that it makes more sky available to scan! Alas, we all know what is approaching. I will have to shovel it rather than rake it!

28 October 2009

I received a link to a website with some interesting aerial images of the Radfan. It shows details of the Hawker Hunter serving in Aden, an aircraft I am very fond of. Once I spent a summer (1964) looking after seven de Havilland DHC-1 Chipmunk aircraft (well marshalling/fuelling/helping with maintenance) at a front line Hunter base, RAF Chivenor. In the "Up Country" section of the website, is an evocative shot of XP777 (1448) which was just added to this site yesterday. The image was taken by Roger Wilkin. I hope he does not mind it being added to this website.

Photo: Roger Wilkin © 1965

27 October 2009

I see the DHC-2.COM odometer just turned through 775,000 unique visitors. Still see about three hundred of you each day. I also just received two donations, my sincere thanks.

Three photographs from the UK today, and the mail-lady rang the bell and did not fold! XP777 (1448) was new to the website, so one by one we are adding to the collection. Maybe in November I will add pages to the website of aircraft I have details of, but no picture (yet). It's on my list of things to do while Danielle travels to India. Today she waited 5.5 hours for an H1N1 vaccination. My daughter, who is expecting her fouth child, got out after about 2.5 hours. Danie should have stuck a pillow under her sweater!!

25 October 2009

I still cringe when I see the 25th of the month roll around. It reminds me of the proximity of the Christams Season. Remember, I used to be a Designer-Goldsmith and would have to build special items (play Santa) for others to give at that holiday season. This meant many long hours at the bench. Mind you, it did bring some reward$.

There are some exiting, trail breaking activities at Sealand Aviation on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. They are mounting the very first Trace OE600A powerplant to de Havilland DHC-2 Beaver C-GGBF (815). The STC will be next!

I was in Midland, Texas on my trip earlier this year - I wish I had known about the Trace engine project then!

Photo: John Caswell © 23 October 2009

This could well see many Beavers being converted to this fine powerplant. Congratulations to Bill Alder for his great foresight. Like always Bill, you are expanding the Beaver envelope yet again. Thanks! I for one can't wait to hear and see this machine. Please make sure you put a sound file on your website, for us who are located far away from the wonderful Campbell River.

It was great to see you on the CBC the other night!

24 October 2009

The weekend once again, time to add a couple of items to the blog I think?

I noticed the Calgary DHC-6 Twin Otter Series 400 final assembly facilities of Viking are looking very active, as this wide-angle shot shows.

Photo: Viking © October 2009

Above are c/n 845 and 846 nearing completion, along with 847 - 851 at earlier stages of construction. Great job Viking!!

Now, another enigma for you! U6-132 shown here outside Al Beaulieu's facilities at Vancouver South, many years ago.

Yesterday, I received two slides of these mystery machines. Behind U6-132 is VN-1286. If any of you can help with the identities, I would welcome those!!

20 October 2009

Been a while since I added anything to the blog. I think the website and home computer system is stable enough now that I can get back into serious website work. My main time slot allocated for this will be after November 5th. I'll also be updating my "Links" section at that time.

I have recently had more incredible images arrive on my desk from my regular family of photographers, and also added some new names to our lodge. My sincere thanks to you all.

The big "news" is already "old" - for those of you on the DHC-2 Yahoo Group. VH-WOZ (156) made the last "Superphosphate" top-dressing Beaver flight in Australia. Documented for posterity by our colleagues Lenn Bayliss and Graeme Mills.

Lenn Bayliss at Armidale, NSW.

Photo: Graeme D. Mills © 06 October 2009

Present on this historic day at Guyra.

Back Row - left to right

Jeff Greene, Evan Davies, Roger Viday, Hallett Griffin, Sy Allsep, Ian Lupton, Murray Lupton.

Front Row - left to right

John Land, Graeme Mills, Barry Christie.

Photo: Lenn Bayliss © 06 October 2009

Here's a link to Australian Aviation Magazine, a full article will be published in an upcoming issue.

Here is a shot of the camera ship PAC Cresco O8-600 VH-UFI (028) after leaving Armidale, flown by Barry Christie with Lenn Bayliss shooting DHC-2 VH-WOZ.

Photo: Graeme D. Mills © 06 October 2009

09 October 2009

When my website was down, and my new computer was being built, I still was busy. On Friday 02 October I got buzzed by "Hawk One" driven by Dan Dempsey. He was here for a few days and scared the pidgeons and locals a few times with very fine , very swift manoeuvres! This pass was taken from my studio window - in a hurry I might add. Thanks Vintage Wings - I enjoyed that very much!

Logo: Vintage Wings © 2008

Photo: Neil Aird © 13:03 EDT 02 October 2009

I added a scan of my first Aircraft subject, also my first watercolour done sine I was a teenager! It is now with a selection of my other Aircaft painting images. The subject was a Transport Canada Beech 65-B80 Queen Air C-FCGS (LD-404) at CYGK/Kingston, Ontario. A brief stopover for a seat change/coffee etc.

Neil Aird © 1987

I was looking through some older prints this morning and came across this nice shot taken on a trip to Campbell River, British Columbia. What a great location, truly unique.

"Bobbing Beech"

Photo: Neil Aird ©

08 October 2009

We just spent a very pleasant 24 hours with friends Rudi and Ada from the Netherlands. Both are in the aviation/airport industry employed at Schiphol/Amsterdam. We did the rounds for Rudi to photograph some of our local aircraft of interest, and we all took in the sights of Kingston on a beautiful autumn day. Here are the two aircraft nuts posing with 23221 a Canadair CL-13B Sabre on a stick, at the Royal Military College.

Photo: Neil Aird © 08 October 2009

Rudi -Neil "Webmasters"

Photo: Danielle Aird © 08 October 2009

Danie - Rudi -Ada

Photo: Neil Aird © 08 October 2009

05 October 2009

Thanks to my son Anthony, I think the website is back. For how long? Well, that's up to me and my lack of skills!

Looking forward to the arrival of my friend Ruud Leeuw and his wife Ada on Wednesday. We have never met, so this will be a meeting of the minds, we share many similar interests. I'm sure, like me, many of you have visited his fantastic website.

22 September 2009


The end of an era has arrived. I have made the difficult decision not to publish a DHC-2 Calendar for 2010. Destiny has prevailed and due to many factors – e.g., cost, time and energy - I will now take this opportunity to get back to my “painting” which awaits me on the easel.

I’d like to thank Viking for their great support over the last five years. The many fine photographers, particularly the ones whose stunning images that were awaiting the 2010 DHC-2.COM Calendar debut. These will see the light of day, either as a banner page or perhaps as a "virtual calendar" that each of you can print out month by month.

I hope you have enjoyed the five Calendars that did reach the printing press, and your wall via Canada Post and the International carriers.



15 September 2009

Dark o'clock does not stop a keen plane spotter. "Twinkle, twinkle little star . . I know what you are!" Here is a Reach Flight going over my studio. N764NA Boeing 767 (27135) "RCH370" of North American Airways at FL310 Heading 052 degrees at 525kts. This was a regular old familiar friend over my studio, C-GZUM of the now defunct Zoom Airlines! I actually noted it above me on 16th September 2007!

Photo: Neil Aird 19:32 EDT 15 September 2009

It's amazing what some people can do in scale modelling. George R. Mustafa has built an incredible diorama featuring a de Havilland DHC-2 Beaver. He has captured the essence of a dock-side scene. Well done. This is well worth a look.

Photo: George R. Mustafa © 2009

I'd like to thank the six gentlemen who donated generously to the web-site. I am now able to order the rest of the USAF micro-films we dreamed of getting! The real work will begin when they arrive in Bristol, UK. Ian Macintosh will have an even heaver workload for DHC-2.COM - something for those winter nights Ian!!

10 September 2009

Some of you may have noticed the Beaver Hat is out again. Time for my annual fund-raiser reminder. It's an expensive time of year for your webmaster. 2010 Calendar up-front production costs, and, I'd also like to invest in more of the micro-films of USAF L-20 detailed unit movements. These are both expensive projects. My collegue Ian Macintosh is working through the few official USAF micro-films he has purchased on our behalf. Any help towards these items would be most welcome. Dirk Septer has kindly offered us to auction off two large 50th Anniversary DHC-2 Beaver Adhesive logos to help the cause. I will put names of donors/supporters into "The Beaver Hat" and we will make the draw in December.

08 September 2009

We're into my favourite time of year. I'd better get back to Beavers to prevent a rebellion in the ranks. I recently received a fantastic collection of New Zealand historical images from Dave Bates. I will add in a gradual manner. They are a treasure. Thanks Dave, for the permission to use them on the website. Thanks also to Graeme Mills for doing the "leg work". Dave has promised to send along his Canadian collection at some point in the future.

21 August 2009

The FAA changed the link to their modified Civil Register pages..I therefore had to modify my DHC-2.COM toolbar. One hundred and forty-six of you have installed this handy tool on your browser page. I know I find it very useful and use it constantly for searches etc. Here is a link to upload the toolbar.

16 August 2009

I almost missed an important 62nd anniversary! Thanks to Bob Puls for reminding me. The de Havilland DHC-2 Beaver first flight was on this date . . back in 1947.

11 August 2009

Thanks to Mike Mirkovic for the Newspaper report of VH-IDO (1545) on 09 August 2009 at Horizontal Falls. We see this happen all to often! Lucky outcome for all anyway - this time.

Article : West Australian Newspaper © 11 August 2009

10 August 2009

As often happens, when I go "digging" in my files, I came across earlier shots of C-FZEX (1409) and (1655TB31), both aircraft I have recently added to the website. Here is C-FZEX with crude markings applied, just before she had her modifications added over the next twelve months at Vancouver.

Photo: Geoff McDonell © April 1999 - Aird Archives

08 August 2009

In summer mode here, so not many updates or entries. I did pop out to my local field CYGK - Kingston, Ontario, yesterday to snap VP-BKZ (602) a year 2000 build Gulfstream V. I had noticed it on my radar and was curious. It arrived from Trenton and headed off to Québec City, then returned to Kingston. Later I had a report it was parked at Toronto / Pearson CYYZ. Beautiful day to be touring around.

Photo: Neil Aird © 07 August 2009

One of the nice things about my radar is I can watch for unusual events. On August 1st, the morning N370FE MD11 FedEx flight FDX130 to CYMX - Mirabel, Montréal, did a long hold above KMSS - Massena, NY (some 80nm from my studio). No idea why, but he spent a while there before heading to his destination, which is normally a very quiet airfield.

27 July 2009

My friend Peter Reardon in Australia sent this note "Memories - Before and after in Tasmania" that I thought you'd all enjoy. Thanks Peter.


I was going through some old 35 mm slides the other day and came across one that I took in Tasmania in March 1965. I was Ag flying down there on loan to Benders Spreading Services from Aerial Agriculture Pty Ltd of Bankstown for about three months.

I can remember this airstrip so clearly as it was beautifully located in a nice long flat paddock with the superphosphate dump at the northern end. It was a one way strip (as were most Ag strips) in that you landed over the water towards the dump site, turned around, loaded and then took off over the water again.

I can also remember that I had never seen so many huge sharks in one place in the waters immediately off the strip. I was not sure what variety they were, but the farmer assured me that because of the size of them, they were probably all white pointers.  That was enough to keep me paying attention to engine handling and safe operations!

A few days ago, I thought I would see if I could find the same property on Google Earth. And yes, it is still there in pretty much the same condition it seems, except that a bit more timber has been cleared from the bottom right (SE) corner of the property.  Google Earth is just amazing. I now wish that I had taken many more photos to follow up now. However, I can still find many of the properties throughout the various States that I spread superphosphate on in my much younger days.  Ah, memories......


Peter Reardon, Canberra ,AUSTRALIA

26 July 2009

Back on Friday July 17, Viking Air participated in the relay across Canada by flying a sector from Downsview to Rockcliffe-Ottawa. Joining pilot Jason Karas was our intrepid reporter and Canadian Air & Space Museum representative Ken Swartz. He documented the event and kindly sent me a selection of images. I will add a page as time permits. Instead of a relay-baton a special flight bag was transported and left at the Canada Aviation Museum.

Photo: Kennetrh I. Swartz © 17 July 2009

DHC-2 Mk. III Turbo Beaver C-GDTB (1672TB42) arrives on the Ottawa River adjacent to Ottawa's historic Rockcliffe Airport on July 17, 2009, after flying the Toronto (Downsview) - Ottawa leg of the "Back to Baddeck" aircraft relay. This trans-Canada flight celebrates the Canadian Centennial of Flight.

24 July 2009

Yesterday I received a couple of images of a rare blue and white Beaver N450DB (944) on amphibs in Florida. This morning I went to retrieve the e-mail and the e-mail was gone. Can the kind gent who sent the images please resend. I get hundreds of e-mails each day and maybe the delete button went into overdrive!! I'm somewhat overwhelmed with good images and info at the moment - maybe that's the cause!!

Today I got news from Harald Müller in Germany that his large scale all metal R/C Beaver had a crash at the LMA event in Cosford. It will be rebuilt. Sturdy construction saved the day. It was a total transmitter failure! Here is a happier event, her first float tests two weeks earlier. I have still images of the damage, but don't want to post them . . too sad.

21 July 2009

Where do the days go to? Nice article on ZK-CKH (25) in Kiwi Flyer - Issue 5 June/July 2009 sent to me by Kiwi Beaver expert Graeme Mills.

Kiwi Flyer © June 2009

17 July 2009

"Where's Neil ?" you ask. Well, been busy tweaking my new equipment. I got my 46 feet of special coax cable with professionally installed "N" connectors from New Hampshire and installed it on DPD's fine antenna. Wow. My aircraft on screen went from a high of 53 to 120!! My range now has increased to a record of 327.7nm (that's 377 statue miles or 606.9 kilometres!). Boy am I happy, and consequently very busy/distracted. Been updating my databases DHC-2.COM has suffered. Below is a chart showing the aircraft that tracked within range of my location (red dot) in the last 20 hours. Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Screen capture from Planeplotter at 08:45 EDT 17 July 2009

Meanwhile the flood of DHC-2 Beaver images from far and wide continues unabated! I'll try and catch up today and over the weekend. Many thanks to those who have submitted images.

Speaking of images, my "Tanker 75" showed up on AvWeb yesterday, so that shot has had very wide exposure!! In the company of a couple of Beavers too!

10 July 2009

Well I promised you all the yarn today. Here it is briefly. Some of you know I have a receiver that picks up Mode-S ADS-B and shows aircraft tracking and in tabular form on one of my's what happened yesterday at 15:27EDT. Just call me "Radar Neil" from now on.

Incredibly lucky...was gardening...came up to studio and casually checked screen, N1537V had been there for just three minutes...FL31 - talk about timing. Flightaware had it as a P28T from Albany to CYGK !! But I knew different when I saw that reggie!!
Radio chirped...our FSS kindly asked for aircraft type  "Beaver amphib"   zoom zoom....rush hour in Kingston and roadworks - so missed landing. But they had to wait for customs to come.  When they did arrive and then leave, I went onto the ramp . . . the new owner said "I saw you on TV last week!!"  Oh the fame eh?  Bob also has C-FDIC (1238).  He and Paul left about one hour and a half after touchdown, heading to Sudbury via a North Bay dog-leg. What a beautiful evening it was. The event quite made my day.

09 July 2009

Bob Lipic (right) and Paul Forsyth drop into Kingston - CYGK to clear customs and then travel onward to Sudbury - CYSB. I'll tell the whole yarn tomorrow. I presume you are both safely in Sudbury tonight, and did not stop en rouite to catch some pickerel. It was nice to finally catch up with N1537V (494) and by chance welcome her to Canada.

Photo: Neil Aird © 09 July 2009

03 July 2009

Photo: Robbie Shaw © 30 April 2009

Today added three additional shots of the attractive N904AK (1266) taken by Robbie Shaw at Palmer. I have many other images by Robbie to add, kindly supplied by him over the recent years.

01 July 2009

Having a quiet Canada Day here in Kingston. the Snowbirds flew by waking everyone up. Off to do a show. Let me wish all Canadians around the Globe a good 142nd Birthday!

30 June 2009

Last day of the month again. I've added some larger images of Canada's "Centennial of Flight" CF-188 188719 on a special page.

Here are some of the residents of Fort Drum, and they are not lined up to use the Portable Toilets. They were parading their colours for the assembled crowds and the Governor of New York.



I will now leave you with these two images below. It's amazing what some folk will do to get a sponsor. Times must be really tough.

Photos: Neil Aird © 27 June 2009 ;-)

What I like about Air Shows is the chance to peek into military flightdecks, I am normally unable to do so. I see the flights on my screens in my studio, so it is more interesting if I can visualize what's going on inside the ship. Here is a case in point. The office end of MDD KC-10A 86-0027 (48240) of the 305th AMW/514th AMW out of McGuire AFB., New Jersey. "Team McGuire".

Photos: Neil Aird © 27 June 2009 - Click for larger image

29 June 2009

Back in the lodge, I travelled back to the United States on Saturday to enjoy the Air Show at Wheeler-Sack AAF, near Watertown, NY. none of the resident US Army aircraft were present (well one UH-60) as they were away doing "other things in other places". Here are a few snaps for you. I had a good time, lots of older props and heavy metal.

"The Trojan Horses" team using North American T-28B/T-28C

I got to try out the "Boomer Bed"

"Canadian Content" display CF-188 Hornet 188719 in Alpha Pass.

Above photos: Neil Aird © 27 June 2009

24 June 2009

Vandels strike at Taquan Dock, Ketchikan. There is another image here. Thanks to Thor Johnson for sending the image taken by his friend Josh Murdock. N37756 (1456) ended up along Shoreline Drive and was carefully recovered.

Photo: Josh Murdock © 23 June 2009

21 June 2009 "The Longest Day"

Photo: Neil Aird © 15:46 21 June 2009 - N77006 B772 "COA88" ZBAA-KEWR FL290 9 nm

Continental Airlines just gave me a nice Father's Day greeting. As some of you may know, I was born in Scotland and emigrated to Canada when just age 23. N77006 reminded me of that heritage. I was taking a few shots from the studio skylight as the triple seven was trailing one minute and not the next. After my last images I looked back...there was the Saint Andrew's Flag.

Photo: Neil Aird © 21 June 2009

17 June 2009

Quite the honour. Today I received issue 361 of Scramble. My image of N444DF (ex 151654) Marsh Aviation (Grumman) S-2F3AT Tracker, "Tanker 75" made the cover.

I took this action shot at KHMT Hemet-Ryan CDF Air Attack Base - Hemet, CA, on 20 April 2009. My picture has been cropped somewhat to fit the cover, but I'm more than happy with the final product, and to have it in that prestigeous position!

I have added a page on the website with a screen saver of this image. Feel free to enjoy it on your computer.

16 June 2009

Lifted this image from Flight International, shows that the Captain can use his fancy EFB (Electronic Flight Bag) to keep up to date with DHC-2.COM!

Photo: Flight International Stock Supplier © retouched

13 June 2009

Dull, murky and overcast. I heard the sound of an R.985 then noticed this sweet Beech Staggerwing heading up the Rideau River to Gatineau.

Photo: Neil Aird © 14:21EDT 13 June 2009

DC-3 or Dove ? when I was enjoying myself at Buckeye, Arizona on 04 May 2009, with no one around, I was taking snaps of this big round engine. You will note why a thorough pre-flight walkaround is important. Aircraft was N243DC.

I guess you could really "feather" this prop.

Photos: Neil Aird © 04 May 2009

Here is the link to the dramatic video of the accident involving N915RC (70) at Anchorage's Lake Spenard/Hood canal last Sunday.

10 June 2009

On 27 May I got the images below from my pal John Caswell, who lives in Campbell River, British Columbia - His work is a fixture of DHC-2.COM

He wrote >>>>>

Neil: Thanks for sending link to Pima pics spent a enjoyable yesterday evening veiwing them, great work, love to have been there. Noted pic of wrecked Canso N322FA which I spent some left and right seat time on as CF-GLX in the sixties . Attached some pics of an intact GLX and the fish haul from Neultin Lake in the territories to Lynn Lake,Man., each fish tub weighed about 100 lbs. our max. load 72 tubs.

GLX started out in RCAF then Queen Charlotte Airlines, Northland Fisheries, Midwest Airlines( Converted to water bomber), Avalon as water bomber, sold to California were it was wrecked on a water pickup, amazed to see remains at Pima.

Great work,


Photos: John Caswell © 1960's

Photo: Neil Aird © 16 April 2009

N322FA Consolidated-Vultee PBY-5A(28-5ACF) (CV-560) ex 44-34049, CF-GLX. Accident occurred Friday, August 01, 1997 in MORENO, CA. Accident report: LAX97LA270

09 June 2009

A few delightful images arrived from Beaver pilot and photographer Ian Beatty today. One is a banner shot already and I have added here this cropped image of C-GBHJ (880) at (guess) a Vancouver Island airfield. It reminded me a little of a shot I took at Shute Harbour in 2005 of VH-AWY (1444).

Photo: Ian Beatty © 02 June 2009

Photo: Neil Aird © 01 May 2005

08 June 2009

I have some "bad news" and some "good news" to report today. "Alaskan John" sent me this dramatic image late last night.

Photo: "Alaskan John" © 07 June 2009

Many of you will be familiar with this spot just south of the connecting canal that joins Lakes Hood and Spenard at PANC, Anchorage International Airport. I have spent many an hour at that location myself.

Yesterday the occupants of N915RC (70) had a very narrow escape. Here is the newspaper account, the FAA report will be posted later. I'm sure the Beaver will fly again one day. I'm just really happy that everyone is okay.

06 June 2009

A pleasant evening here in Kingston, and to top it off, a beautiful Virgin just went by my window. G-VSEA A343 "VIR40" KORD-EGLL FL350

Photo: Neil Aird © 06 June 2009 20:26 EDT

05 June 2009

Well, she's up on the auction block at Crown Assets. I don't know how long this page will be active, but lots of images for you if you are a modeller or just interested. C-FMPC (1300).

Note: Recovery photos in my blog of 06 October 2008

Photo: RCMP Air Division © 2008

Thanks to Ken Hurford for the "heads up" on this CADC event.

Update (10 June 2009): Aircraft sold for $387K and will eventually end up in Alaska.

04 June 2009

I noticed that some of our web site visitors made almost straight line right around the middle of the earth today. In order from west to east. 1: Rancho Santa Fe. 2: Monterrey. 3: Miami. 4: Virgin Islands. 5: Los Cristianos. 6: Valencia. 7: Athens. 8: Riyadh. 9: karachi. 10: Kathmandu.. 11: Chengdu. 12: Hong Kong. 13: Kyoto. 14: Shinjuku. Beavers connect the dots!

02 June 2009

I was always curious just how many of you use the "Find" section. In May, 908 questions were posed. I hope there were as many answers found.

01 June 2009

Brand new month - back in a bit.