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March - May 2009

WEB SITE BLOG (sometimes more than Beavers!)

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31 May 2009

Last day of the month again. Time to change everything and move items to the archive. A task for tomorrow if there is time. A lot happening around the Aird Household these days!

Last images for May 2009 are some older photos, this time of CF-MRN (480) by Mati Raudsepp, sent to me last year, but they got lost in the shuffle. Thanks Mati for resending. Hope you like the "clean-up" job.

I have also added an update to the blog from Garry Cline with refernce to the wreck of C-GVHT (257) - see the 28 May 2009 entry.

28 May 2009

I heard from Danielle M-C that her CAHS Montréal lecture went well yesterday. Good luck today at the Ottawa one!

Each time I add a Beaver to the website, I seem to get a few e-mails with updates. That's what I like. I'll add them to the blog usually and slip the image into the appropriate place on the website. I don't like to dwell on wrecks, but both recent additions ended up that way. John Racey sent me the updated shot of C-GVHT (257) which is still around, shown here at Sedro Woolley, WA.

Photo: John Racey © 2008

Just after adding this shot, I received an e-mail back from Garry Cline - he wrote >


    Thank you for the link and for adding the photos. Sort of a painful coincidence that the wreckage wound up in Sedro-Woolley, which is just a short drive from our home in La Conner. Other Beavers often fly over, mostly from Kenmore Air in Seattle, and I am glad to see and hear them. Time has proven, after more than fifty years of service, they are one of the best airplanes ever made.    Garry
    27 May 2009

Well tomorrow is a big day for Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail, her Booklaunch in Gatineau, Canada at the Laurentian Air Services Reunion. Sorry I cannot be there Danielle, too much going on here. I'll be there in "spirit" however. So here is a plug for your book. May it be a great success and I hope you have been infected by our collective love for the Beaver!! I know you are a big fan!! Hope the CAHS Ottawa Chapter lecture goes well in the evening of Thursday 28th May 19:30 hours at the Bush Theatre in the National Aviation Museum. CF-FHB (1) will be listening to you.

Photo: Robin Brass Studio - Publisher © 2009

26 May 2009

A couple of items for the blog today. A quick "buzz job" by two CT-114 of The Snowbirds, promoting their show for Kingston tomorrow.

Photo: Neil Aird © 10:08 edt 26 May 2009

The other item is this "For the record" DVD that I received from Christian Aubert the videographer that recorded my presentation to the CAHS last March 25th, maybe some of you would be interested in viewing this? Send me an e-mail (adminnca "at" if you are, and I will see what we can do about your request.

I also received an e-mail reply from Norway.

The Norwegian Civil Aircraft Registry have not received any documents concerning registration of the aircraft N5CC.

As far as we can see, the aircraft is still registered in USA.

Med vennlig hilsen/Yours Sincerely

 Åsa Markhus

Juridisk rådgiver/Legal Adviser

 Luftfartstilsynet/the Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority

25 May 2009

Some video action for you. A blustery day on Porqupine Lake, near Timmins, Ontario. C-FMRN (480) takes off showing her fresh new "classic" paint job from Sky Services. Thanks for the link Stephen.

21 May 2009

Thanks to Brittnie at Wipaire, I have added some images of N5CC (1167) which was recently refurbished, repainted and equipped with wipair Amphibs, prior to delivery to norway and her new owner. I have a request for further details in with the Norwegian CAA - Luftfartstilsynet in Hamar, Norway.

20 May 2009

Got the movie working pretty well. I'll leave it like it is..a few glitches, might tweak it someday. The images are as they came from the camera, no levelling, sharpening, just yet. That's on my list too!! Today I have some tasks today/tomorrow other than Beavers etc., some painting (furniture) as Danie is having a fund raising sale this Friday and Saturday for CRC.

I just had a nice e-mail from Gary Milot to tell me that he sold his C-FBPB (1434).

He wrote:

Hello Neil,

 Just to update you on the status of C-FBPB , she was flown across Country to her new Home in B,C  with  Nick at (Lakes Districts Air). C-FBPB will be missed at Air Melançon, were she was cared for and performed for over 35 years. “My one can get attached to these great machines”

  Beat Regards,

  Gary Milot 

Photo: via Gary Milot © 19 May 2009

I metioned to him that just after I got his e-mail, I was in my research room (2nd floor) and there on the seat were two snaps of C-FBPB taken in deep snow one winter...strange eh? No idea why they were there - except that I was doing some sorting yesterday, giving Danie some of my shelving for her big "Fabric Bazaar" on Friday/Saturday.

19 May 2009

I came up here after supper to see how the movie was doing (slow to load!) and I checked the sky. There was the letter "A" plain as plane could be.

Photo: Neil Aird © 19:13 EDT 19 May 2009

Added a second addition to the slide show/movie "Pima walkabout Part Two". Well...hmmm...not quite right I guess?...Something strange happens near the end...I'll try and sort that lot out. My friend Peter Reardon in OZ has suggested another program that will make the "show" easier to produce. We'll see if that learning curve is within my capabilities. Hit F11 to go full screen. I have also made it available as a Google Web Page with "limited" access. Contact me (adminnca "at" if you want "in"!

18 May 2009

I have been playing tonight with a short slide show/movie of a "walkabout" of the wonderful Pima Air & Space Museun, Tucson, AZ. I don't know if it will work out, but I'll have a try.

Well it appears to have worked. 6:24 running time with no titles, might add those in the future, and change the order a bit. I do have more images, lots more. Enjoy - Part One.

A bit of excitement in Greenland on 16th May. Here is an image taken by a RDAF CL60 Challenger of N5CC. The story was reported on our DHC2Beaver Yahoo Group by Nicolai Musante.

Photo: RDAF © 16 May 2009

16 May 2009

Mr. Brown has quite a few aircraft at Roswell. It is strange and peaceful to be there with those formerly hard working gentle giants.

Photo: Neil Aird © 26 April 2009

12 May 2009

While going through some of my non aviation snaps...I came across this shot, it is a bit of intense air-to-ground work. When I was at Skydive Arizona, photographing a Dakota, Skyvans, Pilatus Porter and Twin Otters, I observed some activity on the ramp. "Beep Beep" comes to mind!

Photo: Neil Aird © 03 May 2009

11 May 2009

As most of you know, I extended my trip and ventured to the very southern part of Texas. For the record, here is a revised map of the 5,467 mile/8,800km "Desert Ramble". I did see one Beaver by the way, but he was asleep in his Lodge in the Sonora Desert! No photo, as I thought it inappropriate to wake him with a flash!

Yesterday I made a start at my trip logs, this will be a very long job and, like the website, will take me back to the "moment" the photo was taken, the notes were written. Sheer pleasure for me, but a heck of a lot of detailed work! I have a feeling that my Beaver Website will suffer in the interim.

A colourful desert kaleidoscope, taken on the evening of 21 April 2009 as I "fence crawled" on a dusty dirt track at Victorville (KVCV) in California. The heat haze had somewhat abated and my camera did the "writing" for me. I did not want to get stuck out there!

09 May 2009

Back in Kingston, but busy with some guests from Cuba. They are a famous band formed in 1926, one member, the lead singer is 94 and blind. "Los Naranjos" is the name. We had the ten of them here for lunch. I'm off with my family to a dinner/concert fundraiser shortly. Cienfuegos in Cuba is twinned with my city, Kingston, Ontario. There is a big conference here at Queen's and they and many other artists have been visiting and staying with volunteers. The band has given many performances, to a Kindergarten, a High Scool, general public, tomorrow in the Market Square . . . and I believe the Grand Theatre was rocking with their music and folk were dancing in the aisles! What wonderful, warm, friendly, happy people.

Back tomorrow with regular Beaver News.

13 April 2009

Last entry in the blog for a wee while. Going off to the desert SW of the US. Here is a map of where I "might" be going. I'm looking forward to the freedom of the open road, photographing old stored airplanes, and just enjoying the landscape. Back after May 6th. My turn - Danie holding the fort this time! Starting point -Tucson, Arizona on Wednesday with three days around there.

12 April 2009

Photo: Unknown photographer © 29 August 1985 - Aird Archives

Tim McGraw saw the recent addition of N9279Z (345) and had the following interesting remarks about the unusual Amphibs. Thanks again Tim.

Hi Neil,

I see ol' N9297Z has been newly listed on your web page. I knew that plane pretty well. The owner would bring it to Kenmore Air Harbor for maintenance and kit installations.  Your photo of it in 1985 when it was owned by Cal Vada is how I remember it. Notice the odd amphibian floats underneath it.

Most DHC-2s on Amphibs had Edo 4580 Amphibian floats back then. Wipline wasn't around yet, or at least I hadn't seen any Wipair floats yet.  This plane had, oh I'm not sure of the number...4350? Edo amphibs. Notice they are lower in relief then 4580's and also wider. This more streamlined shape let the plane fly faster and get airborne quicker, especially off of the water, the pilot/owner told me.

He operated the plane in the Lake Tahoe area running charters and scenic flights and the more streamlined floats helped in the high altitude. Of course the plane couldn't carry as much weight with the smaller displacement floats, but at high altitude he couldn't carry the heavier payloads anyway. (straight Edo floats , 4930's have  more displacement, than either amphibian float).

Well, it was the only set of floats like it I'd ever run across in my career. Glad to see the plane is still flying on Wipaire straight floats, but I wonder what happened to those odd streamlined Edo amphibs?

All the best,

Hey Tim - I began to think that they looked familiar. Lake Tahoe eh? Well, the "penny dropped" and I found them! They went on C-FFZM (869) which came from Lake Tahoe region! Jobmaster was the maker I think?

Photo: Neil Aird © 20 April 2007

Bill Hann just metioned that the only other set of floats he has seen, like the above, is on N375RM (1227) - here's a snap.

Photo: Kevin Fairley © 31 May 2007

06 April 2008

Just a note to say I am still working my way through the huge backlog of images in my "in box". Please be patient if you have sent me any recently. I might not be as prolific this next little while. My vacation approaches.

Today also brought some images of C-FOEK (1650TB28) which has returned to begin a second career in Northern Ontario. Thanks Melanie and congratulations to Georges and the crew!!

04 April 2009

Yesterday brought a CD of images of Beavers taken on travels to Canada in 2005 and 2008 from Brian Greenhalgh in the UK. Thanks Brian. Looks like you had a good haul!

03 April 2009

On a rainy day in Seattle at the Kenmore Air yard, a young lad meets a freshly completed Beaver, N60WT (491). Maybe someday, their paths will cross again?

Photo: Jon Abuhl © 01 April 2009

01 April 2009

I refrained from winding you all up this morning by announcing the closing of DHC-2.COM - saying that I was retiring! Still here. This will be a very quiet month on the website, as I hope to be in Tucson two weeks from today, enjoying some R & R. Meanwhile, I will still aim for one-a-day.

27 March 2009

Had a great day out with beautiful weather in the Montréal area on Wednesday. Super company at Pointe Claire at the CAHS meeting. The talk was well received. Got to play afterwards around CYUL. Caught up with some new Global Express and landings were observed at the threshold of 06L until my departure back to Kingston. 565 km covered. I also had the pleasure of finally meeting Normand Denis (former Beaver/Otter driver) who took time away from his busy job to attend the lecture.

Here are a few Canadian leaves that fluttered by my lense for you.

C-FABT (49) DHC-8-102

C-GJMI (77) DHC-8-102

C-GABO (248) DHC-8-311A

Photos: Neil Aird © 25 March 2009

22 March 2008

On Wednesday 25th March at 11.00 a.m., I will be giving a presentation on the de Havilland DHC-2 Beaver to the Canadian Aviation Historical Society (CAHS) Montréal Branch. If you are in the area and would like to attend, you will be made most welcome. Location: Royal Canadian Legion, 365 St. Louis Avenue, Pointe-Claire, QC.

19 March 2009

Today I was treated to a nice view of the "Ferrari Formula One" decorated A346 of Etihad. Here it is, A6-EHJ (933) twelve miles from me, just reaching cruising altitude FL330.

Photo: Neil Aird © 11:38 EDT 19 March 2009

17 March 2009

Today I got a CD of images taken by my good friend Kihei Kitagawa of the newly delivered Shinmaywa US-2 flying boat. What a machine. The images were shot at the Konan factory near Kobe. It shows the third aircraft 9903 in the standard markings. No.71 Squadron at Iwakuni Naval Air Station, and will replace the US-1 eventually. Many thanks Kihei.

Photos: Kihei Kitagawa © 09 February 2009

Been a while, but we have added a New ! U-6A Beaver 54-1710 (856) to the website, courtesy of James O'Rear (on St. Patrick's day too!). This picture comes from his father's collection. Some more images from this collection are available at this link.

15 March 2008

Back on February 20th, N5342G (854) had a trip into the woods. Fortunately all survived, unscathed. All as a result of a training exercise. I'm sure 854 will be back in service at some point in the not too distant future. FAA interim report here - ANC09LA022.

Photo: CAP Archives © Public Domain.

Another flyby, this time a pigeon fancier! The skies emptied in a hurry, even the crows took to the trees in fear.

Photo: Neil Aird © 15 March 2009

Today as I was shooting Atlas N412MC (30559) B747-4UF operating "QFA7589" I was suddenly aware of crossing traffic. Here are the interesting results.

Photos: Neil Aird © 10:43 EDT 15 March 2009

My son Anthony sent me this image taken on his walk along the Kingston waterfront yesterday. They have been constructing a wind farm on Wolfe island. The turbines are not active yet, but will be an impressive kinetic display when they "wind-up", and a constant reminder to watch our power consuption. Currently (oh dear) there are about 55 erected. Thanks Ant, nice shot, taken looking SSW.

Photo: Anthony C. Aird © 14 march 2009

13 March 2008

A couple of scans from Scandinavia taken in years gone by. I have always been very fond of that part of the world, and on this trip in 1964, I cycled many a mile in Denmark and Sweden. Both aircraft were also seen by me in Scotland. The first is SE-BSS (358) Convair 440 Metropolitan at Copenhagen/Kastrup and SE-CFD (26713) Curtiss C46D Commando at Malmö/Bultofta.

Photo: Neil Aird © Thursday 20 August 1964

Photo: Neil Aird © Monday 24 August 1964

09 March 2009

Winter came back overnight, freezing rain and crusty dusting of snow.

Some older images coming in from Tom Hildreth, thanks Tom. I always enjoy receiving "period" images which can fill in some gaps in airframe histories.

05 March 2009

Back in January I received a CD from Captain David Graham. On it are a collection of images from his early career flying DHC-2 piston and turbine Beaver aircraft. It is very well documented and is a treasure trove of wonderful sights. Thanks David. Look forward to seeing you in the spring. I hope to have a few more images "spruced up" and on the website by then. I trust you like my first efforts.

04 March 2008

Instead of working on the website, I have been reading and enjoying the parade in the crystal clear skies of Eastern Ontario and upstate New York. The big "liners" from Europe to Washington, Philadelphia, Newark and points south have been entertaining me. Here is a regular, A6-BAI B773 "QTR051" at FL340 just 20 nautical miles from my studio approaching KART.

Photo: Neil Aird © 15:07EST 04 March 2009

03 March 2009

A quick flyby from 177703 "Bisn703" one of our four CC-177.

Photos: Neil Aird © 13:45EST 03 March 2009

02 March 2009

I noticed as I was adding S-3 (953) today from Ruud Leeuw, that it ties in nicely with this month's calendar Beaver S-9 (965). What a magnificent professional photograph by Ben Ullings. This image prompted me go out and buy a decent camera. Now I have to live up to my ambition to capture a quality shot like Ben's.

Photo: Ben Ullings ©

01 March 2009

First day of March. Time to revamp the Current Cover Page and archive the blog and thumbnails. Alaways big job, but it has to be done. Now I'd better check if it all "worked" . . .

Had my monthly "stats" arrive from Ian Macintosh in Bristol, UK. Ian is working away on a massive project at the moment, the disposition of the USAF L-20A Beaver aircraft from delivery until the military got rid of them - one way or another. Quite a slog Ian, but we all appreciate your "Sterling Effort!"

Joop de Groot sent me a scan of an old "dupe" slide. I had a go at it, a fun project, thanks Joop. Before and after images below. Joop also tackled the task of cleaning it up. It's amazing what you can do with Photoshop.

Photo: Unknown photographer © Joop de Groot Collection