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Photo: My camera © 22 September 2013

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05 July 2024

• Photo: Kenneth I. Swartz © 20 June 2024 •

Better late than never, eh? Keneth I. Swartz supplied the image of C-GDXW (1159) at CSL3 - Lac-à-la- Tortue. Thanks again Ken.

28 June 2024

Just recieved Chip Porter's "Southeast Alaska BUSH PILOTS and their flying history" - a super collection of images and yarns. Delightful read. Many of you will be familar with Chip's superb images. I am honoured to host many of them on this website. Had the pleasure of flying from Ketchikan in a Beaver with him, and saw many of the vistas he is so familar with!

06 June 2024

• Photo: Shawn Lafavee © 2023 •

Managed, again, with the help of Anthony rebuilding the Calendar Pages, to get the June 2024 DHC-2.COM Calendar Pages on the website. Shawn Lafavee supplied  the super image of C-FMPS (1114)  at a stunning location in the Yukon. Thanks Shawn.

03 June 2024

I've been quiet on the blog front, still figuring out how to add/delete items on the website using different software! No DHC-2.COM Calendar pages either, although I did print out the usual one for my son and myself! Anthony kindly rebuilt the calendar part for me, so I think I can tackle that soon. I have so many super old black and white negatives to scan and tweak, and add to the website. That should be a priority. Also wrestling with my other websites whice require yet another software!! I have almost  considered packing in all the webwork. Almost . . .  still here.

20 May 2024

Photo: Neil Aird © 20 May 2024 07:04edt

Started of a tad foggy, but burned off quite quickly.

19 May 2024

Photo: Neil Aird © 19 May 2024 16_04edt

Familiar sound, but only C-FBYI Boeing A71N Stearman (75-2779) visiting Kingston's CYGK this afternoon.

17 May 2024

Screen Capture from Virtual Radar: Neil Aird © 17 May 2024 08:06 EDT

These were the aircraft chirping to my radar early this morning. Not bad range, about 120 - 150 nautical miles with my antennas. I am located at Kingston, Ontario. 

16 May 2024

Thanks to recent donations, yesterday I ordered  a fine collection of black and white negatives from Tom Singfield. They are going into the GPO Postal System today. Looking forward to seeing what treasures there are within! These are from the collection of the late Tony Breese.  Note: Arrived safely Friday 31 May 2024.

Thanks to the teamwork of yours truly and my son Anthony, we managed to sort out my two other websites. Now it is up to me to understand Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 and learn just how to add images etc. So Otter and Twin Otter fans will have to wait a bit longer for updates. I also am negociating with Midphase to not charge me  USS96.00 ($132.00 Canadian!) for one more year of the Twin Otter wesite. It is now an "Add On Domain" to this website, so my costs should only be US9.95 a year!

14 May 2024

Took me the best part of an hour to find this page to edit. As you can imagine, it is not easy to teach an old dog . . .  etc. The way I am working the updates is rather confusing. I may cut out doing Banner Page Archives and also archiving the thumbnails of each month. This recent computer SSD/Hard drive failure has taken a few weeks out of my "holiday" while Danielle has been hiking on the Camino in Spain. My "To Do" list still has most items on it "untouched". Maybe a re-design of the entry page will be a plan. Let me know. You can e-mail me here: nca "at"

That's it for now. Have to go build supper.

12 May 2024

Latest news: Thanks to my son Anthony for working on this joint rescue effort.

Test flights will be ongoing - It looks like we may have passed the audition!

Proceeding with caution . . . seems to be working okay.

Today: I have discovered a simple way to build the site without learning a new system!!

Normal service will resume now - albeit slowly!

24 April 2024

Uploaded a little video I fook the other evenng. Keeps me amused when not working on the websites. My tiny world. Few understand this fascination . . . maybe you do? There is some DHC-2 Beaver content in the video, if you look closely! Here is the main website page link, if you have some free time or interest.

20 April 2024

Pleasant sky this morning at 06:45 edt - A band of clouds stretched from north to south horizons.

17 April 2024

Photo: Neil Aird © 03 May 1970

A very sad day yesterday, when the Børsen, in Copenhagen, went up in flames. One of my favourite buildings. First time I saw it was in 1959, then again in 1964, and on my honeymoon in 1970 when I took the above snap. Last time in 1982. These things always seem to happen when renovations are underway! The building was constructed in the 1620's and the wonderful spire added in 1775.

.12 April 2024

Latest renderings of CF-FHB (1) in from Graeme Molineux ( This depicts the aircraft's display configuration in our Canada Aviation and Space Museum at Ottawa. Below it is shown minus the green canoe. Top in Pacifi Western livery. More in the pipeline. Well done Graeme!

Above images: Graeme Molineux © Grubby Fingers 2024

08 April 2024

• Photo: Anthony Aird © 08 April 2024 15:20 EDT

Awesome outing to the baseball diamond to watch the Solar Eclipse with Danielle and Anthony. A memorable day!

• Photo: Anthony Aird © 08 April 2024

03 April 2024

• Photo: Peter J. Cooper © 09 September 2007 •

Once again, Calendar time, the April 2024 DHC-2.COM Calendar pages are up. Thanks again to Peter J. Cooper for this side view of my favourite C-FMXS (1010).

Every once in a while, the morning brings intense delight. Yesterday was such a time! For ten minutes, I snapped away with my camera. These images are directly from my Canon 77D.

Here is a link to larger images on my website. Today is windy and rainy with a winter storm approaching.

What's that they say about a "Red Sky in the Morning . . . ?"

Photos: Neil Aird © 02 April 2024 06:53 to 07:03 edt

26 March 2024

Little did I know when I flew on N8444H Convair 440 (96) that it had this history. Trevor Kildow posted these images on the ConvairLiners - CV240 to CV640 FaceBook site.

More details of my association with this airframe (first item) here.

21 March 2024

Photo: MUM © Early summer 1967

Not sure if I have mentioned this summer project I had as an Art Student back in 1967. I was commissioned to make a few models to be exhibited beside a very expensive architectural model of the new Erskine Bridge project, that would cross over the river Clyde in Scotland.

I hired a fellow art student pal, Raymond Stirling, and we set to work. Initially it was just for a few motorway models, at that time just at the design stage. The Professor of Architecture at the Glasgow School of Art School of Architecture, saw how elaborate our model was, he sought out additional funds, and we set to making about seven in all. Here is a detail of a railway line on one of the models. The trains were made from carved coloured Crayola crayons! The trains were very tiny. The freight / goods train would have been about 25 mm long!

The picture of the largest one was sent to me as proof that it / they arrived at Dumbarton safely. I was actually born in Dumbarton.

H.M Queen Elizabeth's visit was the reason for all of this. It did pay for my trip to the United States later that summer!

17 March 2024

Photo: Harry B. Adams © 03 April 1967

Some items take a while to get onto the website.The above image from the December 1967 Air-Britain Digest (from my archives) of 53-2819 (617) taken by Harry B. Adams at ARADMAC (Army Aeronautical Depot Maintenance Centre) in the northwest quadrant of NAS Corpus Christi, required some patience to be passable. I think it turned out okay. Worth the effort I think? Our paths did cross at Kenmore on 09 May 2001, and Renton on 07 June 2007, and earlier in September 1995. Small world eh?

16 March 2024

Photo: With VH-AWY (1444) © 01 May 2005

Clutching my chilled Stubbie at Shute Harbour. Nostalgic shot. Great day which included a very long swim out on the Great Barrier Reef. Topped of with another swim at Whitehaven's incredible beach. A very memorable day, that's for sure.

15 March 2024

Thanks to Rick Wheeler and FaceBook Beaver Group, the identity of this Beaver is known. C-GBZS (1595). Thanks Rick.

08 March 2024

Screenshot: FR24 © c. 09:30 EST 08 March 2024

I never know what is going to pass my window. It always pays to keep an eye on my radar screen while I work. I noticed N688LB a 28 year old Cessna 750 Citation X (750-0011) on the climb from CYOW - Ottawa Airport. I knew it would pass 19 nautical miles to my east, so rolled up my blinds to see if I could spot it going buy. It was abot FL220 when I scanned the sky for it. Some scattered clouds up at that level, so no joy. As I wondered who was heading to SRQ - Sarasota, Florida, probably for March Break vacation, I thought about the inside of the bizjet. Considered details like the pressurization that the passengers would be unaware of.

I noticed as it was overhead Watertown, New York, the jet made an abrupt 180 degree turn. I wondered why? Perhaps they had forgotten something important at Ottawa. It started a quick descent . . . Well, a few minutes later my radar went red on that entry. I switched to FR24 (which I supply a live feed to) and it was red also, which meant a 7700 squawk code! I noticed I was not alone looking at that entry, 4,284 people were doing so! I watched the aircraft safely return to Ottawa, after a 36 minute adventure. I wonder when and how they will get to Sarasota now?

01 March 2024

• Photo: Peter J. Cooper © 22 June 2007 •

I forgot to mention that the March 2024 DHC-2.COM Calendar pages are up. Thanks to Peter J. Cooper for this action snap of C-FJBP (942).

29 February 2024

Currently I am working on a book of my Jewellery & Silversmithg work, quite a major undertaking. I was active in the field from 1963 to 2004. I fourtunately photographed most of my more interesting items. It still is quite an overwhelming project and I had to come up with a simple way of getting everything in order. Above is how I am tackling the operation. Almost everything has been scanned, and I must confess, I am enjoying the cleaning up process. Takes me back - as they say.

My Beaver and other website work will slow down as a result.

28 February 2024

Graphite Drawing: Anthony Carrick Aird © 22 February 2024 8" x 10"

Today Anthony delivered his latest commission. Another happy client. Here is a link: Anthony Aird to his portfolio page - commissions accepted.

25 February 2024

Back in 1975 I managed to get two photos into Military Aircraft of the World, an Ian Allan publication by two icons, John W.R. Taylor & Gordon Swanborough, and even received a small cheque! Busy disposing of my aviation books, but might just hang on to this one.

17 February 2024

Artwork: VH-ZDA (803) - Graeme Molineux ©

"Grubby Fingers" - quite the name for a Graphic Design Company. As an artist, I can identify with that moniker. Australian Graeme Molineux is the owner, his work is outstanding, and even a few DHC-2 have appeared in his massive selection of aircraft profiles. Graeme has explained some of his techniques to help us understand the exacting process. Link. Shown here are two profiles of c/n 803.

Artwork: N9028 (803) - Graeme Molineux ©

16 February 2024

Photos: Anthony Aird © 16 February 2024

Anthony did some nice wave studies. Cool stuff I thought. No ice on the lake in mid February!!! I have seen it frozen on December 25th.

13 February 2024

Heading off to the Beeches again. You know how it is in Canada in the winter ;-)

Photo: Unknown photographer © 11 September 1973 - John Mounce Collection

08 February 2024

I had a request yesterday for the identity of this DHC-2. I recognize it but can't remember which one it is. It is on my website somewhere I am positive.

Can anyone point me to it? E-mail here nca "at" - Thanks!

02 February 2024

• Photo: Rich Hulina © 17 January 2024 •

30 January 2024

I was curious what my current range is on my feed. It is, graphically displayed above. Best range seems to be 203.98 nm. Lets me keep an eye on things.

25 January 2024

Photo: Neil Aird © 25 January 2024

Icy night last night, pretty mornin' however.

24 January 2024

Photo: Neil Aird © Date unknown at present

While archiving negatives today, I came across five action shots of C-FDTD Douglas C-47A Dakota (12253) of DoT at Kingston - CYGK. Not sure of the date yet. This is the "famous" DC-3 that was restored in "Plane Savers" - I'm sure many of you followed along, as did I. I had one image of "DTD" at Dorval, never knew, until today, I had some lovely shots. I must send a few images along to Mikey McBryan, Pierre Gillard and Benoit De Mulder! I might even do a special page on this website . . . stay tuned. I did find a few more images of 'DTD I took at an Air Show at Carp, near Ottawa. I guess our paths have crossed at least three times!

22 January 2024

Pencil Drawing: Neil Aird © 1998

Came across this little sketch today of VH-TQFde Havilland DHC-8-102 Dash 8 (067). I drew it for the Royal Canadian Mint. The Dash 8 was completed on 13 February 1987 for America West Airlines as N801AW. Picked up by Eastern Australia Airlines 31 October 1993. Still active in Papua New Guinea with Airlines of PNG as P2-MCW, since 22 April 2010. I just checked my log books. I saw this actual aircraft at Melbourne / Tullamarine - YMML on 10 May 2005. I wonder if I took a snap?

20 January 2024

Updated my "Neil's Vermeer" page with some links to the wonderful Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. Without their incredible images I could not have completed this painting in such detail.

17 January 2024

Photo: Neil's webcam © 17 January 2024 10:15 EST

Ho, ho, ho - again. Poor little webcam needs to see the light of this lovely day.

15 January 2024

Photo: Neil Aird © August 1966

While working with the Stearman images yesterday, I remembered this crowd, which I entitled "Memphis Muffins" snapped fom my Mustang. I wonder what they are all up to now?

13 January 2024

Back in August 1966 when I was cruising in Mississippi in a red Ford Mustang 289, I stopped at Fletcher Field, a dirt strip just outside Clarksdale, beside highway 49. Two Boeing Stearman Ag-Planes were there. N52014/90 (75-653) had the engine running. No one around. I waited twenty minutes, an Aeronca Champ arrived out popped two gents, and it was explained that they just left the engine running as it was too darned difficult to start! I told them I was tempted . . A hero shot was taken, then I continued my travels. N59724 (75-3839). The aircraft were owned by one Jack W. Shannon.

Returning the Mustang at Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, after 3,000 miles in seven days. Rental fee from Avis - US$99.00 unlimited mileage.

11 January 2024

Almost daily I get interesting requests for help with projects. The other day it was for use of pictures of RAF Valiant aircraft of mine for an exhibition in 2025. The project below was more "up my alley" . . I will add a page on the website today with more close up images to illustrate Mike's fascinating "Beaver" related project!! LINK

• Photo: Mike Humbert - © December 2024

So, there I was, watching a documentary on YouTube. When I noticed an image that was on screen for a brief moment. Nearly spilling my coffee, I quickly realized it was the shipping crate that De Havilland built to ship the Beaver via rail. I found the lettering on the crate quite striking, despite it merely being a box, I was intrigued.

I’ve been a model railroader since I can remember. So much so that I made a business out of it with my father, making laser cut kits and 3D printed items for the model railroader community. I’m also a fan of the Beaver, it’s my personal favorite aircraft of all time. All that to say when I saw the photo of the crate, I immediately wanted to make it!

I started looking for the photo online which led me to Neil’s site. I found the photo, but the resolution was far too low to read the stenciling. After I realized trying to guess what all those pixels were, I contacted Neil and he got back to me with high resolution scans of the photo. I traced the lettering off the photo in Adobe Illustrator.

After a couple days I had a set of decals to apply to the crate…but I didn’t have a crate yet! For that I used Blender, a 3D modelling software to draw the crate. Conveniently, the size of the crate was written on the side, so I just put the dimensions in and had a good starting point for the rest of the details.

The crate was printed on a resin printer as four separate pieces, the smaller crates at the front are comprised of five parts. All of them were airbrushed in a tan color and sealed with a clearcoat. Then I finally was able to apply the decals to the model. After they were applied, I sprayed another layer of clear to seal the decals. I used a brown fine tipped marker to create knots in the wood. I wasn’t too happy with the result at first, so I started to remove the ink with Isopropyl Alcohol, but in doing so I discovered that while removing the dots of ink, it took on a realistic appearance to a knot Got lucky on that one!

Once again, I sealed the crate with clear coat, touched up the paint where need be and it was done!

I still need to buy a CN flatcar, which luckily has been produced before. Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve made a flatcar, but I’d rather not add another large project to my never-ending list of personal and business projects. When the car comes in, I’ll strap the crates down to the car as per the photo.

In closing, this was a fantastic project, I very much enjoyed the process and acquaintances made along the way.


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05 January 2024

Sad to report the passing of yet another colleague, Geoff Goodall in Australia. He died yesterday. Strange thing is that I added one of his images as a banner to the website about the same time, at least the same day. I must have known. Even today I noticed one of his images on today's banner aircraft's page. Geoff helped me with many images for this website and I also received great help from his Beech 18 notes. Blue skies Geoff.

I will add more here when I know more. Sincere condolences to his family, friends and Aviation pals worldwide. You can learn something about Geoff here.

04 January 2024

Photo: Rick Wheeler © 2022

Just another mention of Rick Wheeler's wonderful weather vanes. You need one! Rick is currently working on a Turbo Beaver on wheels!  link

31 December 2023

• Photo: Kenneth I. Swartz © September 1984 •

The January 2024 DHC-2.COM Calendar pages are ready. Thanks to Kenneth I. Swartz for the action shot taken at Stewart, British Columbia, way back in September 1984. Thanks again Ken.

Photo: Neil Aird © 19 September 1967

This was always a favourite shot taken on my drive around the US Northeast in a 1967 pale green V8 Ford Mustang, in September of that year. I printed it up when I returned and mounted it on thick cardboard. I came across it again today. N206E Beech Queenair 80 (LD-278). The photo was published in Air-Britain Digest for February 1968 on Page 49. Location was taken at Barre-Montpelier Airport / KMPV in Vermont.

28 December 2023

Photo: Jose Gomez © March 1968

While doing a bit of "end of year" clean up, came across this image of yours truly in Sweden during my Post Graduate year of studies in the workshop of Mema A/B. I was in the process of building a small 18K White gold (750/1000) and Diamond ring for a de Beers Diamonds Today - Engagement Ring Competition.

Herewith the end result.

Photo: Neil Aird © 21 December 2023

I travelled to London via Hell (The Norwegian one!), and eventually to Brussels to catch a flight over to London, pennyless, but with a Diamond Ring in my pocket. My parents sent me some money for the train fare back to Glasgow. I did win an award!

22 December 2023

Don Connolly 1931-2023

Joe Baugher 1941-2023

Lost two special long time colleagues recently. Blue skies to Aviation Artist Don Connolly and serious US Military Serial researcher Joe Baugher. My sincere sympathy to Liane and Judith respectively.

Don's obit has been published. LINK.

Joe's obit has been published. LINK.

Some good news from Marco Dirkx who is keeping Joe's master list on the www. It can be reached here - Thank you Marco: - Joe Baugher's serial number lists (

21 December 2023

Photos: Neil Aird © 21 December 2023

Another product of yesterday's photography and house cleaning. A spork from my cutlery inspiration collection. I have decided to give this to Danielle as it has a scallop shell pattern, which will remind her of her Camino travels. Better to use this item daily, rather than have it stuck in a vault! A bit about its provenence:

Maker's Mark: Joh HP - Town Mark: Copenhagen - Assay Master Mark: Frederik Fabritius (He worked 1787-1823).

Another wee spoon for you. Japanese in origin, just stainless this time, but cute.The mirror is reflecting the pleasant blue sky we are enjoying today.

Photo: Neil Aird © 20 December 2023

Yesterday I took some photos of a few family treasures. I have two silver and gold inscribed cigarette cases that were presented to my Grandad - James B. Aird on 16 April 1917. The U-boat mentioned in the article below, had blockaded the Demerara harbour for some considerable time , before Grandad's ship, with one small gun at the stern, took it on. He was Chief Engineer on the S.S. Crown of Grenada. The two hearthside decorations had all the tools required for the fireplace - poker, brush, coal shovel etc., and even had smaller rifle shells encircling the base. I have no idea where they went, or indeed, the large framed citation that decorated our hallway in Scotland.

James B. Aird 1878-1951

Souvenirs. (Old undated newspaper article).

During the last war, empty shell cases were greatly prized as souvenirs, particularily if the explosives they once housed had damaged the enemy. After the Armistice however, these weighty mementoes went out of fashion and mostly found their way to scrap heaps.

But yesterday, in a Glasgow house I was shown a pair of highly-polished shell cases which have never lost their sentimental value and have decorated a hearthside for over 20 years. They came from the old Glasgow steamer Crown of Grenada, now broken up, which fought a fierce duel with a U-boat in the Atlantic in 1917 and damaged and possibly sank her adversary after firing 74 rounds.

The two shell cases preserved contained charges which landed on or near the submarine’s hull, and have naturally become objects of interest again.

Sorry to Leave.

The Crown of Grenada was making for Demerara, British Guiana, at the time of the duel, and on her arrival there was given a boisterous reception, which is still spoken of in the colony.

The crew, which included Chinese, were taken through the streets in ceremonial procession, wined and dined at the Town Hall, and practically given the freedom of the city. All the officers were presented with handsome inscribed cigarette cases, while the seamen and firemen got monetary gifts. From all accounts, the Granada’s crew were sorry to leave the port, with its widly enthusiastic populace.

20 December 2023

Photo: Neil Aird © 20 December 2023 15:30 est

I finished "The Fallen" on 14 December 2023 and here it is, hanging for a short time until early next year, when I shall have it framed. This is on our third floor. The painting seems awfully small.

Photo: Neil Aird © 14 December 2023 Completed at 10:45 est

16 December 2023

"Is it me I see?" - Our youngest, Anthony, recently completed a portrait of a neighbour's dog. I was suitably impressed by the painting, and I think the pooch was too! I think Anthony would be open to a commission if any of you are interested?

Photo: Danielle Aird © 07 December 2023

Here, Anthony is working on a portrait he did of another neighbour.Two legged this time.

Photo: Neil Aird © 16 December 2023

Another project I am working on is a catalogue of my jewellery that I have retained. Danielle wants to see a small book for our family members, before I forget all the details about the items. This one "Gulf" is a favourite, inspired by flying over Labrador and the Gulf of St. Lawrence, usually on the way back from Europe. The blue is Niobium that has been anodised electrically (48 volts from memory) to build up an invisible film of oxide. I usually call it "A pigment of your imagination" . . <groan> . . the Sterling Silver 925/1000 is reticulated, which is basically melting the interior of the silver without melting the outside skin - I know . . funny eh? The silver has been oxidised / tarnished to show up the relief. The brooch is 38mm square.

05 December 2023

Photos: Neil Aird © 05 December 2023

The obligatory buzz of the Royal Military College - RMC, Kingston, Ontario, and of course my cab. En route to CFB Trenton, I presume?

01 December 2023

• Photo: Rich Hulina © 25 November 2023 •

The December 2023 DHC-2.COM Calendar pages are ready. Thanks to Rich Hulina for the evocative image of action on the Pelican Lake dock at Sioux Lookout, Ontario. Thanks Rich.

26 November 2023

Photo: Neil Aird © 26 November 2023 08:55 est

"Life imitates Art" - well, maybe not quite, but each morning recently, the sun shines through the window, striking "Neil's Vermeer" hanging on our living room wall - making me smile.

14 November 2023

Photo: J. P. Richard © Avionnerie Aircraft Valdor

Big day for Avionnerie Aircraft Valdor and the BX Turbo Beaver.

Press releases:

Val-d’Or, November 14, 2023 – After more than 6 years in the making, Valdor Aircraft is pleased to announce that Transport Canada has authorized the work required to modify the most versatile bush plane ever built in the world of aeronautics.

This project is part of a sustainability initiative designed to extend the Beaver's lifespan by several decades.
“The Beaver was originally built in the late '40s, and maintaining radial engines that are nearing end-of-life has become increasingly more difficult. We worked with Pratt & Whitney Canada to retrofit the Beaver with a PT6A-34 to increase its reliability, durability and performance.”
- Gaétan Gilbert, president and senior director, Valdor Aircraft

The Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) recently granted by Transport Canada allows for the replacement of the Beaver's original piston engines with high-performance turboprop engines from Pratt & Whitney Canada, along with the installation of BX wings, built entirely at the Val-d'Or plant.
“We've been committed to this project since the very beginning, and believe that it's one of the biggest aeronautical development projects for a small to medium-sized company in Canada.”
- Gaétan Gilbert, president and senior director, Valdor Aircraft

The ambitious retrofit program meets Transport Canada's latest requirements, and to achieve this, many of the Beaver's original systems and features have been modified and upgraded.
“We're proud to be working with Valdor Aircraft on this important project, because together we're giving new life to a legacy aircraft. This year, Pratt & Whitney Canada's PT6 engine celebrates its 60th anniversary, and marks 500 million flight hours. Our know-how and, most of all, our determination to create a sustainable environment in which existing technologies are revisited, are helping to showcase not only our products, but also local companies.”
- Anthony Rossi, vice president of Global Sales and Marketing at Pratt & Whitney Canada

“I would like to thank Transport Canada for seeing this project as an opportunity to breathe new life into the legendary Beaver, and for recognizing the quality of the
work accomplished by the team at Valdor Aircraft. Thank you to our investors and partners for their support, and thank you to our employees for their determination and professionalism, which made this great project possible. This is a tribute to our team and a great achievement for Valdor Aircraft.”
- Gaétan Gilbert, president and senior director, Valdor Aircraft

Beaver owners and operators have been waiting for the approval of the STC, and Valdor Aircraft’s team of experts is now ready to begin modifying the aircraft. The project is helping to diversify the Abitibi-Temiscamingue economy, all while creating new jobs in an exciting field.
Download video (B-roll)

Note: There is a photo gallery of images by Jean-Philippe Richard available, but I can't make the link work.

Note- 30 –
Geneviève Rouleau
Tout Court communication
(M) 819-440-7038
Bradley Grill

Pratt & Whitney Canada
(M) 514-269-0104

About Valdor Aircraft
Valdor Aircraft is a company located at the Val-d'Or Regional Airport that specializes in the maintenance, modification and repair of several types of aircrafts, whether they’re on wheels, fleets or skis, as well as aviation services for all types of aircraft, from the Cessna 150 to the Boeing 737.

About Pratt & Whitney
Pratt & Whitney is a world leader in the design, manufacture and service of aircraft engines and helicopters, as well as auxiliary power units. For more information, visit

RTX’s Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-34 engine selected by Valdor Aircraft to power Canadian BX Turbo Beaver

The PT6 engine family showcases its unique contribution to aviation sustainability by upgrading existing aircraft


LONGUEUIL, Quebec (Nov. 14, 2023) – Pratt & Whitney, an RTX (NYSE: RTX) business, announced today that Valdor Aircraft, has selected the PT6A-34 engine for its conversion program of the single-engine BX Turbo Beaver, under a new supplemental type certificate from Transport Canada.

The Beaver aircraft is a mainstay of the Canadian aviation industry, having first flown in 1947, and is still used today on essential missions to remote areas. Valdor Aircraft specializes in the maintenance, modification, and repair of several types of aircraft, with work conducted at its Val-d’Or facility in Quebec’s Abitibi-Témiscamingue region.

“Collaboration is key when propelling an industry forward and joining forces with Valdor Aircraft continues the legacy of the BX Turbo Beaver by upgrading it with the PT6A-34 engine,” said Anthony Rossi, vice president of Global Sales and Marketing at Pratt & Whitney Canada. “We are bringing new life to the aircraft and creating value for operators for many years to come.”

“Working closely with Pratt & Whitney Canada to develop a sustainable solution for the future of these aircraft is extremely rewarding for our team,” said Gaétan Gilbert, president and CEO, Valdor Aircraft. “The supplemental type certificate recently received from Transport Canada allows us to replace the original Beaver piston engine with the high-performance PT6A-34 turboprop engine and install new BX wings built entirely at our Val-d'Or plant.”

Today's PT6 engine is up to four times more powerful, has a 50 percent improved power-to-weight ratio and up to 20 percent better specific fuel consumption compared to the original engine. The recently launched PT6 E-Series™ is the first engine in general aviation to feature a dual-channel integrated engine and propeller control. Each new model of the PT6 engine is developed and designed with a specific mission, platform, and customer in mind, while pursuing a reduced environmental footprint.

In its 60 years of service, the PT6 engine, has flown over 500 million hours. With more than 64,000 PT6 engines produced since its introduction in 1963, it powers over 155 different aviation applications. With great versatility, the PT6 engine family powers a broad variety of aircraft missions such as humanitarian, firefighting, agricultural aerial application, search and rescue, emergency medical services, and can access remote regions around the world, with positive social impact.

Read more about Pratt & Whitney’s history of innovation here, as it marks a milestone year achieving over 1 billion flying hours.

About Pratt & Whitney

Pratt & Whitney is a world leader in the design, manufacture and service of aircraft engines and auxiliary power units. To learn more, visit

For questions or to schedule an interview, please contact

04 November 2023

Photo: Neil Aird © 03 November 2023

Well, off we go on another small painting adventure, just to keep my hand in. If you are interested, I have started a page which will show my progress. "The Fallen" is a copy of a photograph I took a few years ago, of auttumn / fall leaves in one of my gardens, about this time of year. The image above shows the 16" x 20" / 50.8cm x 40.64cm Canvas after I have transcribed the pattern from my grid of the original. Ready to paint, in my usual thirty minute sessions. Wish me luck, should be fun and certainly easier than my "Vermeer" . . . a link to my latest "work in progress", will also be on my main page.

01 November 2023

• Photo: Dick deBlicquy © c. 1961-1965 •

Here are the November 2023 DHC-2.COM Calendar Pages, CF-FHS (51) taken by Dick deBlicquy in Canada's far north. Thanks to Peter C. Hill for sending the image along.

28 October 2023

Screen captures FR24 - 14:26 edt and 14:39 edt

Just watching Danielle as she travels from SCQ / Santiago to BCN / Barcelona, in EC-MAH (06039) a nine year old A320-214 of Veuling. The beginning of her long trip back to Kingston. I am sitting on her virtual wing as usual. Danie was not so lucky on her next leg the following day. 13 hours sitting in a twenty year old A330 C-GUBD of Air Transat. TS249 - three hours tech, sitting at Barcelona / BCN and then headwinds to Toronto / YYZ. She said there was good legroom however, but no water in the toilet's rusty sink! That did give her cause to think about the rest of the upkeep . . .

© Warpaint No:139

I recently received my copy of de Havilland (Canada) DHC-2 Beaver by Adrian M. Balch, Warpaint Series No.139 - an absolute must for any discerning Beaver enthusiast!

Incredible drawings by Sam Pearson! I had the pleasure of helping Adrian with some of my restored DHC images. Well done Adrian, a great piece of work! Here is a link that I found.

13 October 2023

Big day today, on the Vermeer calendar. Collected the beautiful replica frame from Frameworks. Lovely job by craftsmen Mike and Darcy, thanks gents. Test fitted, just to give me the enthusiasm to continue down the road to completion. Looks sweet. Still a ways to go, how long you ask? Not sure, but maybe 20 - 30 hours?

08 October 2023

Neil's Vermeer

Still plodding away here. Forty seven hours and twenty minutes so far. I think I am only approaching the halfway mark, as I see lots of things I have to repaint. Don't worry it is still fun. I wonder how the frame is coming along, probably somewhere in a truck, between the frame supplier and Frameworks where the bits will be crafted together.

05 October 2023

Photo: "Ray Tracing" - Neil Aird © 05 October 10:00 edt

I came back to do a second session today, lo and behold, the sun decided to shine on the work I had just completed. "Ray Tracing" came to mind, as you can see, I work with tracing paper to shield my finished work from accidental spills etc. I think my day bodes well. After all, there was a ray of hope . . .

After a horrible, wasted day yesterday, due to a Cogeco Internet outage in the morning totally screwing up my system. Today everything seems back to normal. I will cancel the technician visit on Friday evening if all is still "perking along" later this morning. As a result, yesterday was a "no painting" day on the Vermeer. Good news on that front: I found out that my canvas is the exact size of the original after all 45.4cm x 41.0cm - woohoo. So back to the canvas now as the Beaver of the Day has been added.

30 September 2023

• Photo: John W. Olafson © 14 September 2014 •

Here are the October 2023 DHC-2.COM Calendar Pages, C-FDHC (1677TB45) & C-FFHQ (42) taken by John W. Olafson as they head out together on revenue flights. Thanks again John, nice capture.

22 September 2023

VERMEER Updates New!

Photo: "The real McCoy" - Rijksmuseum © 2023

Well, some changes in the cab / studio. I decided to take advantage of a quiet house to dust off "Verneil" my knock off of Vermeer's "The Milkmaid" - after all, I did start this painting ten years ago. Some of you may even remember this? I have my painting area cleared and scanner moved from that surface. Tomorrow I will do an inventory of my materials paints / brushes - and see what has dried up etc. I have only spent some 22:10 hours on this canvas. I realised I had calculated the wrong dimensions from the original in Amsterdam . . so I packed it in. I now figure, I will not start a new canvas, so "Let's get 'er done!" (SEE UPDATE: 05 October 2023 - My canvas dimenisons were the correct size after all!).

Neil's Vermeer

"De Melkmeid" c. 1658-1661


A Vermeer reproduction.XX XXXXMy version - as I left it in 2013!

We go way back actually. On 21 November 1963 I handed in my tone study my Professor, William Drummond Bone, for critique on the Studio 25 wall at the Glasgow School of Art. 24 others in my section, chose illustrations in colour to do their monotone studies, as did I. This was to learn how to see and understand tone values really. Remember, this was in the days before computers!! Oh so easy now. I chose this painting by Vermeer. Also in the following two weeks, I selected two more paintings to copy. Here is a scan of my first effort. Maybe this is why I have always been drawn (groan) to this particular painting.

Goache sketch 13.0cm x 14.7cm - Neil Aird © 20 November 1963

14 September 2023

• Photo: Unknown photographer © 10 January 1967 •

Some of you may have noticed the wings and sad, picked clean airframe of the wrecked VP-KPA (1278) in the background of a recent banner shot. I certainly did. Now I am able to confirm the demise of this DHC-2. I have updated the page accordingly.

11 September 2023

Felt like adding an old image. Working on a bunch for my own book of works from my career as a Designer-Goldsmith. A fun project I will be doing with the help of our son Anthony. This project is for my family really. Here is one image that Anthony worked on for my website, back in the day. Still a favourite of mine.

"Borrowed Scenery".

• Photo and Design: Neil Aird © 1998 •

 This brooch was constructed using sterling silver - 925/1000 and carved18K - 750/1000 yellow gold set with Owyhee (Picture) Jasper cabochon - 70 mm x 50 mm x 12mm. Inspired by the dramatic  landscape of the Guilin area of China. From an original design done on 14 October 1986, some ideas take time to come to fruition!

31 August 2023

• Photo: Spencer Decorby © 23 August 2023 •

Here are the September 2023 DHC-2.COM Calendar Pages, C-FOED (1591TB9) taken by Spencer Decorby after being relocated due to wildfires near Yellowknife, to Fort Reliance, Northwest Territories. Many thanks Spencer.

15 August 2023

Photo: Aird Crooks © c.1948 - Aird Archives

While working on some of the Aird Crooks Collection, I came across this photo of PH-TEN Lockheel L-049 Constellation (049-2083) KLM. - The Flying Dutchman. "Nijmegen". I did not realize it was the one that crashed on 21 October 1948 near Prestwick - 40 killed. Accident link.

14 August 2023

Photo: Aird Crooks © 11 - 28 March 1951- Aird Archives

In way of a big congratulations to the Vickers Viscount Network on adding their 13,000th Viscount picture - well done! I post the above image of G-AMAV (3) Vickers Viscount V.701 at Prestwick, doing engine runs as a tribute. Date is 11 - 28 March 1951 during crew training with MoA. The photographer was the late Aird Crooks. I pity the ramp lad squatting under the fuselage with four RR Darts screaming away . . .

13,000 Viscount Photos

Today we uploaded the 13,000th Viscount photo to our main website . All images have been indexed and captioned and can be viewed from the menu bars at the top and bottom of every page. We thank all of our followers who have contributed photos and information, for their superb support since we started this project in 2005.

10 August 2023

Photo: FPL Collection © 1957 - Aird Archives

I thought I recognised the c/n of this Beaver when adding it as a banner shot today. Forty-seven years after this photograph of CF-HGV (581) I found myself in it (albeit the airframe being modified somewhat) flying at 11,500 feet near Denali in Alaska! Later landing on a glacier, a long way from the Forest Protection Tabu Strip in New Brunswick, Canada. It was also the subject of one of my paintings. My thanks to Peter C. Hill for the link.

08 August 2023

Sheldon Dean Benner

11 July 1935 - 04 August 2023

Photo: Andy Cline © 11 June 2023

A few days ago we lost another icon in the Aviation Enthusiast / Photographer / CAHS family. Sheldon D. Benner passed away after a short illness at the age of eighty-eight. I am happy to have known Sheldon as a friend for many years. Without his magnificent contributions to this, and the other DHC websites I have built, they would be but a shadow of their present state. Sheldon was a great recorder of de Havilland Canada aircraft, coming and going, from first flights to bush locations far and wide. Ken Swartz has written a fine obituary to our friend and colleague Sheldon. Blue Skies SDB.

A fine memory, Sheldon just arriving at the Victoria Conference on 18 October 2002, with George Neal and myself posing for snap.

Photo: Neil Aird © 23 May 1964

At a Prestwick Armed Forces Day, I got to climb inside 61-2368 Lockheed C-130E Hercules (3716) USAF/MATS - and sit in the f/o's seat for a while, a 19 year old is entitled to daydream I think? "I have control" . . . .

Photo: USAF Pilot / Aird Archives © 23 May 1964

03 August 2023

Spent some time polishing the family silver yesterday. Stiil very fond of the first two items of flatware/cutlery I ever built. Two grapefruit spooons. This was an exercise given to see if we could create two identical spoons. They were forged from a small billet of sterling silver 925/1000 - from memory, roughly 40 mm x 20 mm x 10 mm.

They were unusual in that they were given the GSA (Glasgow School of Art Makers Mark) I later added my NCA (after I registered my own Trade Mark). The other marks are from the Edinburgh Assay Office - their Hall Mark with the date / year 1965

They have been Hallmarking since 1485.

Cutlery Designs: Neil Aird © 1965 & 1967

31 July 2023

• Photo: John W. Olafson © 17 July 2023 •

Here are the August 2023 DHC-2.COM Calendar Pages, N1117F (1369) taken by John W. Olafson at the Tongass Narrows, Ketchikan, Alaska. Many thanks once again John.

20 July 2023M

Not many entries in the blog for you this month so far. While I was researching Coldfoot, Alaska, I spotted a Google Car - must have been a shift change, training mission or something, "I'll take your snap if you take mine" kind of situation. Anyway, here it is just for fun. I just love Google earth!!

Screen capture: Google Earth © July 2009

01 July 2023

Canada Day fireworks, Kingston City Hall -Webcam screenshot: via Anthony Aird

30 June 2023

• Photo: Ian Beatty © 28 September 2022 •

Here are the July 2023 DHC-2.COM Calendar Pages, CF-BJY (173) taken by Ian Beatty at McKenzie Lake, Armstrong, Ontario. Many thanks Ian.

21 June 2023

Switching to SUMMER MODE today - reduced website activities until 04 September 2023 - "Take 'er easy, eh?"

Before I go, here's a wee somthing that popped up as I was sorting out my treasured metalsmithing tools (for donation to a very deserving artisan I know). It is the tiny crest that was used in the Queen Elizabeth Chalice I made. The coin, for scale, is a Candaian 25 cent "quarter" (24mm). Also a test section of the base inscription. Both used a photo etching process, then a rubber mold was made of each segment, the subsequent waxes were next cast in 925/1000 Silver and assembled. The type face, very appropriate I thought - "Palace Script" . . . . . <grin>

Photos/Scans: Neil Aird © 20 June 2023

The original flat silver disc, then early in the raising process.

Photo: Mr Tripod and Mr Camera © Summer1983

Came across this "selfie" as I was raising the goblet cup. I was using a flat pure silver sheet that was mined and refined in Ontario. The location was my St. Lawrence College, Kingston Campus studio - G.369. There I was left alone and could hammer away without having to answer questions - "Oh, what's that you are building Neil? . . . " the project was to be kept under wraps. My goodness my hair was dark back then at age 36!!

08 June 2023

Screen capture: Neil Aird © 08June 2023 10:51 edt

Here we go again. Why me <grin>. "Transport 986" playing around. C-FGXG (LJ-1139) 1986 Beech C90A of Transport Canada, low level, then off to CYGK - Kingston's Airport. You don't think N/A as a destination means Neil Aird . . . . ? <bigger grin>

07 June 2023

Photo: Anthony Aird © 07 June 2023

Another smokey start to our day here in Kingston. Thanks to Anthony for this image of the Wolfe Islander III off our waterfront breakwater/marina. All the smoke is from wildfires in Northern Québec.

05 June 2023

Photo: Neil Aird © 05 June 2023 17:15 edt

Had a nice long visit from C-FNRC our sixty-six year old Convair 580 (440-473) operated by the National Research Council at Ottawa. No idea what it was up to, but was doing dizzying circles for a long time in the Kingston area. Altitude averaged about 5,000. Skies were a bit smokey, some added by the 580. I see our visitor made the local press, reminded them of the RCMP PC-12 machine many years ago!!

31 May 2023

• Photo: Ben Cogger © 30 May 2023 •

Here are the June 2023 DHC-2.COM Calendar Pages, N31522 (535) taken by Ben Cogger at Lake Spenard, Anchorage. Many thanks Ben. For those of you wondering about my title "Ben's Beach" - well this is the spot where Ben was taught to swim as a small boy.

He wrote: The spring I learned to swim there, a sheet of ice was still floating around the lake, and the only reason I had to get out was because the sheet overtook the defined swimming area.  I was puney, and I was a light shade of blue, according to my mother.

20 May 2023

Photo: Rick Wheeler © 2022

Seeing C-FOCC (23) appear as a banner shot the other day, reminded me of Rick Wheeler's fantastic weathervanes. Now back in place for another season. Wheeler Welding is the place to commission one. Have a visit to Rick's website. link

17 May 2023

Photos: Neil Aird © 17 May 2023 13:50 - 14:20 edtt

IHad to take a breakfrom gardening to watch "The Skyhawks" display team in RCAF de Havilland Canada CC-138 Twin Otter 13805 (307) circle above my house and then drop jumpers to land at the Royal Military College. Made a pleasant interlude for me. A bit out of practise with my camera. First time off the photo stand in many a month.

15 May 2023

I was doing some research into a brooch in my collection by Pam Ritchie of Halifax. It was one I purchased from her "Cancelled Icons" series. Made in 1984 - using a 1974 cancelled Swiss Stamp. While doing that I remembered what I was up to back then. A few clicks later this image popped up on my screen. A small memorial display made at the time of Queen Elizabth's death in the Church in Deseronto, Ontario. If you look carefully you can see the Chalice I was commissioned to make in 1984, all those years ago.

Photo; Michelle Dorey Forestell / Kingstonist © 2022

10 May 2023

Photos: Neil Aird © 10 May 2023

Today I made some big changes to my desktop, now I just have to get used to looking and clicking on different screens. Much easier to watch the skies now. The opportunity to do some cleaning also arose! The middle, top radar screen is the shipping (AIS) tracking, showing the eastern end of Lake Ontario and the St Lawrence Seaway.

08 May 2023

Photo: Anthony Aird © 08 May 2023

Anthony happened to be walking along the Kingston waterfront when C-GYNL Augusta AW139 (41238) of Ornge (Ontario's Air Ambulance Service), gave him the opportunity to take a few images. In my opinion he caught just the right apperture/speed, as choppers are very hard to photograph. Well done Anthony!

07 May 2023

Photo: Neil Aird © 07 May 2023 10:23edt

Trillium Time here, Ontario's Provincial wild flower.

06 May 2023

I cover the St. Lawrence Seaway and Eastern end of Lake Ontario traffic with my radar units. They capture AIS messages. The range is nothing like the ADS-B reception for aircraft, but it keeps the enthusiasts around the world happy. My Grandfather was a Chief Engineer on the Harrison Boat Lines (Liverpool), hence my passing interest in Maritime traffic. I have only made a few long ocean crossings. The Cunard White Star - RMS Queen Mary (Southampton-New York). RMS Parthia - New York - Liverpool and MS Gullfoss - Leith-Copenhagen (twice) and Copenhagen-Leith (once). the Queen Mary was built less than a kilometer from where I was born. I saw her one more time at Long Beach as I was landing at LAX, returning from Australia.

Seedlings coming along, a few more weeks before planting outside. Attempting some peppers that Danielle brought back from Spain.

05 May 2023

Photo: Neil Aird © 05 May 2023 15:55 edt

The view from the cab on this day, we are getting there - here.

01 May 2023

• Photo: John W. Olafson © 28 April 2023 •

Here are the May 2023 DHC-2.COM Calendar Pages, C-GSBA (690) taken by John W. Olafson at Vernon, British Columbia, just the other day. Thanks John.

• Photo: Robin S. Aird © 28 April 2023 •

"Pup Fare" - a recent catch by our son Robin for his Huskie Dog "Pup". They are White Suckers - or Catostomus commersonii, fished from a local river, near Golden, British Columbia. I'll ask Robin to take a snap of Pup enjoying on of his snacks. I hear they are often used as bait - I wonder if that's where the term "sucker bait" came from? <grin>

24 April 2023

Neil Aird © 1982

What's this? Well, it is a close up of one of my favourite brooch / pin creations that I have designed and made during my career as a Designer-Goldsmith. Click on the photo to see some more views of "Kyoto" - as it was named. Hopefully this, along with another item "Marine", will be going to a Museum as a donation from the owner. More news as that happens.

Neil Aird © 1979

20 April 2023

"The Camino is not just for walking" - Pilgrims, Hosts and Ghosts along The Way.


Been working with Anthony in switching Danie's Website to a "proper" secure url - - Quite a job (Thanks Anthony!) - today got it wotking with the little padlock. Have the same SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) on DHC-2.COM now as well. More money had to be spent however!!

Danie's website is to promote her book. Her third tome is just about complete, almost ready to send over to Anthony to do the hard work - layout - graphics - publishing.

14 April 2023

Decided to do the Calendar after all - so here are the 2023 April Calendar Pages for you. Thanks to Bruce W. Gowans for the shot of C-FDUW (563). Cheers Bruce.

• Photo: Bruce W. Gowans © July 1996 •

13 April 2023

Wow, has it been that long since I added something to the blog. No calendar this month either. I guess too many irons in the fire eh?

Here's a blast from the past - 1993 to be exact. "Spirit of Jervis" a small brooch (42mm x 30mm) I made using "reticulated" Sterling Silver - 925/1000, anodised and roll-printed Niobium with 18 K yellow gold 750/1000 DHC-2 Beaver.

Photo / Design: Neil Aird © 1993:

08 March 2022

Photo: 61-5212 T-33A JASDF - Toshiyuki Toda © October 1975 - Rainer Haufschild Collection - Aird Archives

Today, the latest care package from my friend Rainer Haufschild in Berlin, safely arrived. 674 slides/negatives for me to scan and eventually add to his section at - here is the link to my contribution to that cause - so far. Just love the work of Toshiyuki Toda will try to add some more today to AH.

Photo: 62-6416 RF-86F JASDF - Toshiyuki Toda © November 1975 - Rainer Haufschild Collection - Aird Archives

07 March 2023

Photo: Neil Aird © 07 March 2023 18:25 edt

Tonight, there was a "Murder Mystery" of sorts. About seven trees in my neighbourhood were festooned with Crows, quite the noise. They have been around for a few days now. Quite the mess on my skylights!!

• Photo: Bruce W. Gowans © August 1985 •

Here are the March 2023 DHC-2.COM Calendar Pages, C-FHRT (1203) taken by Bruce W. Gowans back in 1985, thanks Bruce.

28 February 2023

Photo: Bob Kobzey © 28 February 2023

A RED letter day at Campbell River Airport - CYBL, British Columbia. C-GSBA (690) takes to the air powered by a RED 03 12 cylinder piston 500HP diesel engine! More pictures here.

27 February 2023

Photo: Auckland Seaplanes / Island Aviation © 2023

Photos: Neil Aird © 18 October 2010

Casting my mind back to 18 October 2010. I saw the top image today and I thought I'd post a couple of mine. It was a very long hike from Auckland Waterfront to the Skydeck and The Museum. I was lucky to catch a bus back downtown . . I was so pooped. There were no Beavers back then. Notice the small inlay of New Zealand Paua Shell in the brooch below!!

17 February 2023

Photo: Neil Aird © 1976 - Brooch in 750/1000 yellow gold, 925/1000 silver and abalone shell.

Working away on some of my Metalworking photographs. Here are two; "Fishscape One" - I always was fond of this series, done for a solo exhinition of mine called "Frogs, Fish and Fun". The second item below, is "Ménage à Trois".

Photo: Neil Aird © 1976 - Brooch in 750/1000 yellow , red, white and green golds, set with 3 x 0.03ct Diamond eyes.

15 February 2023

Photo: Neil Aird © April 1990

A new page on the website for you - Parked at Picton, CNT7 - Ontario, shows the three Millardair Douglas C-54 Skymaster aircraft I found there back in April 1990. A very nice surprise. They soon moved on to Brantford - CYFD, Ontario. Two later went on to new careers.

10 February 2023

Photos: Neil Aird © 12 September 2004

My current screensaver is a shot I took of the Knik River, near Birchwood, Alaska. I had a ride in N395HC (556) a 1962 vintage Helio H-395 Courier. We did a short field, gravel strip landing, which I found impressive. The owner/driver was an ex US NAVY F/A18 carrier pilot. Below is a shot of it in March 2023, still going strong, at Talkeetna!

Photo: Fred Wallis © 28 March 2023

06 February 2023

• Photo: Ian White © 1981 •

Here are the February 2023 DHC-2.COM Calendar Pages, needed to keep my spirits up. VP-FAT (1098) taken in the Falkland Islanfds by Ian White, thanks Ian. Bleak location.

30 January 2023

Difficult month here, as we have a family member in hospital. Websites activity and updates have been much reduced as other priorities are taking precedence.

10 January 2023

• Photo: Bruce W. Gowans © 1994 •

Managed to get the January 2023 DHC-2.COM Calendar pages done for you all. This month, thanks to Bruce W. Gowans for this delightful image of C-FDUW (736) at Lac Seul in Northern Ontario. Thanks Bruce. It now graces my wall, I sure missed not having a calendar!!

30 December 2022

There will be no updates for a while folks. Taking a break. Best wishes to you all. See you sometime in 2023.

02 December 2022

Website has had visitors from 176 countries. Above red dots show some of those visits in the last eight years!

30 November 2022

• Photo: Chris Buckley © 31 july 2015 •

Here are the December 2022 DHC-2.COM Calendar pages for you, N2740X (579) in a dramatic shot by Chris Buckley taken at Lake Hood. Thanks Chris! Note: Calendar dates corrected 04 December - oops, sorry about that!! Asleep at the yoke.

02 November 2022

Out for a stroll near Markham, Ontario, still lots of colour and warm temperatures. 24C on the 5th of November!

28 October 2022

Just a heads up - there will be no daily updates - time to dig into the website and explore, until I get back:

NOTAM: 31 October 2022 / 07 November 2022 - This station will be unattended.

• Photo: DHC © 1957 •

Here are the November 2022 DHC-2.COM Calendar pages for you. The image is from the de Havilland Canada Archives - now probably more correctly The De Havilland Aircraft of Canada Archives. Restored by yours truly. What a delightful scene. I wonder what the camera ship was?

23 October 2022

On our living room wall hangs my "Old Dutch Landscape"- painted back in 1971, my wife buying me my first lot of acrylic paints. This was the result. In 1967, I visited my classmate John Caldwell Brown during our Post Graduate year at Glasgow School of Art. He went to Holland and I to Sweden. This was the view from behind his thatched hut! Location - Schoorl, The Netherlands.

13 October 2022

• Design: Ivan Novotny © Taylor | Sprules Corporation •

Big day for Viking at Sidney, British Columbia. Canada Post did a "reveal" of their new stamp in honour of the de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver. Lots of details on the Canada Post website, time to stock up. I believe there will be a video there soon. Meanwhile, if you missed the event, you can rewatch on YouTube . Canada Post released their YouTube item on the series of stamps, including the Beaver.

11 October 2022

Photos: Neil Aird © 11 October 2022 08:09 edt

Nice feather to start my day. Below is the view from our bathroom window, guess what season we are in?

02 October 2022

Added Beaver image 15,000 today. Still a few more coming I'm sure! My thanks to all those who have sent images along over the years.

30 September 2022

• Photo: Neil Aird © 07 November 2010 •

Calendar time again - for the October 2022 DHC-2.COM issue. I managed to get one of my shots up this month! VH-SYS (763) a very special Beaver owned by the late Sy Allsep. Spent some quality time with Sy, Peter Reardon (who set everything up) and the entire "Twin Pin" crew. Days etched in my memory forever.

27 September 2022

Double rainbow time after supper.

It's all about scale. I overlook a cathedral. Recently there has been a crew up high doing some pointing and general repair and restoration work. They really look tiny up there. Great view I'm sure.

15 September 2022

I don't usually promote software, but I have to with this one Topaz Photo AI has really speeded up my processing. Very happy with it, combined with one other one I use, Silverfast SDRx to remove dust and blemishes. It takes some getting used to, but Photo AI 's autopilot is a blast! It seems my Topaz link does not go directly tp Photo AI - maybe because it is so new. Perhaps try a search for it with Google or whatever search engine you use. Worth the effort! Here is a video link meantime.

02 September 2022

Update: I finished the book, a very fine production, and kudos to Chris Buckley. He took all of the images (except two) and they are a delight to view. Well done Chris. Should be on every DHC Enthusiast's bookshelf! Seldom do I read every word, in this case I did. Solid research and lots of interesting stories, I learned a lot.

Check out Amazon in your country or Key Publishing.

31 August 2022

• Photo: Kenneth I. Swartz © 28 July 2022 •

Calendar time again - for the September 2022 DHC-2.COM Calendar pages, thanks to Ken Swartz for his super image of N67692 (1018) at the Oshkosh Seaplane Base on Lake Winnebago.

Photo:s: Neil Aird © 31 August 2022 08:32 edt

Something to Crow about - photobombed this morning when photographing clouds with my iPad, noisy, fast mover.

25 August 2022


A fine new title which I received yesterday from Chris Buckley. Just getting into it, really like what I am reading and really enjoying the new images I am seeing. Well done Chris.

Note: Finished the book, a very fine production, and kudos to Chris. He took all of the images (except two) and they are a delight to view. Well done Chris. Should be on every DHC Enthusiast's bookshelf! Seldom do I read every word, in this case I did. Solid research and lots of interesting stories, I learned a lot.


De Havilland Canada has been designing and manufacturing aircraft for over 90 year. During this time, it has been responsible for the production of many remarkable commercial aircraft, including the Beaver (which is considered the ultimate bush plane, against which every other bush plane is measured), Otter, Twin Otter, Dash 7 and Dash 8. It also produced the unique Buffalo and Caribou military transports, some of which ended up in airline operations. The wide range of aircraft types have been used in many diverse ways, from floatplane operations in Canada, Alaska and the Pacific to up-country flying in Twin Otters in Africa and elsewhere, and from glacier operations with the Turbo Otter, Dash 7s in Greenland to flying for many major airlines worldwide. Combining history, facts and figures with anecdotes, commentary and quotes from numerous sources, this highly illustrated book take a nostalgic look at the legendary aircraft of de Havilland Canada and their operations.

23 August 2022

Photo: Katie Aird © 23 August 2022 •

I noticed a dramatic pink cloud blossoming last evening, to the east, behind our tree at the front of the house - well our daughter Katie was walking along the waterfront at that time, and snapped it.Thanks Katie, lovely shot!

16 August 2022

16 August 1947 - 16 August 2022


10 August 2022

Photo: Rainer Haufschild © 08 April 1972 at Geneva, Switzerland.

Meanwhile . . I am still adding scans to for my friend Rainer Haufschild of Berlin, what a great collection he has. It is my honour to work to preserve and share these slides and negatives. Danke Rainer! Three hundred so far in his section.

Photo: Georgio Salerno © March 1968 at Naples, Italy.

09 August 2022

Taking a summer recess from DHC-2.COM for a week or so. See you later . . .

31 July 2022

• Photo: Ben Cogger © 06 July 2022 •

The DHC-2.COM August 2022 Calendar pages are ready. My thanks to Ben Cogger for the recent image of N720 (247) dockside at Lake Hood. Thanks Ben.

30 July 2022

Big day (yesterday EDT) for my dear VH-SYS. Her flight from Wedderburn - YWBN, New South Wales, to Woolongong - YWOL, to a retirement home. YouTube video of her arrival at Shellharbour Airport. Link to page on my website of my special visit.

25 July 2022

Following on from yesterday's "Toonie" - how could I not . . .

24 July 2022

As you may know, I do a "Toonie" every day for fun. Here is a snap of this morning's one. You can see, I make good use of my coloured pencils. I think "Stubbie" is nearing the end of the line . .

18 July 2022

Screen captures - StreamTime Live - Lake Hood Seaplane Base - Anchorage: 18 July 2022 09:29 AKDT

Spent a few minutes watching Lake Hood action again this morning. Rust's Red Beavers as busy as ever. N4444Z (1307) sets off again. Image below is an earlier departure.

Lake Hood Seaplane Base - Anchorage: 18 July 2022 07:35 AKDT

Lake Hood Seaplane Base - Anchorage: 18 July 2022 07:35 AKDT

N232KT (52) follows. I had a great day in this machine when it was C-FOCQ back on 17 October 2002 in British Columbia. It has had a few mods and TLC since back then!

04 July 2022

Screen captures - StreamTime Live - Lake Hood Seaplane Base - Anchorage: 04 July 2022 - 07:33 / 07:44 / 07:45 AKDT.

"Beavertime" - one, two, three at Lake Hood/Spenard. Busy day for them I am sure.

Oh yes - Happy Birthday neighbour.

03 July 2022

Today was Stage 3 of the Tour de France. I had some memories flood back of my cycling part of that route back in 1964. It's funny the things you remember, my recollection of Vejle was the huge long hill leaving town. I thought Denmark was flat! Above are images of that long hill, then and now. The first is a Post Card I sent to my parents after I stayed the night in the local Danish Youth Hostel - Vandrahjem. My comment was "This is a fine town . . must be pleasant to live here". It was fun watching the group of cyclists breeze up the hill today, surrounded by massive, cheering crowds. My climb was slower, weighed down my my saddle bag and a headwind!

30 June 2022

• Photo: Rob Pacey © 09 June 2022 •

The July 2022 DHC-2.COM Calendar pages are ready. Thanks to Rob Pacey for the fine study of C-GAIQ (1373) on Otter Lake, Missinie, Saskatchewan. Lovely shot Rob!

17 June 2022

Here is the article just published on Skies Magazine, written by my colleague Ken Swartz. Excellent photographs by Heath Moffat featured.

16 June 2022

Photo: Neil Aird © 16 June 2022 16:29 edt

Will my antennas survive? - always a concern when angry skies come to visit. Okay, once again . . .

11 June 2022

De Havilland Canada's Downsview Tribute Event at the airfield took place. This has been very well covered by many sources. I got an invite, but was unable to attend. I did watch the proceedings on FR24 radar on my screen. A wonderful event by all accounts. Lots of familiar faces and planes, My thanks to those who sent images. Skies Magzine has already had one item by Frederik K. Larkin and there will be an in-depth article soon. Meanwhile DHC have posted some links. Here are three for you. Lots of photographs as well. 200 I think. You can download what you wish.

Here are the links sent by Julie Hanson - DHC Senior Event Coordinator : Thanks Julie - well done!

• Bay 12 Looping Video: view here 

• Event Recap Video: view here 

• Event Photography: view here 

04 June 2022

Screen captures: 04 June 2022 - 09:15 AKDT - 13:15 EDT.

Well, I spy with my little eye. A couple of Grumman boats hanging out. N642 Grumman G-21C Turbine Goose (1204) with Doug DeVries on their latest flyabout. Location, Lake Hood, Anchorage, Alaska. Actually saw him arrive yesterday by chance. Maybe after he was doing a photo shoot with Dietmar Schreiber from Austria ( What a lucky meeting of talented gents!

Screen capture: 03 June 2022 - 14:52 AKDT - 18:52 EDT.

01 June 2022

• Photo: Todd Boettcher © 05 May 2022 •

Here are the June 2022 calendar pages for you to download. Thanks to Todd Boettcher for the image of N199BM (589) in her new colours, ready for the season. Thanks Todd.

26 May 2022

Graphic Design: Anthony C. Aird © 2022

I know this is a bit early, but this year is special for the de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver. I commissioned my son Anthony to create a logo for the celebration . Here is the final product. It was a collaborative effort. Hope you all approve.

25 May 2022

It's time for another look at where some of our 2,000,000 visitors hail from.

23 May 2022

Photo: Bring Our Birds Home © 20 May 2022

On Saturday 20 May 2022 ZK-CIB Convair 580 (327A) Air Chathams, made her final flight, from Auckland to Wanaka, New Zealand. I will be updating this event, once I get some permission to use a few images. A very special plane for this guy. The 580 has had a very interesting career, spanning many years and events!

20 May 2022

Photo: Danielle Aird © 20 May 2022

Here is a "selfie' from Danie, somewhere between Santo Domingo and Belerado. Brutally hot she says. She departs very early in the day, tomorrow at 05:00. If it gets too hot, she will grab a taxi for the last bit into León. Still loving it however. Photos are few and far between, since she needs her iPod to be plugged in . . .

18 May 2022

Unique visitor 2,000,000 checked out the website at 17:40 edt .

(From Mountainview, California, I think?)

17 May 2022

"Ooh - way too much fun here in the cab! "

I always smile seeing NCA aircraft as these are my initials. I first saw this airframe over my studio back on 15 October 2016 when it was fairly new and often came by.

JA18KZ Boeing 747-8KZF (36141).

Screen captures: FR24 & Alaska Aviation Museum © 10:45 edt 05:45 AKDT

Screen capture: Alaska Aviation Museum © 09:405 edt 04:40 AKDT

Earlier I watched N67DD Helio H-250 Courier (2516) arrive and park. It certainly was a glassy water arrival.

16 May 2022

The Alaska Aviation Museum has a streaming web cam on their roof! Oh dear, another distraction. It pans and picks up almost all traffic on Lake Hood and also some of the heavies deparing Anchorage - PANC. Well done!

I was just checking to see if the link worked - and I caught N715AL DHC-6 Twin Otter (715) landing at 12:58 AKDT on a flight from Beluga - PABG. A nineteen minute leg.

14 May 2022

Looking forward to welcoming unique visitor 2,000,000 to the website soon . . I wonder who it will be? Maybe as early as next week?

WEBSITE WOES:  Update - Long story, I messed the site up again - "bigly". It is back onlne as of today at about 11:00 edt. I need a break! Special thanks to Amit and Denis of the Midphase Support Engineering team! Denis has incredible patience.

I won't touch anything I shouldn't!

10 May 2022

Thanks to Ryan A., at Midphase for getting this website back up. Long story,too long. It really should not have taken this long to reactivate! It all depends on the Tech Help eh? Now, I'd better do some catching up. Phew!

05 May 2022

DHC-2.COM WEB SITE IS DOWN - could be 24-48 hours before it is back. ICANN / WHOIS issues . . . !

Back sometime . . . I guess . . .

02 May 2022

Danie is hiking the Camino again, having a great time. I think this is somewhere near Orisson. She is not taking many snaps alas, her iPod only works when plugged in! Nice to get a few today however. She is in Urdanz tonight, and on to Pamplona tomorrow. She is hiking the whole Camino de Santiago again. 500 miles or 800 kilometers from Saint Jean Pied de Port in southwest France, to Santiago de Commpostela in Galicia, Spain . . . depends on many factors.

01 May 2022

• Photo: Steve Bailey © 27 July 2014 •

Not a very active month for the blog, just too busy with "other distractions" . . should maybe be better this month? To start with, here's the May 2022 DHC-2.COM Calendar pages for you. The wonderful image comes from my friend Steve Bailey. N98JH (953) that old Dutch Air Force Beaver. Many thanks Steve!

19 April 2022

Our son Anthony was very creative with Fimo when he was a very young lad. This image just surfaced, and it brought back the happy times spent trying to animate his characters with our Amiga1000 Computer.

Another day, DHC-2.COM - another milestone 1,995,000! Getting closer to 2 Million!

18 April 2022

The odometer just turned over as I paid a visit. Not too shabby - ten years in the making!! Time to renew . . . . for another year.

31 March 2022

Photo: Red 03 engine project © 31 March 2022

Funny, that is exactly what I had in my mind! Well done to all concerned. C-GSBA (690) at Campbell River. Paint it RED now!! Go fly when you are "ready". (Red eh?)

• Photo: Ben Mastre © 05 August 2020 •

Here are the April 2022 DHC-2.COM Calendar pages. My thanks to Ben Mastre for the image of N262HA (581) at Twin Lakes, Alaska. I have fond memories of flying in this machine when it was N561TA. Thanks Ben, lovely image.

19 March 2022

Graphic Design: Anthony Aird © 18 March 2022

14 March 2022

Screen capture 14 March 2022 13:44 edt

Photo: Daniel Lewington © Flickr

Screen capture 14 March 2022 14:25 edt

In my neighbourhood 60-0024 Boeing B-52H Stratofortress (464389) USAF 20 BS / 2BW doing exercises over Ft Drum ranges at FL260 316 kts, all the way from Louisiana today. War games? Several passes going on. Even showing up on public tracking sites . . . hmm. As I type this now, our "Grafitti Artist" is on the way home, just passed Cleveland at FL260 doing 436 kts.

Screen capture 14 March 2022 16:44 edt

12 March 2022

Photo: Neil Aird © 12 March 2022

Well, good morning. Signs of early Spring in Kingston eh?

06 March 2022

Photo: Ben Cogger © 03 October 2019

Received this item from Jerry J. Jacques about Blake Larue. Blake flew N458LJ (514) and N67030 (1372) for Jerry. Thanks for sending it along.

A sad day for a fantastic beaver pilot but it ends with a silver lining!

I got a call from our senior pilot at Bristol Bay Sportfishing lodge. For 40 years Blake Larue has made his living as a bush pilot, flying all over Alaska. The last 25 years he has flown Beavers on the Alaska Peninsula.

I have never met a safer pilot than Blake and was excited when Blake started flying with us. The clients that have gone on the bush flying safaris with him always come back to the lodge wide eyed & talking about the incredible things they saw. Every pilot that is with him on a flight tells me they admire his skill & knowledge.

Sad News
When I answered the phone Blake came right out and said what was on his mind

“Jerry I am hanging up my spurs and you need to find another beaver pilot for next season”

He said no problems with my health or medical it is just time after 40 years to slow down and enjoy my family.

This news was hard to swallow and a flood of emotions surged through me. I said that I will respect your decision but will miss you, then we both got choked up and had to end the call with the agreement that we would talk again soon. Realizing that I would not be working with Blake next summer made me extremely sad. Eventually it hit me that this was not a time for sadness.

Blake has had a successful 40-year career as an Alaskan bush pilot flying off airport in the harshest conditions that Alaska can dish out. He was the one making the decision for him to retire. That is the best thing that a pilot can hope for, a long successful career and that we are the one that decides when it is time to retire.

Time to Rejoice
A few days later Blake and I talked again. I will admit that call was still a little emotional for both of us. The end of a career for a fantastic pilot is sad. But then we agreed that Blake would stay current. In the Spring he would come to Iliamna and help train the new pilot. In addition, he would be a back up pilot should someone get sick or need a week off.
A Blessing for all
I am thankful for Blake’s safety and the safety for those who flew with him for the last 40 years. Good news I get to work part time with my friend, the lodge has a fantastic backup pilot. Blake gets to spend most of the summer with his family and still gets to fly a beaver in the wildest part of the Alaska Bush.

Jerry Jacques

01 March 2022

• Photo: Robert S. Grant © 13 July 2021

The March DHC-2.COM Calendar is ready for you. Thanks to Robert S.Grant for this pleasant Mackenzie River shot of C-GMGD (519). Thanks Bob.

28 February 2022

Photo: Rainer Spoddig - Jetphotos ©15 January 2022

UR-CEZ Antonov An-12BK (6344304) "CVK7099" went by this morning eastbound from Hamilton, Ontario, to Goose Bay in Labrador. Heading, perhaps to Ukraine with supplies for our friends . . . I wish them blue skies and fair winds. Wherever they may be headed? 56 year old airframe, and often on this side of the Atlantic. Photo shows it arriving at Eindhoven from Kiev on January 15th, 2022. After a 3:52 flight, it is currently at Goose Bay, NL. It came to Hamilton from Tucson, AZ. Update: 01 March 2022 routing Keflavik to Oslo. Not the first time it has been there recently.

27 February 2022

N244 Convair ET-29C-C) (381) FAA landing at Berlin / Templehof, Germany.

Photo: Unknown photographer © 15 May 1969 - Rainer Haufschild Collection - Aird Archives

I am taking a break from regular DHC images today, and adding some more Convairs - also uploading images to, to the pages I have created for friends. I can only manage abour eight photos per day, scanning and cleaning up does thake consideralble amout of time. Then research and add to the websites. But it is fun!

24 February 2022

A very sad day. A war criminal's work.

15 February 2022

"The eagle has landed" . . well, mybe not an eagle. Danie's book has arrived today, and I can now tell you more about it. You can get a peek at it here on the site. The postage from Canada is horrendous, so best to order from your own country. Our copy was printed in Bolton, Ontario, just 50km north of Toronto.

All proceeds go to support the Alberge (Hostels) along the Camino.

A very special shout out to or son Anthony Aird (Graphic Designer) who produced the book. Without his expertise, I don't think this project would have happened! Needless to say I am very proud of them both.

Meanwhile Danielle wrote:..... I am so excited! My book The Camino is not just for Walking has arrived. It can be found on Amazon but if you live in Kingston and would like a signed copy, I will have a stock of them to be collected at my house. You pay no shipping. The proceeds will go to help the wonderful men and women who host and feed pilgrims along the Camino de Santiago and who have sustained huge losses in income these last couple of years. Just let me know if you and / or your friends would like a copy. I will put the kettle on and we can have a visit at the same time. Here is the blurb. Have a wonderful day.

When Danielle Aird went in search of stories along the Camino de Santiago, she found a wealth of history not only of the Camino but of a wider Spain, and came across a fascinating, motley collection of characters alive and departed (pilgrims, hosts, volunteers, and other Spaniards). Unexpectedly, along the way, she also revisited her own unconventional past. In The Camino is not just for Walking, while her narrative takes readers by the hand through the small villages and larger cities, they are joined by usually friendly, often inspiring and sometimes eccentric characters spanning a millennium.

13 February 2022

"Like Father like Son". Just noticed a couple of photos, one of my Dad and one of myself. Similar poses eh?

12 February 2022

Photo: Dan Gilbertson © 07 February 2022

Dan Gilbertson sent some update snaps of his 11th Beaver. N712F (171) will be red and white. Ready in July, it will be on 4,850 floats and sport a 108" Hamilton Standard propellor. Way to go Dan, thanks for the updates!

11 February 2022

Photo: Andreas Dürr © July 1996

With the arrival of three purchased slides yesterday from Andreas Dürr in Germany, I thought it might be a good time to report just how I keep building the website with images.

I purchase slides, and the odd print, from various auction sites. Unfortunately, these days they don't come cheaply. Competition is quite fierce sometimes. Every dollar that is donated to DHC-2.COM goes to these purchases. My purpose is to share these images rather than hoard! I hope that some of you can help this venture. I acknowledge those regulars who do.

My thanks this year so far to:

Rod H (UK), Randy S (MI) twice!, Klaus M (WA), Herb W (CH), Ian Mac (ON), Erik N (YT), John R (BC), Gerald C (NS), Anthony A (ON), Mark A (WA), Rob M (ON), Peter R (OZ), Andre L (BC), Paige and Jim B (ON), Blake Q (CA), Preben E (WA), Jim C (AZ), Peter R (OZ), Crawford P (AK), Sandy T (UK), Chris E (?), Jim G (MN), Kristen McC (OZ).

31 January 2022

• Photo: Robert S. Grant © August 1978 •

The February DHC-2.COM Calendar is ready for you. Thanks to Robert S.Grant for the shot he took from his DHC-2 MkIII of CF-MAQ (14). Thanks Bob.

30 January 2022

Photo: Fred Guthrie © 02 September 1977

A few more Convairs added today, including 109157 (CL66B-9) a CC-109 Cosmopolitan in Canadian parlance. February DHC-2.COM Calendar is next on my agenda.

27 January 2022

Around the world in eighty-nine days? Well, maybe not around the world, but a package mailed in Berlin on 01 November 2021, just arrived today. I had almost given up on it ever arriving. Other packages mailed to me took about four to six days! Sigh. The contents are destined for Ken Swartz and it containes precious historical slides and negatives of helicopters, from the collection of Rainer Haufschild! Needless to say, I will keep them safely here until Ken comes for a visit in spring or summer! I'm sure Rainer and Ken are as much relieved as I am!

26 January 2022

Photo: Neil Aird © 26 January 2022 16:05 est

Family of small icicles on my dormer. Beautiful day, only -11C.

25 January 2022

Photo: via Toshiyuki Toda © 09 November 1975 - Rainer Haufschild Collection

Photo: via Bo-Göran Lundkvist © December 1968 - Rainer Haufschild Collection

Received "ammo" for my next project from Rainer Haufschild. Commandos and Convairs. Here is a sample, Smith Super 46C Commando PJ-CLD (30300) of Caraïbische Lucht Transport Maatschappij - CTLM, at Miami - KMIA. Another beauty is 51-1101 (32820) C-46A of the JSDF by Toshiyuki Toda.

I'm really looking forward to doing a section of this favourite aircraft of mine - yes, yet another favourite.

23 January 2022

Photo: Aaron Murphy © 10 April 2009

This morning I received a grand image of Royal Australian Air Force DHC-4 Caribou A4-195 (195) at Omaka, New Zealand. I added it to my "Caribou Country" visit to RAAF Amberley, where I saw it on maintenance. Thanks to Aaron Murphy for sending it along.

20 January 2022

Took a progress shot of my forest today. Noticed a certain similarity to the Al Jazeera Logo. Do you agree?

15 January 2022

Crisp morning here in Kingston, Ontario. Had another visit from Jack Frost. Always a delight.

13 January 2022

Photo: Robert S. Grant © c.1983

More behind the scenes "data" work on my three websites today. Adding DHC-3 Otters on a regular basis now. Most are from Bob Grant and some from John Rodger Collection. Thanks gents!

11 January 2022

Photo: Neil Aird © 11 January 2022 11:04 EST

Well, here is our Christmas Tree. Just popped up yesterday after a 12 day germination. It was a gift from Anthony. Oh yes, it is inside the house for the time being! Second one sprouted 13 January 2022.

10 January 2022

Photo: Robert S. Grant © May 1981

I trust you have all been enjoying recent Beavers I have added as banners. They are by pilot /author Robert S. Grant. Bob has leant me the first batch of his slides. Thirty-eight pages of them. I am scanning all. There are some real beauties. A fine example is the one above, scanned today. C-GZJJ (1245) - a perfect shot in my opinion.Thanks Bob. I am really enjoying this project.

09 January 2022

Here is the cover of the January 2022 AMCAR Magazine. Nice image of C-GAEE (724). Good to see the magazine is still going strong. Thanks to Ian Macdonald for the 'heads up".

31 December 2021

• Photo: Kenneth I. Swartz © 09 October 2010 •

All that is left of this year is just enough time to add the January 2022 DHC-2 Calendar pages for you to enjoy. Thanks to Kenneth I. Swartz for the delightful image of C-FOCB (21). Thanks Ken.

• Happy New Year to you all from "here" . . Neil •

23 December 2021

Photo: Anthony Aird © 23 December 2021

Anthony's been looking up again. He sent this delightful image which he called "Happy Trail" - taken on the Kingston waterfront looking inland, due north. The chimney is the steam heating plant which heats the Kingston General Hospital, Queen's University central area and west campus. Thanks Ant!

21 December 2021

Photo: Anthony Aird © 21 December 2021 09:58 est

My son caught a "chemtrail" going by this morning.

13 December 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 13 December 2021 - 15:17 edt

"Gotcha" - well, not a great shot. D-AIXD Airbus 350-941 (127) Lufthansa "DLH428" at FL400 and quite far away! Heading to Charlotte - KCLT from Munich - EDDM. A bit blurry. Yesterday I missed a similar shot of A7-BEF Boeing 777-3DZ/ER (60332) Qatar "QTR22N" - my camera was on the copy stand with another lens. I did not see the moon until the last minute! Today, I saw the moon, and the "Lufty" was coming . . . I snapped it just before and just after the moon, camera was searching for it!!

Photo: Neil Aird © Circa 1985

Added five more images from around 1985 to my "Toronto Airport Oldies" page. Typical traffic from back then.

11 December 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 10 December 2021

Added a few more imagestaken yesterday, to Trainworks. Always fun to play with the iPad taking snaps - just have to watch for overhead wires - like the real world!

10 December 2021

Photo: Richard Rivest © February 1982 - via Jean Turgeon

Received this image and the details below from Jean Turgeon. Merci Jean.

Jean wrote:

Hi - I came across a picture of s/n 28 (CF-OCE) taken in February 1982 at Lac Albert, QC.

In late November / early December 1981, the airplane - operated by Cargair Ltée - landed on Lake Albert to pick up trappers - as soon as the pilot reduced the throttle, the ice broke, but the wings kept the aircraft afloat. The pilot was the only soul on board. The pilot and trappers walked 4 miles to Lac Devenyns to call the base, and they sent another aircraft to pick them up. The aircraft stayed there until February 1982. A crew was sent to retrieve the aircraft; they lifted it, put a new battery and magnetos in and it flew back on its own to the base in St-Michel-Des-Saints, QC.

My hard working colleague in the United Kingdom, Ian Macintosh, has been updating data on the Beavers gradually, and is feeding me the new info in batches. Just finished the first 100 airframes, and that meant updating 39 of them! I will start on 100-200 this weekend. Thanks Ian! As you can imagine, this is a heck of a lot of work, but it has to be done.

09 December 2021

Photo: Anthony Aird © 08 December 2021

Got 8" of snow yesterday. Very pretty however. Streets and sidwalks cleared in short order in the evening. Here's a waterfront shot taken by Anthony.

07 December 2021

Photos: Frederick K. Larkin © 07 December 2021 11:33 EDT

Arriving at Downsview - CYZD, Ontario, after a cross canada flight from Victoria - CYYJ, British Columbia, C-GVVA (984) makes a typical DHC-6 Twin Otter 400 approach. Photographer Frederick K. (Ted) Larkin was on hand at the threshold of RWY 33 to catch the arrival.

Ted wrote: P.S. - even more interesting is the fact that the last Twin Otter produced at YZD (c/n 844) was completed on December 7, 1988 - exactly 33 years to the day before c/n 984 arrived!

05 December 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © c.1998

Added a few more to my Convair Corner page. Still a favourite aircraft of mine. Here is C-FARO Convair 580 (382) of AIR NIAGARA on a visit to my local airport, Kingston - CYGK, Ontario. I had seen this aircraft on many an occasion at Renfrew Airport, near Glasgow, in Scotland, as OO-SCV Convair 440 of SABENA and later on my travels as N73168.

03 December 2021

Photo: Bruce W. Gowans © Date unknown at present

I received a long awaited collection of images from Bruce W. Gowans. Many older images, carefully scanned by Bruce. I will be adding most of these photographs over the coming months. Sincere thanks Bruce, for all your hard work and for taking these images in the first place. Now to showcase them.

30 November 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 30 November 2021 07:10 est

A fine morning here. Time to build the December 2021 DHC-2.COM Calendar pages.

• Photo: Kenneth I. Swartz © June 1981 •

Thanks to Kenneth I. Swartz for the great action shot of C-GAEE (724) on Atlin Lake, British Columbia. Thanks Ken.

28 November 2021

For those of you who have some free time available, check out these inks to where I have "my" collections posted. I curate, apart from my own humble collection, images by Tom Baillie, Ken Marshall and Robert A. Edwards. Here are the links for you. The crew at are serious researchers and are quick to catch any small errors!! I urge some of you photographers (you know who you are!!) to send some work. It is a great resource, I use it all the time. The collections do not feature Beavers, but many other interesting aircraft, usually historic (now) in nature.

Tom's Image collection on (58)

Ken's image collection on (75)

Robert's image collection on (90)

My image collection on Air Neil Aird Collection (503)

Kenneth I. Swartz has finally joined as a contributing photographer.

Just have to get Lenn Bayliss to participate. Eh Lenn?

Apart from my usual daily website duties, I am currently selecting some of Danie's Camino Santiago de Compostela images for her book. Here is but one sample, taken between Puente la Reina-Gares and Estella, approaching Ciraugui. She has three compositions of this scene, it will be very difficult to choose which one to add!!

Photo: Danielle Aird © 10 May 2018

15 November 2021

Funny what turns up when you clean house/computers etc.

"Bucket List"

Photo: Neil Aird © 1963

First this image that is one of my all time favourites, taken when I was an Art Student of a wee Glasgow waif, on a mission . . a bit blurry, but it really captured his determination, oblivious to me I think!

Another wee thing, this time a tiny silver tree-frog, made back fifty years ago (!) - it surfaced from a pile of scrap silver. Could not chuck it!

13 November 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 11 November 2021 14:50 EST

I decided to pop over to my other garden and snap some of the leaves before the rain ruined them, well, made them into compost. Photos taken with my little iPod touch. Would make a great jig-saw puzzle methinks?

11 November 2021

Photo: Antoni Lluc © October 2021

You can see from the image above, why Danie loves the Camino Santiago de Compostela so much. The photo appeared on a blog done by a gent who had to stop walking and was being helped by the woman on the left, a real Good Samaritan. Her real name is Camino la Perigrina! She offered her assistance when Danie hurt her foot and was unable to hike the 10/24 km per day. Quite the story, but you will have to wait until Danie's book is published to learn more! The picture was taken by Antoni at O'Cebreiro in Galicia, Spain.

03 November 2021

Photos: Neil Aird © 19 October 2021 07:52 edt

"Season of Mists" etc. Our first frost, and shown above, the fog clearing.

31 October 2021

• Photo: Fred Barnes © 17 September 2009 •

The last day of October and the November 2021 DHC-2.COM Calendar pages appear. Thanks to my friend Fred Barnes for this delightful tranquil shot taken back in 2009, near Red Lake in Northern Ontario. Thanks Fred!

27 October 2021

Photo: Aird Crooks © Date to be deduced

I have been working, over the recent few days, with some very old images. I have had a great deal of success, in my opinion. It is hard work, but the results speak for themselves. I am only able to achieve the desired effect thanks to Topaz DeNoiseAI software. Above is 42-65414 a Douglas C-74 Globemaster (13925) USAF, at Prestwick Airport, taken by the late Aird Crooks. This aircraft flew 25 flights in the Berlin Air Lift, it was scrapped at Davis-Monthan in 1965. I have quite a lot of Aird's images to work with, and will compile a page of his work. Great vintage value for Prestwick enthusiasts. I'm sure Aird would be happy, I know this one is.

24 October 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 24 October 202113:00 edt

The travellers are home. Long journey, but still friends even!

20 October 2021

Still hanging onto some leaves here. Rain coming however tomorrow.

19 October 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 19 October 2021 07:29 edt

Very pleasant start to the day.

18 October 2021

Evening in Santiago - The Champs!

Photo: Danielle Aird © 18 October 2021 09:00 edt - 15:00 cet

This just in. They made it. Santiago de Compostela. The view from their hotel. Well done Danie and Andrea. Tomorrow they play tourists and go to Finistere to wave at the Atlantic. Then a very, very expensive Covid PCR test . . . just so they can return to Canada.

17 October 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 17 October 2021 07:53 edt

I was ready for "VDA5225" when it was nearby. Routing from Chicago to Leipzig. RA-82077 Antonov An-124-100 (9773054459151) of the hard working Volga-Dnepr Airlines was illuminated by the early morning sun as it cruised by at FL330.

16 October 2021

Do you think they are having any fun yet? Danie and Andrea, foot soldiers in Spain.

14 October 2021

Banner design; Anthonly Aird © 2021

Added a grand banner today done by Anthony for my Aird Aviation Archives Page . For those of you who know my Scottish background, the Canadair CL-13B Sabre connection is very important. I will be adding a special section in the coming weeks/months on that favourite.

13 October 2021

Photo: Andrea Sauter ©12 October 2021

This lovely shot taken by Andrea as she walks along the Camino, Danie, alas, has to do the current legs by taxi, due to a bad foot! I know she is sad about that, but is there for Andrea, making all the bookings along the way. I guess she is seeing different views as she has already walked the whole Camino! Needless to say, I am a tad concerned.

11 October 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 11 October 2021 - 07:11 edt

Pleasant start to this Thanksgiving Day.

06 October 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 06 October 2021 - 14:33 edt

Working away on the first of two tiny U-6A Beavers. The next stage with this one is to fade the day-glo. Hard to give you an idea of the scale, but this should help!

04 October 2021

Dug out this old photocopy of a well drawn three view. I have added it here (scroll down) or a huge view here. Might be of use to the modellers amongst us? I have no idea where I got this from!

03 October 2021

Photo: Gordon Macadie © 22 June 1961

Another one of Gordon Macadie's super Connie shots. This one, of a regular Prestwick visitor, PH-LKU "Photon" of KLM, is shot in the magnificent light that Prestwick gets. Usually after a brief rainshower. It brings back so many memories to me of happy times. Thanks again Gordon!

02 October 2021

Latest from the Camino adventures of Danielle and Andrea. Danie wrote:

6 and 1/2 hours of this at up to 4,500 feet today. Now zonked and it’s just mid-afternoon. I don’t think we will be getting out of our beds until tomorrow morning. What magnificent scenery though overlooking the valleys.

Current location is de El Acebo. Westward ho eh? Not sure who took the snaps as Danie's little iPod is very old and needs to be plugged in to work!

While I was getting ready for my day, I noticed the odometer on clicked over to a neat set of figures. Still popular, but don't have many images to add to it these days. I do get quite a few pictures, but some I cannot add in case I ruffle tail feathers!.

01 October 2021

Photo: Gordon Macadie © c.1960

My pal Gordon Macadie in Scotland sent me some great Connie photographs he has taken at Prestwick during 1960-1961. I have made a start at working on them. Superb items, and a great pleasure for me to see. Above is 55-0131 Lockheed EC-121H Warning Star (1049A-4404) USAF at the Prestwick MATS Terminal.

Photo: Gordon Macadie © 28 September 2021

This is what he has to make do with these days. 188932 CF-188B Hornet (CB32) of 409 sqaudron RCAF about to land at Prestwick, for next day onward deployment to Romania. Gordon has not lost his touch, I might add. Thanks mate.

30 September 2021

• Photo: Aaron Murphy © 17 October 2020 •

The last day of the month and here are your October 2021 DHC-2.COM Calendar pages. My thanks to Aaron Murphy for this fine action shot of ZK-BVA (245) at Taumarunui on the North Island of New Zealand. Thanks Aaron.

29 September 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 29 September 2021 - 08:46 edt

Had an early morning visitor over from Wheeler Sack AAF., at Fort Drum, New York. First one I have seen actually from that base. 15-08185 Boeing CH-47F Chinook (M8185) US Army did a few circuits. I was slow off the mark as it sounded quite quiet for a Chinook. By the time I got the camera off the copy stand and changed lenses, it was quite far away. It came back later and headed north. Perhaps to doi joint exercises with our CH-47's at CFB Petawawa? It was not tracking live on my computer like it usually does. The ADS-B code was fake too "000001" it should have been AE59E6. I have noted 14 x CH-47's operating at Wheeler Sack AAF. First noted this on on 11 June 2021.

28 September 2021

Another page to follow, if you are interested. I've made a start on the N Gauge Beaver kit. Here is the link. Everyone should have a hobby eh?

28 September 2021

24 September 2013

On a bighter note, here is a comparison of our autumn / fall colours. Not much change in eight years. Wish I could say the same about my visage.

27 September 2021

It is with a heavy heart I have to let you know that renowned Aviation Photographer Eric Dumigan has passed away. Thoughts are with you Bernadette. I hope you don't mind me using this lovely shot of you two. RIP and Blue Skies Eric.

A small package arrived today from Thunder Bay, Ontario - I can see I have my work cut out - well, so to speak. A laser has done that. I guess I have to glue all the bits togethr. It is an N scale DHC-2, kindly sent to me by Rick Wheeler (the weather vane craftsman). Thanks Rick. I will take it one floor down to my jeweller's bench, there I should have a fighting chance of success. Watch this space. It is made by Osborne Model Kits of Angus, Ontario. Wish me luck! The fuselage is abot 6 cm long.

26 September 2021

Photo: Andrea Sauter © 25 September 2021

A lovely shot of Danie by Andrea. Danie's magic place. Thanks Andrea, it speaks volumes . . .

Just had fun on Google Earth - Look what I found - is it them on their walk today, between Los Arcos and Torres del Rio??? LOL.

Nice to see "Flame" following along the trail.

24 September 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 24 September 2021 - 16:20 edt

Not much of a car enthusiast, but this vehicle brought back some memories of a summer I had in the United States as a student. A sleek 1968 Buick Wilcat 2-Door parked for about fifteen minutes outside our house. Cool eh? I did ride in a Buick Riviera that Danie's Dad proudly owned. I think it was a 1973 model. Pretty fancy item.

23 September 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 23 September 2021 - 06:40 edt

Rainy dawn today, steady rain all day.

19 September 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 19 September 2021 - 17:30 edt

A little more work on the RR - you could say R&R. Here is a sunset view from the east end of the Fakeville rail yard. Installed the last of the power poles.

Here is a little green companion that stares up at me from time to time. Fun to have company while I work.

Had a nice chat with Danie in Zubiri in Navarre this morning. The Spanish Adventures continue . . they purchased walking sticks a few days ago. These saved them on a dangerous trail yesterday in slipper wet conditions. Today they were resting and drying out in a nice Alberge. Tomorrow onward and two days in Pamplona.

17 September 2021

Photos: Neil Aird © 17 September 2021

Getting there eh? My favourite season. Oh Canada.

Screen captures from ADS-B Exchange: 17 September 2021 11:05 and 11:18 edt

Okay, so just what connection does 80-0256 a Fairchild/Republic A-10C Thunderbolt II (A10-0606) "HOG 01" have to the DHC-2 ? Well, it is routing up to play near Wheeler Sack AAF / Ft Drum from Ft. Wayne, IN. Kenny G's DHC-2 Beaver N6653K (565) that I had as a banner, stopped there on his flight after visiting the Toronto Film Festival "TIFF". I went to check that airport out on Google Earth and noticed A-10's were based there. So there is the connection.

16 September 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 16 September 2021

Taking some time off to work with telephone poles and fences on the layout. Playing lineman - Finicky is the word. Click on image to get to the Trainworks page. I shot a video on YouTube later in the day called it "Night Train". It should be posted shortly. Link.

Photo: Danielle Aird © 16 September 2021

"The rain in Spain" - well not quite, just over the border in France. Here is a sample from their first day on the Camino. Limbering up with a 16km round trip to Orisson uphill on the way there and, yep, downhill on the return in the rain. They are having a quiet day on Friday at the starting point of St Jean Pied de Port. Here is a Google earth shot looking back towards St. Jean on a sunny day


Screen capture: Google Earth

14 September 2021

FR24 screen capture: 08:40 edt 14;40 local

Off on next leg from Amsterdam/AMS in twelve year old PH-EZB Embraer E190 (19000235) KL1687/KLM75V. Listened to radio and heard them get clearance and readback to FL260. I wondered if they knew route as radar trace was a bit of a question mark! The girls were able to stretch out on the Trans Atlantic sector, three seats each! Eta Bilbao/BIO 16:28 local. 26 hours since leaving Kingston. A tad tired I'll bet.

13 September 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 13 September 2021 17:25 edt

There she goes again. Danie is off to Amsterdam on PH-BHE a five year old Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner (38765) "KL692/86". Then onward on KL1687 to Bilbao, Spain, tomorrow. If all goes well, another long hike across the northern part of Spain with Andrea, a good friend. Have fun girls!! The aircraft was above high thin clouds and about 16.1nm away at FL389. As I type this (16:15 edt) they are over New Brunswick heading over the tip of Prince Edward Island. Me, well, time for supper!

Photo: Neil Aird © 13 September 2021 08:13 edt

08 September 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 08 September 2021 13:56 edt

The RCAF Snowbirds just paid me a quick visit, and they are now at the Kingston Airport - CYGK. Very gusty winds and low scudding clouds, but some blue skies are appearing now and then. The top image was their first pass - I had no idea which direction they would appear from - so a fast snap! After an overnight here, they leave tomorrow morning for Ottawa for a show at Gatineau, Québec.

05 September 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 08 September 1966

Often when doing research I find out about the demise of aircraft I have flown on. Today N2969G Boeing 727-193 (19304) cropped up. I was shocked to find it had crashed almost five years to the day after my flight. To find the details, click on the above image, or for a more detailed description of the tragic event on Wiki.

04 September 2021

If for some reason this website stops being updated - it means that I have lost the only software I can use to update my websites. If this happens it might be a while until I acquire the new skills to update by a different means. It might happen sooner, rather than later . . let's hope not.

03 September 2021

• Anthony Aird © 01 September 2021 19:52 edt

Another one of our son Anthony's images. Looking south from the Kingston waterfront the other evening. We feel forunate to live in this part of the world.

31 August 2021

• Photo: Pamela Chamberlain © 12 June 2016 •

End of yet another month. Herewith the September 2021 DHC-2.COM Calendar pages for you. My thanks to Pamela Chamberlain for permission to use her lovely image of their N967TB (1669TB39) - thanks to Jim for sending it along.

27 August 2021

Scan: Via Abe Delnore from VIMS newsletter © .

An interesting e-mail arrived the other day from Abe Delnore telling us more about N31068 (868) and the strange attatchment under the belly.

Abe wrote in part:

Your website showed some possible confusion about ownership of the aircraft during this period. My understanding is that 1975 to 1986, it was owned by the U.S. Navy but on a long-term loan to VIMS. In 1986, the aircraft's ownership was transferred to VIMS and it was overhauled, which was made possible by a gift to VIMS. I have attached the autumn 1987 VIMS newsletter with a cover story explaining this. So I believe the Navy never actually used the aircraft and any affiliation with the Test Pilot School was an administrative subterfuge. I think you have the subsequent history of the aircraft.

I have added the additional information to the appropriate page on the website. Thanks Abe, very interesting read.

Photos: Rick Wheeler / Wheeler Welding © August 2021

Beaver weather vane production continues apace with No:7 painted and spinning away. Great work by Rick Wheeler - have a visit link

12 August 2021

Photo: John Kimberley © March 1983 - Aird Archives

Started a new page on the website called "Beavers in Bits" - this will showcase a collection that my friend John Kimberley sent me. Often the images show interesting projects, repairs, restorations. Sometimes I wonder just how AME's/LAME's ever manage to return them to flight! Thanks JK for you generous donation to the website of your collection.

11 August 2021

Photos: Neil Aird © 11 August 2021 15:28 edt

Managed to catch "SWR8T" HB-JNG Boeing 777-3DE(ER) (62752) as it flew almost overhead. Not bad, as it was not trailing and above scattered clouds!! Love this silly plane spotting game. Zurich to Chicago.

08 August 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 08 August 2021 19:00 edt

Backyard oasis is looking good. Did some transplants from one garden to the other. Hot work! Worth the effort however. Baby bunny kept me company today.

Photo: Neil Aird © 08 August 2021 12:25 edt

Lots of local flying by OMNR C-FOPJ de Havilland DHC-6 Twin Otter (344) yesterday and today. I presume dropping baited pellets to help stop spread of rabies. An annual task for this aircraft. Flew over earlier at 825' - my daughter mentioned that she had never seen a plane so low over her house. Usually they are not allowed nelow 1,300' - I believe there was an announcement they would be doing those flights, but I never heard about it.

Good morning Kingston. Here is the view of Confederation Basin from the clock tower of Kingston City Hall at 08:00 edt. The noisy boats will be firing up soon and leaving town. We had a power outage of 1:25 at 04:15 today. All back to normal now.

07 August 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 07 August 2021 10:30edt

We have lots of squirrels in our neighbourhood, but this one was noisy. Low flying C-FHNB Aerospatiale AS-355F1 (5174) here to film more noisy items - the 2021 Thousand Islands Poker Runs America for the huge gas guzzling powerboats. I'm just wondering how the American boats get into Canada . . hmmm. So much for a closed border eh?

01 August 2021

Photo: Anthony Aird © 30 July 2021

CORK is in full sail here in town - Canadian Olympic Regatta Kingston - although I wonder why, as the Olympics are on in Japan! Here is a "corker" of a shot by Anthony Aird, taken the other afternoon. I made a special presentation "trophy" many years ago to be given for one year, for the "Best Kingston Performance". Each winner got a sterling silver replica of the large shield, which was made in chased/repousée pewter and wood. I'll try and dig up a snap.

30 July 2021

• Photo: Ted Larkin © 22 July 2021 •

Calendar is ready. Thanks to F. K. (Ted) Larkin for the grand shot of C-FETN (1668TB38) departing from Toronto's Buttonville airport. Mike Bannock at the helm.

29 July 2021

In case you are wondering? I usually add the "Beaver of the Day" between 09:00 and 10:00 EDT each day. I'll be tackling the August 2021 DHC-2.COM Calendar pages later today, after I add a couple of Otters and Twin Otters. Always busy here. I will try not to leave two days off the month this time!!

28 July 2021

Photos: Chuck Jeffrey - Ahmic Air © 28 July 2021

Two young fans, Ruth and Norah, hoist the Blue Jay Baseball Team flag on the Yellowknife dock. They are celebrating (along with many others) the return to home base in Toronto, Ontario, from Buffalo, New York, of the team after their Covid exile, hosted by the City of Buffalo.

The garden was looking very nice in the evening sun.

The bees were working hard

Photos: Neil Aird © 28 July 2021

26 July 2021

Screen capture: Lenn Bayliss © 23 April 2005

I was just reliving a great flight I had with Barry Christie in VH-WOZ (156). He took yours truly up for a fly, and later took Lenn for the identical trip. Only room for one at a time in 'WOZ! He flew to a local strip, travelled along the dirt runway just above the surface, then pulled up steeply and did the typical reverse course turn he does when topdressing. Back along the strip again, really low, then climbed back to altitude, so as not to annoy the neighbours. Back to the farm strip. I photographed Lenn returning as he did of me. What a super (pun intended) day! Thanks Barry! I will try to cobble together a video of that ride, with Lenn's approval.

Photos: Neil Aird © 23 April 2005

Photo: Lenn Bayliss © 23 April 2005

Meanwhile - here's the short video I took - you can see Lenn taking his video as we roll out!!

25 July 2021

Photos: Wheeler Welding © July 2021

The fleet's in! Rick Wheeler has been very busy - why don't you paint , or have painted, in your own colours? He can supply primed. Here is a link to his website for details on how to order, price etc. Dimensions: 38" wingspan, 25" length.

23 July 2021

Photo: Air Chatham photo © 22 July 2021

My old friend (Now 68!) ZK-CIB Convair 580 (PAC166) made a final departure from Wellington, New Zealand yesterday (I think?). Quite a send off. A few more charters etc., before final retirement. As some of you may know, I flew on her back on 27 and 28 August 1966 when she was N8444H and still a Convair 440!!

20 July 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 20 July 2021 06:43 edt

There's that sun again . . Good Morning.

19 July 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 19 July 2021

Early morning inspiration. Here is a snap from today, just a play of light and shadow on our stairway wall.

15 July 2021

Photo: Ray Moneta Collection © 28 October 1973 - Aird Archives

Photo: Robert Esposito © 1968 or 1969 - Aird Archives

With the help from DHC-2.COM supporters and the hard work of Ken Swartz, we managed to purchase a large number of black and white negatives of Beavers. These came from the collections and work of Ray Moneta (Canada) and Robert Esposito (USA). Some wonderful "period" images. It will take some time to introduce these to the website, but it will be a worthwhile task.

On the darker side of things. These events seem to come in threes. SE-KKD (1629TB17); N9279Z(345); 5Y-BCL (1552). RIP to those who perished.

05 July 2021

Photo: Peter J. Cooper © 30 July 2008

Adding some of my archived images by Peter J. Cooper. Mostly from his trips from the United Kingdom to the Vancouver area in 2007/2008. Thanks Peter. A super selection to choose from. Very generous of you to share these for us all to enjoy.

03 July 2021

Screen capture: 03 July 2021 11;30 edt

Well, just had visitor 120,000. If you don't know the website, and are fond of the Otter, check it out.

02 July 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 01 July 2021 15:03 edt

Brief storm went through yesterday, clouds were pretty dramatic . . antennas survived.

30 June 2021

• Photo: John Mounce © July 2003 •

Not many blog entries this month, just too busy adding images to this site and also and Not been idle, I assure you. Here are the July 2021 Calendar Pages for you. John Mounce from Auckland, New Zealand, supplied the image of N456LC (434). Lovely shot John, thanks.

Oh yes - today I had my second jab of Pfizer-Biontech Covid-19 mRNA - thank you Ontario Ministry of Health. Big thanks to the staff at KGH for a well run clinic. You may have noticed, "Flame" came along to keep me company!

Cartoon: Neil Aird © 30 June 2021

17 June 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 17 June 2021 06:09 edt

Pleasant early morning light down on the model railroad. Nice escape. My little world.

14 June 2021

Photo: Rick Wheeler © 2020

Rick Wheeler is a huge DHC-2 fan. He has created a Beaver Weather Vane that is second to none. Rick is a top notch creative welder and can be commissioned to build one for you in your colours. Here is a link to his website for details on how to order, price etc. The password is "Beaver" if you need it.

03 June 2021

A red strawberry day here. First of the 2021 season from our garden. Already cosumed by Danielle.

02 June 2021

I get numerous requests to use my photographs in various books and magazines. I often forget where they end up. Case in point, got an e-mail thankyou this morning from Mark Ashley to say his e-book has been published. Low and behold, my shot of N809Z Boeing B-17G Fortress (32426) ex 44-83785 with Fulton Marana, Arizona, made the cover! Good luck with the book Mark. I guess your word is your Bond!

• Photo: Neil Aird © 09 September 1968 •

31 May 2021

• Photo: Erik (Rick) Nielsen © 04 june 2017 •

Calendar time again - here are the June 2021 Calendar pages for you. Thanks to Erik (Rick) Nielsen for permission to use this great shot of C-FDJH (1655TB31) his recently sold Turbine Beaver. The location is an area of the Yukon that he is very familiar flying to. Spectacular Kluane National Park. Thanks Rick.

Added a series of images of C-FDSB (1154) sent to me by Gerrard Quirk. The recovery images were taken by the diver, Terry Croucher, who assisted in the salvage. Thanks Gerry.

Accident: Bisoins Lake, NL. 26-Aug-2004. The commercially-registered aver aircraft, with the pilot and one passenger on board, was on a non-revenue positioning flight from River of Ponds to Burnt Berry Pond, both in Newfoundland. The pilot was attempting a glassy-water landing using two islands for reference and, upon touchdown, one of the floats dug into the water. The aircraft nosed over, and came to rest inverted. The windscreen had been dislodged during the accident and the occupants exited the aircraft through this opening. The occupants suffered minor injuries and were taken to a local hospital where they were later released. The aircraft sustained substantial damage. CADORS report 2004A0623. TSB report A04A0104.

29 May 2021

Came across these screen captures I made from David Malysheff's video work for "The Immortal Beaver" at my studio in Metalworks back in 2008. Here I am working on the 18K gold Beaver lapel pin that I gave to Russ Bannock in the very building where the prototype Beaver was built at Downsview, Ontario.

28 May 2021

Photo: Eric Roscoe © 1969

The Hawker Hunter rates up there with the Sud Est SE.210 Caravelle in my opinion, as one of the most beautiful looking aircraft. Here is XF527 an F.6 (S4/U/3389) landing at Prestwick in 1969. Nice capture by Eric Roscoe. Just received seven more Prestwick images, oh so nice to see those! Thanks Eric.

25 May 2021

Just want to congratulate my friends at Kenmore Air who are celebrating their 75th Year of operations! Well done - keep it up!

21 May 2021

Design: Claudia Aird-Tousignault © 17 May 2021

A hive of activity here today. Added some of my granddaughter Claudia's cute bees. I really thought they were fantastic. Hope you like them, Flame obviosly did. Another artist in the family! This was her birthday card for Danie.

19 May 2020

Time for a shout out to our supporters!

Rod H (UK), Randy S (MI) twice!, Klaus M (WA), Herb W (CH), Ian Mac (ON), Erik N (YT), John R (BC), Gerald C (NS), Anthony A (ON), Mark A (WA), Rob M (ON), Peter R (OZ), Andre L (BC), Paige and Jim B (ON).

My sincere thanks to you all. We still get about two hundred unique visitors per day using my counter, must be doing something right - eh? My AwStats counter shows these statistics!

xYesterday's Stats: 17 May 2021x X732 Visitsx X2,440 Pagesx X29,601 Hitsx x2.85 GB Bandwidthx

17 May 2021

Celebrating my wife Danielle's Birthday - this was my wee present for the occasion. "Happy Birthday Danie!"

15 May 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 15 May 2021 17:54 edt FL220

Over the top winner for me! Lucky catch, just by chance! P4-LAS Lockheed C-130H Hercules (382-4600) "L2408" Lynden Air Cargo. Routing Rome (RME) - Anchorage (ANC). Bit of a long story here - so . . . let me explain.

On the 14th I noticed this rare civil Hercules heading east, well to my south, on my screen. A little digging and I see it left Hamilton, Ontario. It looked to be heading in the diection of Boston. This was around 16:30. Later I saw a nice photo on FaceBook by Reinhard Zinabold of it taken at Hamilton, plus an explanation.

Photo: Reinhard Zinabold © 14 May 2021

It was carrying Beluga whales from Marineland, Ontario, to a facility in Mystic Connecticut. It landed at New London (GON) with the special cargo.

How I managed to catch it over my house was very strange? It was supper time, I came upstairs to collect something and just happened to look at my "radar" screen. There was P4-LAS tracking directly towards my house at 22,000'. I detached my camera from the stand (had just installed a quick release attachment last week), changed lenses, raised blinds, removed the window screen and stuck my head out of my south skylight. Could hear it. Back to the computer screen, almost overhead. Rushed to the large skylight in our bathroom facing north, opened window, wow, there it was. Six clicks later. I had my snaps. Down to dinner and explained my excitement - and luck. The Herc had a flight of six hours and twenty-three minutes to Anchorage, Alaska, hence the routing over Kingston.

07 May 2021

Lovely double rainbow last night. The last one I snapped (below) was back on 01 December 2006!

02 May 2021

Well, my turn came. Arrived at arena complex at 13:20 for 13:30 appointment. Had vaccination (0.3ml Pfizer-Biontech Covid-9 mRNA PB) at 13:31 and left the building at 13:48 after my 15 minute observation period. Very impressed with the whole set up. Well done Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington Health Unit. August 22 for 2nd dose . . . .

01 May 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 01 May 13:59 edt

Well, we had snow overnight! All gone now. Lovely spring day. Pleasant 7C. I've been photographing clouds for my sky replacement file. You could well see a few of these on the website. Example above.

30 April 2021

• Photo: Stephen Wolf © 30 July 1998 - Adrian M. Balch Collection •

Herewith the May 2021 DHC-2.COM Calendar pages. This month comes from the collection of Adrian M. Balch, an image by Stephen Wolf of the ill-fated C-GHAF (1408).

21 April 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 21 April 2021 07:10 edt

April Shower eh? Good morning from Kingston, Ontario.

20 April 2021

Photo: Harbour Air © April 2021

Congratulations once again to Harbour Air on the eBeaver's recent flight. More details will be coming shortly. Some info on "current" events here.

14 April 2021

Photos: Neil Aird © May 1995

While Danie and I were inside cave dwellings in New Mexico, I noticed interesting shoe/boot prints on the floor. Modern hieroglyphics?

13 April 2021

Image: David Malysheff - Gamut Productions © 2005

Been a while since I did a blog entry. Grabbed this screen shot of yours truly with two Icons. "The Three Beaver Amigos" - George Neal and Russ Bannock. We had a lot of fun that day in Downsview.

01 April 2021

Photo: Jean-Pierre Bonin © August 2004

Another month put to bed. Here are the April 2021 DHC-2.COM Calendar pages for you. My thanks to Jean-Pierre Bonin for the tranquil shot of C-FIDG (718) at Lac Long, near Taddousac. Merci J-P.

29 March 2021

K E N M O R E A I R AT 75 - a dream on floats - nice spread in the current issue of FLYING Magazine.

17 March 2021

Photo: The Canadian Press Images / Lars Hagberg

Our daughter Katie was snapped walking to work on March 2nd. This picture appeared on Global News, here in Kingston. Her daughter noticed it. KFL&A Public Health (Our local area Health Unit) is reporting a significant hike in  COVID-19 cases today, Wednesday, with 15 new cases and 53 active. Queen's University is the source of at least 28 cases.

8" x 8" - Anthony C. Aird © 13 March 2021

I added my recent birthday present from Anthony to his paintings page. Thanks Ant - out of this world!

16 March 2021

Photos: Neil Aird © 16 March 2021 07:12 edt - 07:19 edt

Different light show today. Came and went quickly, and has now faded to a dullish gray morning, -6C.

15 March 2021

A brief flash of the spectrum in our darkened stairwell this morning.

14 March 2021

Photo: Eric Roscoe © May 1964

Not today, but I can see I'm going to have to build a page for "Interesting Aircraft I have logged" - this example, image by Eric, is one. Long time resident CF-NUH Handley Page HPR.1 Marathon 1A (133). I logged it at RAF Wymeswold on Thursday, 27 June 1963. Also present were Lockheed Hudson IIIA CF-CRJ (414-6448) which I saw once again returning from my honeymoon in 1970, at Gander on display as T9422. The prize, however, went to Imperial Iran Air Force 5.06 Douglas C-47 Dakota (unknown). I had no film for the camera that day.

13 March 2021

Photo: Eric Roscoe © 23 March 1967

Adding yet another page to the Aird Aviation Archives section. The work of Eric Roscoe, taken at Prestwick in the 1960's. Thanks Eric, for letting me work with your images. Great days at Prestwick.

Photo: Unknown photographer © 1967 - Adrian M. Balch Collection

At this time I would like to welcome Adrian M. Balch to the website family. Adrian has generously offered unrestricted use of his extensive DHC-2 Beaver image collection. Thank you Adrian - the quality of your scans make my life much easier, as far as the content, we will certainly will be gaining some outstanding items! I will add some details about Adrian's background soon. A fascinating career. We have quite a few similarities in our early aviation activities! You will have noticed some of his collection already I am sure. Thanks again Adrian, for your generousity!

Nice to see that the odometer on still rolls around. 115,000 when I looked in this morning! I will be adding more Otters in the near future. More news on that later.

12 March 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 12 March 2021 09:53 est

Well, a few more signs of spring. Mr & Mrs Cardinal popped into the back yard. A sure sign that the season is changing. We will most likely get a dumping of snow before true spring arrives. The hour changes on the weekend.

11 March 2021

Photo: Danielle Aird © 11 March 2021

For those of you who follow "The Adventures of Flame" you may have noticed a Bat appear on the cartoon yesterday. Well, here is Bat Man at work.

The evening before, as I was on the 2nd floor of our old Victorian house, I saw a bat flying along the hallway and it looked like it entered the shower room at the other end from yours truly. I rushed and closed all seven doors on that level. "I will deal with that in the morning" says I to Danie. I blocked the space below the door of the shower room. We left some lights on and closed all the doors on the third floor, and called ita night. Today, after breakfast I approached the shower room, opened the door cautiously and searched. No Bat! I then went along a side hall to our back bedroom, opened that door, "Bingo - Got it!" - I had the butterfly net that our kids used at the ready and put it around the wee beastie, who was squeaking at me. Danie came with a piece of ceral box for me to coax it into the main body of the net. I had already opened the door to our second floor balcony to provide an escape route had it decided to fly somewhere. Next stage was a calm walk to the balcony with Danie. A quick release. A couple of orbits by our friend, and off it went between our house and the neighbouring one!

I had my studio skylight open for a while (no screen yet) and it must have come in using stealth technology! We have had a few Bat advenuters over the years, in our house and others where my services have been called upon.  Butterfly nets at the ready always. the screen went on my skylinght.

07 March 2021

Photo: Danielle Aird © 07 March 2021

I went for a stroll with Danie by the waterfront to catch some vitamin D.

04 March 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 13 September 2004

I'm still gradually (459 so far) uploading images to and feel this is where I would like most of my images to reside - one day!! Great bunch of people running the site, and a treasure trove of Aviation History - not just pretty pictures. I urge you to bookmark this site!

Over the last month or so, I have been working with David Kellock and through him, Ed Willing. Today, finally we have details on the wreck that was located in Saudi Arabia. Another expedition is planned for 2022 I believe. Thanks to both gentlemen and others in finding which aircraft this is. N731A (974). A sad event back on 30 December 1959, ARAMCO's first fatal accident in sixteen years of aviation operations.

28 February 2021

• Photo: Chris Imrie © 10 September 2020 •

The March 2021 DHC-2.COM Calendar pages are ready for you. My thanks to Chris Imrie for this month's image. C-FOCV (74) at a secluded fishing spot in the Algoma Region of Ontario. Thanks Chris.

Photo: Neil Aird © 12 September 1967

Added seven more images to my Eastern Ramp Action page, JFK for an hour or two early one morning, still deaf from my Trans Atlantic crossing - I just needed some more noise and jet fumes. I have tapes of all these aircraft coming and going - dare I add them somewhere - someday?

27 February 2021

Our granddaughter Claudia took this wonderful snap of a Chicadee. Great depth of field and action. Well done Claudia! I like the ones waiting in the wings for their turn.

The odometer rolled round again, cruising onwards towards two million. Working on the calendar today for March. Will be up later today or tomorrow.

24 February 2021

Photo: Ian Macdonald © 24 February 2021

I often wonder just who watches the website. Well, Andrew (shown above) seems to have a passing interest.

My Ottawa pal Ian wrote:

Cat’s name is Andrew, 18 months, 8 lb, found by the tracks at Casselman as tiny, smelly, shaky-legged, ear mite infested, bag of worms, partially dyed yellow kitten, also noisy and very sociable. Now very clean, amazing athlete and great companion.

He sees your site often but to be honest would rather watch bird videos on youtube.

22 February 2021

"What's this all about?" . . I hear you say. Well, once upon a time I got to build a really boring brooch for his wonderful lady, the Princess of Wales.

It was quite a day, My cousin and his wife were visiting from Australia. Kingston was looking wonderful. "Maybe we can go over to Queen's University, they are having some guests?" - The Royal Yacht was achored in the Kingston harbour. It was 28 October 1991.

Photo: Neil Aird © 28 October 1991

In the afternoon, I knew that she was going to be presented with the special PWOR Brooch I built for her. I thought she would yawn and pass it along to someone in the party, but no. She took it out of the presentation case and pinnned it on. Wow, what a gal. Later Danielle got me a nice print from the newspaper with her wearing the brooch. Here is the item, just for the record. Only a very few know I made this pin . . until now. There is actually a Beaver connection.

It is a copy of the cap badge of the Princess of Wales' Own Regiment.

Armorial Description

The Prince of Wales' plume enfiled in the coronet of a princess, resting on a waving scroll bearing the motto ICH DIEN. Surmounting the coronet, and shaded by the tips of the drooping plume a circle with the regimental motto NUNQUAM CEDE in relief. Above the circle a beaver, and within, the letters PWOR.

Inspired by satellites and their engineering, I designed several items of jewellery. Above is one "Array" using various shades of 18K gold and 24K gold, which was often used in satellites. Solar arrays that unfolded to power the spacecraft were the obvious source of my inspiration.

I will dig up and image of one that was inspired by the "Viking 1" trip to Mars. in that brooch I tried to imagine what the surface of Mars would look like . . I was not far off!

The Red Planet - "Phobos and Deimos" - Neil Aird © 1976

Sterling and fine silver, 18k red gold, agate slice, green tourmaline and two moonstones, representing the moons of Mars.

21 February 2021

I am having way too much fun today. Took the day off from web-work. Found some old images from my youth, So with the help of Danielle and after digging out my old specs, jeans and Mississippi sweatshirt . . and a little help from Anthony with preparing a mask. Here is the result. "Then & Now" - 1968 and 2021! Taken in the back garden of our house in Lenzie, Scotland, just after I returned from studying in Sweden, March 1968. Yes, it does snow in Scotland.

11 February 2021

I have been quite preoccupied with doing research and practical tests to improve my scanning techniques (Slides and b+w negatives so far). My efforts have been quite successful, but really don't translate into any significant improvement when added to the website. My images usually end up being scanned at 3200 dpi / 6000+ pixels wide when I work on them, but by the time they are on the website, 1170 pixels for a banner shot and 565 pixels when on the history pages, they are just the way they were with my old methods. The snaps in the blog are 450 pixels. If you click on the Beaver above, you will go to a huge wide 2500 pixel page which will give you comparisons of some images and my techniques. You will have to scroll about, but if you reduce your browser down to 75% you should be able to view on the average screen. Enough rambling from me, I'd better get to work on my websites, been experimenting too long!! Running way behind with additions and correspondence.

06 February 2021

One of my "feathered" friends. XL502 Fairey Gannet AEW.5 () taken by my pall Robert A. (Eddy) Edwards, probably a Yeovilton or Greenham Common, still have to dig into his log books for the info. Always liked the Gannet.

05 February 2021

Photo: Neil Aird © 14 May 2001

I noticed, while updating C-GBVR (1477) today, that it seemed to anticipate, almost ten years ago, the current Covid 19 pandemic.

\31 January 2021

A few more images of my current studio set up. This is the "slide scan" mode. Works well.

35 mm Slide insert from Negative Supply, generously purchased for DHC-2.COM by collegue Kenneth I. Swartz. Thanks Ken!

My camera set up, I click the shutter from my tethered iMac.

Certainly speeds up my production!

Below is the final effort.

29 January 2021

Running tests on my latest slide gizmo, which just arrived today. I guess I am a test pilot these days. Will tell all soon. Quite happy so far.

28 January 2021

• Photo:Jeff Wallace © 27 January 2021 •

Almost the end of January, so here are the DHC-2.COM Calendar pages. Thanks to Jeff Wallace and Neil Ayers (the pilot) for sending along images of C-FYWT (1642TB23) enjoying a lovely Winter's day on Long Lake, Sudbury, Ontario. Thanks gents.

Let me apologize to those of you who tried to access the website from the DHC-2.COM page - there were issues with it - it vanished! I never go to the website via that route, I have bookmarked CURRENT COVER PAGE ( which will take you straight to the main page. I was made aware of the problem by various folk by various means, thanks to you all. I corrected the index page, so all should be good . . .

27 January 2021

Been a while since I did a blog entry. I have changed my studio set up slightly. Brought up my light table, photo stand equipment etc., from the second floor to my main studio up here on the third. I will explain the equipment I am using in a future blog entry. I am now shooting negatives/slides with my camera and an expensive set up from Negative Supply in Camarillo, California. Needless to say, a lot of experimenting has been done. I am awaiting one more item from the company, which will make shooting slides a bit less "hit or miss" . . .

11 January 2021

You Tube screen captures

"Fresh Day-Glo"

Photo: Neil Aird © 09 September 1968

Yesterday I got a head's up from Graham Robson in the UK., that my Davis-Monthan Webpage was being featured as a brief segement in a podcast, presuming that all my slide scans were colourised! Some fellow called Mike Smith had suggested to the Podcast team that they were so. NOT! I checked it out - Airline Pilot Guy - Aviation Podcast Episode 455 starts at time stamp 3:00:19 on YouTube, 06 January 2021. Nice to get some exposure, but not like this.

I responded in the comments section this morning, with the following.

Just a note. My photographs on DHC-2.COM taken at MASDC in 1968 are not “colourised”. The day-glo on the B-47 was perfect and unfaded as shown in the Kodak Slide. Images of it were taken by myself and pal Tom Baillie. The aircraft was a new arrival, and one of the “hits” of our two day visit (from Scotland). All colour images are original slides. Some of the black and white images are tinted, my choice as it is after all, my website. Having grown up in the wonderful day-glo days, I am well aware of how it fades. As an artist, I have even painted a faded day-glo fisherman’s glove without using day-glo paint. A personal triumph. Perhaps your comments about unreal colour was caused by vibrancy/saturation settings on each person’s monitor. Best wishes from Kingston, Ontario.

"Faded Day-Glo"

Photo: Neil Aird © 09 September 1968

09 January 2021

Photo: DHC © August 1956 - Aird Archives

When I digitally restore images, I view them at a huge size. I feel sad that I cannot share that scale. I now have a page "The Bigger Picture" where I will upload some favourite images I have worked on. Here is one of N97T (908) at a river dock near Downtown Cleveland, Ohio. I hope you enjoy it! I know I do.

07 January 2021

Happened to catch a roll-over. 1,906,000 at 10:25 EST.

02 January 2021

Happy New Year everyone - fresh snow overnight.

30 December 2020

I have been quietly working on a new section for the website "Six of the Best" - Click on the link. All photographers I have selected will have their own page at some point. I have a few completed already. I asked each of them to select six of their favourite images. These are some of the contributors to the website whose work I greatly admire. I hope to update these pages form time to time, and also add a few more photographers - at some point. Don't want to bite off more than I can chew! My thanks to them all for participating.

Image: Anthony C. Aird © 2020

Over recent years Danielle and I have received quite a few small paintings by our son Anthony. We treasure these small paintings, which bring pleasure every day. I thought it would be nice to share these creations with you folk. Thanks Ant!

Year end look at our "Fan Club" - visitors to DHC-2.COM !

29 December 2020

• Photo: Michael Mastin © c.2000 •

The January 2021 DHC-2.COM Calendar pages are ready for you. Thanks again to Michael Mastin for providing this evocative image of N62355 (1045) fogbound at the Juneau Floatplane Pond. Thanks Michael.

26 December 2020

After a wet and windy Christmas Day - overnight we had a snow storm and awoke to a more seasonal scene! Best wishes to all of you. Greetings from a naturally decorated 193!

Photos: Neil Aird © 26 December 2020

22 December 2020

Well, yesterday I printed off Danie's final edit (!) of her upcoming book. Here is a snap of page 1. Next stage will be a publisher search. I look forward to having a read soon! I see this stage as a real "Pilgrim's Progress" . . . .

16 December 2020

Photo: Promotional post card.

Probably the rarest aircraft I have ever flown in. N8477H Convair -22M-21 (22-7-1-54) operated by Alaska Airlines. I rode it in 30 August 1966 also on September 01 and 02. I believe it was sold on 05 November to Cathay Pacific as VR-HFY. I did have a flight in a Swissair Convair 990, but this was a smokey treat. Long story . . for another day. Strange thing is I did not take any pictures of it at the time!! Spent six hours and twenty five delightful minutes airborne. Aah.

Photo: Neil Aird © 16 December 2020 12:44 est

Just a bat passin' my window. Actually a Bell CH-146 Kiowa of the RCAF. Using a "BAT" callsign. Heading from the Armed Forced Base, CFB Kingston to the airport - CYGK. They sure ain't stealthy!! Heard it long before I saw it.

15 December 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 15 December 2020 09:45 est

Nice crisp, cool, clear sky. 1994 vintage TF-AMC Boeing 747-412F (26563) Air Atlanta's "ABD702" ex 9V-SFA, 4X-ELF, N265BR appears. Frankfurt to Greenville, SC. Even my wife Danie, came into my studio to remark upon it going by her window!!

13 December 2020

A shout out to Michael Mastin for his super Banner Image - I have awarded him the "DHC-2.COM - Picture of the Year 2020 award! This image is a remarkable composition in my opinion. Well done MIchael. The aircraft in question is N1249K (1594) and the location is Ketchikan, Alaska. It is also the 14,000th Beaver image added to the website.

12 December 2020

Received a delightful e-mail from Kenneth R. Baierlipp today. he has given me pemission to present it here. We are hoping to have some photographs in the near future to add to N114RA (1346), which currently has non. Many thanks Ken. I will also add this to the "Beaver Tales" section.

I just happen to run into the You Tube video of the "The Immortal Beaver". This while scanning You Tube videos of the recent SpaceX Startship SN8 flight test.

My most favorite aircraft to fly were the UH-1H Huey, Cessna 172, De Havilland Beaver and the Dassault Falcon 50. the Beaver I flew was N114RA belonging to the Fort Carson Military Aero Club, Ft. Carson, Colorado, roughly late 1973 to June 1975. The aircraft was acquired from military surplus while I was at the club and converted to civilian status, During that time I became a civilian and then became a civilian instructor at the aero club. It was a non-appropriated funded organization under the control of the recreational assets of Ft. Carson and all instructors were FAA certified flight instructors. I originally ended up flying the aircraft because the Ft. Carson Parachute Club wanted to use it. I had already been flying a Cessna 206 belonging to the aero club for the parachute club but both the parachute club and the aero club wanted to use the Beaver for jumps and I had already been checked out in it shortly after it was civilian certified.

I usually only flew it 2 to 3 Saturdays a month and sometimes on Sunday. I sometimes would fly it in the Colorado Rockies for ski trips or other reasons. It did not have a VHF radio, only a UHF one, and to land at Aspen I had to take a portable VHF radio and stick the antennae out the window. Of course at Aspen it stood out significantly from all the Hollywood jets on the ramp. Although the largest military aero club in the country at the time most students and ordinary club members had no interest in flying the Beaver but occasionally someone would ask for a check out in the "big tail wheel airplane".

The civilian manual only had data up to 8,000 ft but I got the U.S Army -10 manual with info up to 20,000 ft. I needed that as Butts Army Airfield at Ft. Carson was at 6,000 ft and one was not going to do much for a parachute club unless you could get the airplane up to sufficient altitude. Because of the thin air at that altitude I had to take it frequently to 16,500 ft to allow the parachute club to get certain timed free fall events in. The highest I ever got it was coming over the Collegiate Peaks flying from Crested Butte to Fort Carson. I hit a very powerful mountain wave and with nose down and the speed up to 140 kts indicated I peaked out at 17,700 ft.

The airplane was on wheels obviously. The weird item on civilian certification was an argument between the certified aircraft inspector and the FAA over the flaps. The military version allowed 52 degrees flaps and the U.S. civilian certification allowed only 40 degrees. The AI had simply painted a red line at 40 degrees on the flap gauge. The FAA did not want to buy that but the AI s argument was "then all other red lines don't mean anything". They finally relented so of course on Butts military airfield it very often landed with should we say "full flaps" on a real short runway that Butts Airfield had to keep it out of all the other military and aero club traffic. Just might have been used elsewhere too but I couldn't say.

It occasionally got used for some other should we say bulky items. I carted a motorcycle and furniture from Fort Carson to Gunnison, Colorado, with it for a guy getting out of the army. I would fly it for the aero club when the club would use it to get overhauled propellers from the Denver area for other club aircraft.

In the You Tube video it mentioned the pull handle for the clutch on the inertial starter. Would you believe I use that a number of times. In the winter at Ft. Carson that was the only way we got it started some days. I could get the inertia starter really wound up and then jump in the cockpit and pull the clutch. I usually could not get it started that way but the parachutists liked the plane so much I could get them to line up to crank the inertia starter and then after several tries we could get the old 985 going.

I left the club in June of 1975 and my last flight at the club was in fact flying the DHC-2 to an airshow at Salida, Colorado. I left the club because I was suspecting unethical operations by the military assigned manager. Roughly 8 months later a bunch of investigators closed in and shut the club down because of irregularities, Because of the very large size of the club there was a lot of money involved. As I understand the manager was charged on one contract irregularity but by that time he was out of the army and in a different state. The net result is the Ft. Carson commander shut the whole thing down and as best I know put in the Ft. Carson policies that there would never be an aero club again. I just heard last year they may finally allow one again.

Beginning 1976 the U.S. Army legal staff and other personnel came in and disposed of all the assets but I really do not know what happened to the Beaver. My understanding was in theory when it was bought from army surplus for the aero club only $1 was the contract price. However there was a clause that the aircraft could never be sold on the civilian market and if the airplane could no longer be used by the Fort Carson or other military aero club it was to be returned to military surplus holdings. I believe it was sent to another military aero club when the Ft. Carson club was shut down and from that point on I do not know what happened to the airplane.

If it is a serial number you are still tracking down I don't think I have a picture of it. However I have a friend in Canon City, Colorado who just might have a picture. He and I actually maintained the thing under the guidance of the AI and later mechanic because the aero club really did not want to spend money on it. (Think aero club manager).

Kenneth R. Baierlipp

08 December 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 11 September 2003

I am sorry to report that Marg Watson-Hyland has passed away. What a fine lady. I enjoyed meeting her back in 2003. Blue skies Marg. My thanks to Andre Lebine for letting me know. My sincere sympathy to her husband, and to her family and friends.

05 December 2020

Photo: DHC © Print 10560B - Digitally restored by Neil Aird

Well, my Otter website did not auto renew yesterday, so it is off line at the moment. It has been renewed and might not be back before Monday. MidPhase Billing does not work weekends. Hopefully all will be well Monday sometime, if not before. The above image created a lot of interest on the DHC-3 de Havilland Otter Face Book Page (2.9K members) - the reaction has inspired me to do more digital restorations - it is a lot of work, but the positive reaction makes it worthwhile. I am working on some DHC-2 Beaver Production images as well. Click on image below for huge images. You may have to adjust your web browser settings to get it all on the screen!!

Photo: DHC © Print 18638/173 - Digitally restored by Neil Aird

04 December 2020

My companion website on the de Havilland Canada DHC-3 Otter reached a milestone today. Five years since launch, and 110,260 unique vists logged. My thanks to Karl E. Hayes and Ian S. Macintosh for their ongoing help and expertise.

01 December 2020

Photo: Kyle G. Cameron © 01 December 2020

Here's something you don't see every day. Hot stuff! Thanks to Kyle Cameron for the image from Whitehorse, Yukon.

Kyle wrote:

So I've got this new CAT(erpillar) phone. It has an IR camera built into it. I got it primarily as a tool for engine and wiring diagnostics and to find the leaks in the walls of our sub-arctic log of house but this makes for a pretty cool shot. This is a customer's -2 after a post-annual inspection test flight; CF-JRO, S/N 1108. Great to see it's popping on all 9.

30 November 2020

• Photo: Neil Aird © 04 May 2005 •

Cutting it close again - the December 2020 DHC-2.COM Calendar pages are up. This time one of my snaps, remembered from the item below. At the end of the day, VH-AAM (1492) at Rose Bay, near Sydney, New South Wales, sails to the dock.

27 November 2020

Photo: Rich Hulina © 27 November 2020

Photo: Anthony Aird © 27 November 2020

Two views of the same sunset. One by my pal Rich Hulina in Northwest Ontario near Sioux Lookout, and the other by my son Anthony, in Eastern Ontario at Kingston. 1334 km / 829 miles apart! 36 hours by train!!

26 November 2020

Photo:Neil Aird © 16 May 2005

Climbing into our old time machine - back to 16 May 2005 we go. A visit to see Chiang Kai-shek's old Beech D-18-S, now VH-SAU.

25 November 2020

Photo: Anthony Aird © 24 November 2020

Borrowing a nice "got my goat" shot taken by Anthony when out on his chilly hike yesterday with his Mom. Nice light Ant!

22 November 2020

Photo:Ian Woodcock © 1997

Added a bunch of images to my Avra Valley page. Spurred on by a few aerial images taken by Ian Woodcock, back in 1997. Thanks Ian.

20 November 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 03 May 2005

Just over fifteen years ago I went to the Opera, not just any Opera. I'm sure you will know which one?

19 November 2020

Photo: DHC ©

After two hours in the dentist's chair this morning, I need some light relief. Here are a couple of Beaver aircraft, one in the test jig, and the other showing how you stick two halves of a Beaver together . . .

17 December 2020

Got a nice e-mail from Alvin Delahoussaye which I post below. Thanks Alvin. Always nice to get "behind the scenes" info.

Photo: Tom Delahoussaye (left) and Art with N501Z

I just discovered your website.  And besides being very impressed with the extensive collection of Beaver pictures and information - I was especially happy to find pictures of 1668TB38 C-FETN (N501Z).  You see, my father, Tom Delahoussaye was the pilot for the Superior Oil Company through the '60's & 70's - during the time they owned N501Z.

With quite a few of their drilling rigs and production platforms scattered throughout Louisisana's marshland and the Gulf of Mexico, the Beaver was used to fly execs and key personnel in/out.  (With the occasional hunting/fishing trip thrown in)

Having previously flown a Grumman Widgeon & Goose, my father never ceased to be amazed by the Beaver.  I can still recall listening to him regale his pilot friends with stories of both the planes' power and agility.

Again, thank you.

Alvin Delahoussaye 

16 November 2020

Every now and then I trawl through my other backup hard drive on this comuter. Yesterday, I did that and found several slide scans I had made, but not yet cleaned up. Only problem is that I cannot match them up with a photographer. My suspicions are that they were taken either by Peter R. Keating or Sheldon D. Benner, using composition and quality as my criteria. The next few days will mean they get showcased as banners. What a pleasure it is to clean up these images to original pristine condition. I only wish my documentation were up to that standard!!

15 November 2020

Working on a few old pictures taken around Glasgow in 1963, when I was a first year student at the Glasgow School of Art. Processed the film at that time as well. I don't think I ever printed them. Maybe just used them as sketch book material. Seem to remember main project was composition as much as content. Walked around some tenements and then down to the River Clyde - Clydeside. Like everything else, this is a work in progress and just a diversion from Beavers etc!

Photos: Neil Aird © 1963

14 November 2020

Photos: Neil Aird © 14 November 11:50 est and 15:55 est

Finally got to snap this little Bell 505 C-GSFF (65156) that is often in the area, it always goes to and from Howe Island. Seems to be shuttling back and forth from Kingston Airport to a factory site east of Rockport, on the St. Lawrence River.

13 November 2020

The work on the upper part is underway today, just sealing areas where new section will go. Mill work on posts not completed yet, everything else is ready to go. Lower part is now complete, we can use our front door again! Mailman is happy about that.

07 November 2020

Previous railing had just six newels versus the nine now, which meets current code!

The work on our front porch restoration / rebuild is progressing. Major work and expense. Being done correctly. Two young women are the main crew these days, very impressed with their careful, skillfull work.

Photo: Neil Aird © April 1995

Added a few more scans of prints, to my Max Holste MH-1521 Broussard page. Must dig out some more snaps soon. The image above of F-GIDJ (No.283) was taken when I visited Pau - LFPB, France. My camera had died, so images were with point and shoot disposable!

03 November 2020

Another aviation icon has passed on. Max Ward died last night in Edmonton, age 98. Blue skies Sir.

Photo: Anthony Aird © 01 November 2020

Anthony was out with his camera the other evening. Got some great captures. As a result I have a new screensaver. Thanks Ant!

02 November 2020

“When I was wee”

 There was a time, back in 1952, when each evening I would anxiously await the arrival on our street of a very special visitor. With permission from Mum, I would run downhill to the west end of Eldon Gardens and sit on the curb. I knew he would arrive soon. It was getting dusk. Unusual for a seven-year-old to have a daily ritual like this, unless it was pouring rain. Wearing his bunnet, the gentleman carrying a long pole, soon arrived. I forget his name, but he knew mine. I tagged along as he stopped at each lamp post and using his special pole, would work his magic. Within seconds, the gas lamp mantel glowed. It seemed to get brighter before he left and went onward to the next standard. I hoped dearly that he might invite me to try lighting one. If he was not running late, he would do something at the lamp, then hand the long pole to me. “Neil, let there be light” he would say. Oh boy, what a thrill when it shone.  I would continue along our street for a few more lamp posts, observing him at work. It was more interesting than watching the window cleaner or coal man when they came by. I got a cheerful “Cheerio” from him, “See you tomorrow?”. I always nodded “Yes” and scampered home, basking in the limelight, full of pride in my accomplishment.

31 October 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 31 October 2020 07:42edt

This was my first look at the day. Later we saw the tree behind our house rain down leaves constantly until 80% were on the ground. There was no wind. I went out and videoed the event, all you could hear were the leaves hitting the ground, and yours truly! It was -6C. Here is Flame at work observing the strange phenomenon!

I'd better ger the November Calendar started, another month has almost gone.

• Photo: Dale Tiedeman © 16 June 2020 •

Well, I manged the November 2020 DHC-2.COM Calendar pages just before November 1st!. Thanks to Dale Tiedeman for the image of C-FZCO (1027) at rest in Saskatchewan.

27 October 2020

16:10 edt

18:16 edt

What a difference. First snowflakes. All gone my 28th!

Photos: Neil Aird © 27 October 2020

26 October 2020

Photos: Neil Aird © 25 October 2020 17:40 edt

Still the odd tree with colour. Last night from my window, today, gray, rainy and "driech" . .

24 October 2020

Photo: Anthony Aird © 24 Ocrtober 2020

It has been a while since I did a blog entry. Anthony sent me a great shot from his walk this morning. Here it is. Thanks Ant, cool capture!

15 October 2020

Still working behind the scenes on my three websites, adding new format and updated data, especially on the Beaver website. The website is having many images from a friend, Jay Sherlock, added. Ian and I are enjoying this website as we hated to see it vanish from the web. That can never happen anyway as "The Internet Archive - Wayback Machine" keeps everything, warts and all. It is important that you refresh your web cache every now and then to make sure you are looking at a current iteration.

01 October 2020

Photo:Gerry Norberg © 30 September 2020

Well, C-FZXD (1336) made it safely to Selkirk, Manitoba, and her new owner. (see 01 September 202 blog item below). Thanks Gerry for the snap.

29 September 2020

• Photo: Tom McLennan © 29 July 2020 •

Calendar time again folks. The October 2020 DHC-2.COM Calendar pages are ready. A wonderful image captured by Ahmic Air pilot Tom McLennan of C-FMXS (1010) - a personal favourite DHC-2 of mine! The location is Sandy Lake on the Thaidene Nene National Reserve in the beautiful Northwest Territories

28 September 2020

Will be working on updating Beaver files on the website. my partner in crime, Ian Macintosh has just sent me the updated data/format for the final tranche of 99, which will keep me occupied for a while. Thanks Ian!

I have had this print for many a year. Here is a scan of an excellent cutaway by one Gary Aldred, longtime DHC and Bombardier Graphic Artist. (Thanks to Ken Swartz for info on Gary) I obtained it from the Canadian Air & Space Museum, when it was at Downsview.

I think it is a good time for another "shout out" to the many folk who have helped in some way to "grow" this website. My sincere thanks to everyone. Quite a few are no longer with us alas.

Join our ranks

Without your help and participation, this site would not exist!
Jon Abuhl, Danny Acton, David Adam, Colin Adams, Jesse Adams, Jvan Aeberli, Etyan Aidelbaum, Marty Aidelbaum, Gary Aldred, Anthony Aird, Danielle Aird, Katie Aird, Neil Aird, Robin Aird, Josh Akbar, Torleif Åkesson, Bill Alder, Abbas Ali, Stephen C. Allsep, Paul Altenhofen, Ron Altenhofen, Michael Andersen, Jonny Anderson, William Anderson, Jim Andie, Tammy Andie, Alexis Antonakis, Tony Arbon, Kurt Ariano, Melissa Arntz, Glen Arsenault, Tom Arthur, Farrukh Athar, James Atwater, Sadie Audette, Mike Aune, Pekka Autere, Marnie Ayers, Neil Ayers, Ross Baadsvik, Han Backner, Tim Badham, Bob Baglow, Harold Bailey, Steve Bailey, Peter Bakema, Francois Bakkes, Jan Bakkus, Mick Bajcar, Chad Banfield, Greg Banfield, Russ Bannock, Fred Barnes, Joe Barr, Craig Barratt, Doug Barry, Mike Barth, Bob Bates, Dave Bates, Michael Bausch, Lenn Bayliss, Ian Beatty, Simon D. Beck, Jon Beekman, Sheldon D. Benner, John Bennett, Ole Johan Berg, Oscar Bernadi, Ronnie Berning, Trevor Bartlett, Roger Besecker, Michael Besenthal, Rene Biber, Andreas Bischel, Mick Bajcar, Francois Bakkes, Adrian Balch, Dave Bates, Eric Banworth, Jon Beekman, Sandy Benzies, Peter Berganini, Pierre Berube, John Bessette, Warwick Bigsworth, Scott Black, Bill Blanchard, Steve Blanchette, B. Blatherwick, John Blatherwick, R. Blaxland, Mark Blok, Keith J. Bollands, Bob Bolivar, Jean-Pierre Bonin, Mark Booth, Simon Boothroyd, Warren Bork, Nathan Bonyun, Todd Bottcher, Marc Bourdon, R. Bourges, Eric Brady, Cyrus Brantenberg, Andrew Brattkus, Alain Brecqueville, David Bridgen, Bill Brophy, Chris Brown, Darcy Brown, David Brown, Wes Brown, Jean-Marc Braun, Mike Bristol, Gorden Bulger, Jim Burton, John Burford, Pat Burns, Keith Burton, Joe Bush, Mark Butcher, Ian Burnett, Brian Byl, John W. Calderwood, George Calef, Ian Callier, Terry Calvin, Bob Cameron, J. Neil Cameron, Kyle Cameron, Bill Campbell, Kennedy Canarr, George Canciani, Mark Carino, Tammy Carmack, A. H. Carter, David Carter, Ron Carton, Raynold P. Camilleri, Peter Caslick, Caz Caswell, John Caswell, David Chadwick, Terry Challice, Gary Chambers, Paul Chamois, Kent Chaput, Chris Charland, George Charity, Ron Charity, Chris Charland, Glenn E. Chatfield, Bowen Chau, Bob Childerhose, Al Christensen, Terje Christensen, Bill Christopher, Rick Church, George Clark, Harold Clark, Keith Clark, Daniel Clarke, Frank Clautier, Mike Clayton, Garry Cline, Chris Coates, Eddie Coates, Simon Codd, Bill Coffman, Jenny Coffey, Ben Cogger, Barry J. Collman, Keith Connors, Peter Conquerwood, Gerry Conrad, Blake Cook, Peter J. Cooper, Bob Coppinger, Les Corness, Mike Costello, Jim Court, Terry Coxall, David J. Cocks, Robin Cooper, Matthew Cosier, Steve Cos, Ryan Cossette, Jim Court, James Craik, Barrie Crampton, B. Cranston, Darren Crick, Mike Croker, Justine Crowe, Richard J. Currie, Dave Curtis, Gary Cutsforth, Pierre d'Andre, Andres Dallimonti, Ernest M. Dalton, Ken Dalton, Peter A. Danby, Ben Dannecker, Steve Darke, Levi Darnell, Brian Dary, Doug Davidge, John M. Davis, John R. Davies, Trevor Davies, Carl Davison, Barney Deatrick, Spencer Decorby, Ray J. Deerness, Manuel J. Delgato, Normand Denis, Jeff Denny, Jonathan Derden, Michel Despres, Thierry Deutsch, Jeff S. DeVore, Archie Difante, Rod Digney, Marco Dijkshoorn, Christian Donig, Carl Dore, Jin Dorst, Glenn F. Douglas, Ian Douglas, David A. Dozenroth, Paul J. Draine, Henry E. Dreher, Lindsi Driesbach, Matthew Donica, Bruce Drum, Eric Dumigan, Richard Dumigan, Gary Dumond, Troy Dunn, Andreas Durr, Jordan Dykstra, Doug Dzus, Syl Dzus, Martin Eadie, Kyle Eaton, Robert A. Edwards, Verity Edwards, Brandon Elliot, Ben Ellison, Eric Ellison, Kevin Elwood, Chris England, Art Englund, Paul Englund, Archie Difante (AFHRA), Jaime Escobar-Corradine, Norman Eastaff, Glen Etchells, Glynn Evans, Oliver Evans, Bill Ewing, Dave F., Manfred Faber, Bill Fairchild, Kevin Fairley, Adrian Falconer, Joe Fanazick, George Faulder, Robert W. Faulder, Mike Feeney, Pat Feenstra, Rick Feldmann, Martin Fenner, Michael Fenwick, Scott Ferguson, Tom Fex, Bernard Filiatrault, Emin Findikli, Kurt Finger, Glen Firman, Brian Fisher, Josh Fitz, Peter Fitzmaurice, Lorence R. Fizia, Barry Flahey, Erin Fleck, Tee Flemming, Terry Fletcher, Alan Flett, Dale Floyd, Marcel Fluet-Lecerf, David Fogwill, Harry Follas, Gerald Fontaine, Chas Ford, Harrison Ford, Paul Forsythe, Michel Fortin, Alberto Paulo Fortner, Carlos R. Fortner, Charles Fournet, Bob Fowler, John L. Francis, Chuck Franzin, Dr. W.G. Franzin, David M. Frederikson, Pam Freese, Brienna Friday, Jack M. Friell, Erik Frikke, James "Jim" Neil Wallace Frogley, Dion Fuchs, John Fuller, Mike Fussell, Don Fynn, Robert Gagne, Paddy Gardiner, Bob Garrard, Steve Garlick, Wilber Gates Jr., L. Gautschi, David Gee, Gary Gentle, Ted Gerow, Tom B. Gibbons, Bruce Gignac, K. J. Gilchrist, Don Gilbertson, Pierre Gillard, Michel Giroux, Darrel "Luke" Gisbrecht, Adam Glowaski, Benno Goethals, Geoff Goodall, Fergal Goodman, Michael Goodwin, Daniel Gorun, Pat Gould, Jennifer Gradidge, Bill Grady, Andy Graham, David Graham, Rory Grammer, Wayne Grant, Detlev Grass, Tom Grant, Joe Green, Brian Greenhalgh, John Greenhill, Michael Greenhill, E. H. Greenman, Gary Gentle, John Goring, Richard Grevatte-Ball, Hallett Griffin, Peter Grimm, Gunter Grondstein, Gert Groenenberg, Brad Greaves, Kim Grist, Bob Groop, Joop de Groot, Jacques Guillem, Dave Guilliams, Andres Restrepo Guitierrez, Peter Gun, Bernie Haberl, Usman Habib, Scott Habberstad, Dan Hagedorn, Bo Haggkvist, William Haines, Jim Hall, Rod Hall, Bill Hann, Ian Haskell, Jim Hansel, John Hansen, Phil Hanson, Christian Hanuise, Nick Harris, Alan Harrison, Philip Harte, Ken Hartford, Steve Hartl, Vernon Harvey, Nathan Havercraft, Paul Hawkins, I. B. Hayes, Jack B. Hayes, Paul Hayes, Michael Hays, Gary J. Hebbard, Dave Hedge, Brad Hegland, Magne Egil Heitmann, Derek Heley, Jeff Henderson, Oliver Herting, Markus Herzig, John Hevesi, Peter Hews, Jos Heyman, Barry Heyton, Rolf Hicker, Jack Hickson, Lance Higgerson, Colin Higgs, Dave Hilchie, Tom Hildreth, Conor Hildebrandt, Chris Hiles, John Hill, Ron Hill, Steve Hill, Holly Hipwell, Rowly Hipwell, Nigel Hitchman, Chris Hobson, Jim Hodgson, Danny Hoggard, Heather Holt, Mark Holt, Robert P. Hom, Ben Hopkins, John Hopton, Dan Hornseth, Denis Hosking, Fred Hovestad, M. D. Howley, Ronan Hubert, Frank Hudson, King F. Hui, Sergio Hulaczuk, Rich Hulina, W. G. Humphrey, Andrew Hunt, Arwen Hunter, Colin Hunter, Ken Hurford, Harry T. Hyvonen, Justin Iyres, Rodrigo Santa-Maria Izquierdo, Bill Jackson, Jim Jackson, Nick Jackson, Nano Jacobsen, Anthony T. Jarvis, Arno Jannson, Gord Jenkins, David Jaremy, David A. Jarratt, Greg Jensen, William Jesse, "Alaska John", Erik Johannesson, Alan Johnson, Daniel Johnson, Garth Johnson, Jamye Johnson, Mel Johnstone, Clark Jones, John F. Jordan, Dick Josaitis, Mogens Juhl, Christian Hansen Kamhaug, Andreas Kanonenberg, Dwayne Kasulka, Yoshihiro Kawada, Toni Kazakoff, J. D. Kean, Peter Keating, Colin Keith, Mike Kell, Johan Kellerman, Peter Kelly, Ryan Kennelly, George Kent, John Kerr, Jim Kershaw, R. F. Killick, Peter Killin, Tom Kim, John Kimberley, Carrie King, Mike Kincaid, Paul Kip, Peter A. Kirkup, Kihei Kitagawa, Axel Klegian, Marco Klostermann, Kevin Knox, Martin Koetsier, Leo J. Kohn, Ralf P. Kokoschka, Bill Kolarik, Steve Koon, Ron Kosys, Peter Kovanda, Karl Kramer, Loet Kuipers, Ken Kula, Jan Kulhavey, Andre Labine, Patrick C. Lace, Vern Lace, Tim Lachenmaker, Franz Lackner, Oliver Lacombe, Bill Laidman, Colin Laker, Dirk Lamarque, Michele Lambert, Bruce Lamond, Jack Lamont, Pierre Langlois, Tim Langton, John Land, Ted Larkin, William T. Larkins, Dave Lawrence, Simon Lawrence, David Lednicer, Barry Leeming, Luc Levevre, Johnny Letto, Valerie Levasseur, Peter Lewis, Ricardo Martin Lezon, Peter Liander, Peter Liedtke, Jacques Lienard, Björn Lindström, Lief Lindström, Bob Logan, Dick Lohuis, Richard London, Helmut Lorenz, Fabrice Loubette, Russ Lougheed, Osborne Love, Mike Lunenschloss, Roland R. Lussier, Greg Lynn, Marathon Museum, Ian M. Macdonald, Allan MacEwan, Ian MacFarlane, Ian S. Macintosh, Barrie MacLeod, Mike Madden, Karsten Madrian, Michelle Madsen, Scott Magie, Chris J. Mak, Ron Mak, Norm Malayney, Daniel Marks, Travis Marsh, Brian Marshall, Chris Marshall, Ken Marshall, Patrick Martin, Richard Martin, Tim Martin, Stuart Martindale, Jan Mangelschotz, Marcel Martineau, Klaus Marx, Laura Marxen, John Mastro, Ken Mattocks, John Mazepa, Dennis McCallum, Ian McConnell, Dudley McDermott, Geoff McDonnel, Bill McFarland, Scott McGeachy, Ben McGilvray, Stephen McGinn, Joe McGoldrick, Tim McGraw, Len McHale, Michael McKendry, Keith McKenzie, Tom McKibbon, Rod McLean, Gary McLeod, Ken McTavish, Scott McTavish, Trevor McTavish, Jean-Marie Magendie, Charles Mali, Ernest Martin, Laura Marxen, Kai Mecklin, Ken Meegan, Tobias Meier, Martin Meijers, Tom Meikle, Vince Meneely, Mark Merry, Shawn Miller, Stephen Miller, Todd Miller, Graeme Mills, Jason Milot, Joseph J. Miner, Yu Ming, Mike Minty, Wesley Minuano, Mike Mirkovic, Rob Mitchell, Vern Mitchinson, Heath Moffatt, R. Moneta, Jim Moore, Robin Moore, J. A. Morrow, Derek Morton, Jack & Nancy Most, Xavier Mouraux, Harald Mueller, Hugh Mullen, André Munniks, Coert Munk, Eric Munk, Dave Munro, Mark Murphy, Neville Murphy, Terry Murphy, Nicolai Musante, Wayne Mutza, George Neal, Bob Neate, Rick Neilsen, Sippo Nevalainen, Dennis Newell, Franklin L. Newton, Nick Nicholas, Air Nikon, Larry Nix, Don Noble, Russell Noble, Gerry Norberg, John N. Nordstrom, Lindsay Nothrop, Bob O'Brien, Christopher O'Brien, Michael O'Farrell, Errol O'Hara, Dan O'Link, Philip O'Regan, John W. Olafson, Harald Olsen, Ron Olsen, David Orberg, Bob Ostrom, Paul den Ouden, Jesse Ouellette, Glyn Owen, Stefano Pagiola, Radek Palika, Robert K. Parmerter, Dave Paull, Ryan Park, Den Pascoe, Ted Paskowski, Craig Paul, Anthony L. Payne, Chris Payne, Stephen R. Peck, Marcel Peerlkamp, Alain Pelletier, Fernando Peña, Alex Penrose, Mark Alan Perry, Jay Perrycook, David Perston, Antti Pesonen, Ferdinand Peters, Eric Petersen, Dick Petit, Charles Phaneuf, Jules Pilon, Mike Pink, Darren Pitcher, Daniel Piotrowski, Robert Poirier, Jean-Luc Poliquin, Daryl Poncelet, Paul Poppenhager, Patrick Vinot Prefontaine, Anders Presterud, Breck Bresnell, Mervyn W. Prime, Martin Prince JR., Nathan Pritchard, Ted Prodzinski, Michael Prophet, Greg Putz, Marion Pyles, Heiko Quandor, Bob Quinn, Tristan Raab, John Racey, Gary Racicot, Sherrie Radatzke, Tom Radatzke, Don Ratcliff, Peter Reardon, R. Reaville, Gary L. Redhead, Melvin Reed, Chris Reeves, Eugene Reid, Gordon Reid, Verne Reid, Fred Remmler, Steve Rice, Jean-Philippe Richard, Mario Richard, Antony Richardson, Dave Richardson, Rob Richey, Robin Ridley, Martin Riehl, Alain Rioux, Juha Ritaranta, Stephen Ritland, Paul D. Roach, Brian Robbins, Frank Roberts, Dave Robertson, Greg Robertson, Es Robinson, John Rodriguez, Robert Roggeman, Chris Roughan, Willem Rongé, Chuck Ross, Kurt Roth, Rob Rowe, Wayne Rudd, Christian Ruppert, Paul Rushton, David Russell, Davis Rutherford, Dev Salkeld, Daniel Sallée, Mathew Salmon, Kalevi Savola, Paul V. Savora, Bill Sawchuk, Frank Schaefer, Juergen Scherbarth, Peter Schinkelshoek, Walt Schlotfeldt, Jim Schoeggl, Rene Schrijver, Matt Schroeder, Derek Scott, Wally Scott, Bill Scrivens, Colin Sedgwick, Dirk Septer, Dennis J. Seath, Jay Selman, Howard Setzer, Matthias Sieber, Rick Sigurdson, Wallace Shackleton, Bob Shane, Robbie Shaw, Noel Shennan, Terry Shepherd, Jay Sherlock, Frank Shipway, R. A. Scholefield, Charles Shorter, Beth Shrieves, Bill Shull, William W. Sierra, Jose E. Silveira, Tii-Maria Siitonen, Keith M. Simpson, Tom Singfield, Sky Wrench Aviation, Simon Slater, Doug Slowiak, Davis Smart, Jim Smith, Jesse Smith, John Smith, Malcolm Smith, Mike Smith, Stan Smith, Silas Smith, Keith Sowter, Jeff Sparks, "Sparkman", Stuart Spicer, Paul B. Spychalski, Ted Stallings, Erick Stamm, Scott Stamp, Bill Stadnyk, Mark Stedman, Raimund Stehmann, Peter Steinemann - Skyline APA, Ragnar Stenarson, Paul Stenner, Jeff Stephenson, Dave Stern, Mark Stevens, Philip Stevens, Charles R. Stewart, John P. Stewart, Robert M. Stitt, Brian Stockall, South Australia Aviation Museum, Ken Stoltzfus, G. Strathdee, Jim Sullivan, John F. Sumrall, Mike Sutton, N. Suzuki, Baldur Sveinsson, Fred Swartz, Kenneth I. Swartz, Kevin Swash, Terry Sykes, Roger Syratt, Babak Taghvee, E. Tailliet, Ernie Tait, Daniel "Danny" Tanner, David Tanner, Norm Taylor, Henry Tenby, Nico Terlouw, Martin Third, Jochen Thoma, Simon Thomas, Rick Timms, Steve Todd, Walt Torgersen, Phil Treweek, Ellis Trautman, George Trussell, Philip Tsherische, Mathieu Tornare, Pekka Tumme, Joan Turner, Harry Tyrpak, Ben Ullings, Gerben Van Beek, Kristof Vandermoere, Steven Vanseggelen, Jessica Veal, Ben Veldman, Gary Vincent, Aad van der Voet, Marcel van Leeuwen, Peter Vine, Ugo Vizenci, Jeff Voigt, Michael Volk, George Volsky, Dennis Waddington, Robin A. Walker, George D. Wallace, Fred Wallis, David Walker, Robin A. Walker, Sally Walsh, Marcel Walther, Trevor Warne, George Warren, Bernard Watson, Peter Watson, W. Watson, Marg Watson-Hyland, Randy Webber, Dave Welch, Cable Wells, Erik J. Wennen, Roger Wensley, Charles Wesley, Robert Wheeler, Brick Wellman, John Wester, Elwood White, Ian White, Shannon White-Zahar, Ian Whyte, R. W. Whitlock Jr., Evan Wick, John Wielickzo, Michael Wiens, Michael Wigen, Kevin Wiggins, Wally Wiggins, Stephen Wilcox, Terrance L. Wilds, Bob Williams, Kevin Williams, Robert G. Williams, Stuart Williams, Chris Wilson, Robert D. Wilson, Robert Wiseman, Shaun vanBergen, Raymond van der Wilk, Steve Van Seggelen, Rick Wilbee, Brad Wilson, Ian Wilson, Jeremy Wilson, Simon Wilson, Warren Wilson, Mark Windridge, Wup Winn, Robert "Bob" Wiseman, Mark Witteveen, Jack Wolbrink, Jim Woolnough, Colin K. Work, Jon Wornham, Neville Worsley, James Wood, Robert Wood, Tim Woodland, Sid Woods, Frank Wright, Kevin Wyatt, Larry Ziminisky, Paul Zogg, Raik Zühlke, J. Zwart, Wim Zwakhals, Crystal Zwicker, " Project DHC-2 ", 656 Association and the Harbour Air Archives. If I have omitted your name - please let me know.

23 September 2020

Photo: Bill Hann © 19 September 2004

Back in 2004, I met up with an old friend, c/n 354. Thanks to my pal Bill Hann, I got to say hello again.

21 September 2020

"Turkish Delight"

Lower photo: Neil Aird © 21 September 2020 16:41 edt

One of Danielle's favourite candy bars - I cannot look at a Turkish Cargo aircraft without thinking of it. Here is TC-LJO Boeing 777-FF2 (65743) "THY6363" cruising by yesterday on her way to Turkey. I wonder how many "Big Turk" candy bars you could transport it it? Of course, real Turkish Delight is much preferred!

Photo: Neil Aird © 20 September 2020 10:40 edt

Transport Canada patrol " TGO922" on patrol this morning westbound over St. Lawrence River and Lake Ontario. 1985 vintage C-GCFR DHC-7-150 (102) at 1,800'.

18 September 2020

Photo: Bo-Göran Lundkvist © 06 October 1964

Another surprise on Facebook today. My friend in Hawaii, Swedish born Bo-Göran Lundkvist just posted an image of G-AOHO Vickers V.802 Viscount (164) "Samuel Wallis" of BEA at London Airport. I made my very first flight in that Viscount on Friday 13 April 1962. BE790 departed Glasgow - Renfrew at 09:30 and touched down at Birmingham - Elmdon at 10:30. One hour on the nose. I enjoyed the flight, especially having one of those huge oval windows to gaze through. Thanks for posting that image B-G! I have been enjoying all your Kastrup images you have been posting on the Classic Propliners & Early Jetliners group.

16 September 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 22 January 1968

I just took a snap of a huge print I had made back in 1968. The subject, as you can see, was a Convair 440-75 Metropolitan SE-BSX (396) which I rode in from Copenhagen - Kastrup to Gothenburg - Landvetter, flight SK494. I was heading to do some Post Graduate work in Sweden, my first real winter experience.

14 September 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 28 May 1960

Back in 1960 I got to snap some interesting USAF aircraft at the Prestwick Armed Forces Day. A treat was to be able to buy a 7-UP in a tin (as we used to say) - only place you could do that in the UK at that time! Above is 56-3883 North American F-100F-10-NA (243-159) from USAFE 20 TFW RAF Wethersfield - EGVT. It was later painted camo and served wearing tail markings 0-63883 in 1967, later in the United States 56883 MI. It finally ended up as a QF-100F Drone No:389!

13 September 2012

Found this young lady hanging around our kitchen window this morning.

12 September 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 12 September 2020 - 19:25 edt

Interesting clouds this evening.

It is amazing what one can find in archived e-mails, if you take the tiime to look. I have been adding great images by Todd Boettcher and Philip Stevens that I have overlooked . . . I am also continually working behind the scenes adding data that I have not managed to add before. I need more hours in the day, and days in the week!

06 September 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 06 September 2020 - 16:25 edt

A sunday, but yet another survey flight. N310XR a 1976 vintage Cessna 310R (310R0626) flew over a few times, very hard to see, but I caught it at 12,300 feet! I have had a few flights in the Cessna 310, mine were in a 310C.

05 September 2020

Happy Flag Day to my Danish friends!

04 September 2020

Photo: Anthony Aird © 04 September 2020

Beautiful clouds last evening, glad to see my son Anthony made it down to the Kingston Waterfront. Beautiful shot Ant! Here's the view from my window.

Photos: Neil Aird © 04 September 2020 19:35 edt

01 September 202

Photos: Neil Aird © 01 September 2020 - 14:24 edt

Oh, that sweet sound. C-FZXD (1336) paid a very brief visit to Kingston's Inner Harbour. Glad I did not attempt a long hike as it arrived at 14:06 and cruised by my window at 14:24! Last time it will be by my window, it is heading to Selkirk, Manitoba in late September or early October to a new home!

31 August 2020

• Photo: Ian Beatty © Summer 2020 •

Well, Calendar time again folks. The September 2020 DHC-2.COM calendar pages are ready. Ian Beatty sent me this great shot of his steed C-FOEU (1678TB46) on their lunch break. Thanks Ian.

Oh yes - I see there are now 4,300 pages on this website!!

29 August 2020

Photo: U S Army © A-70-5-7

Dennis Newell sent me this image of U-6A 56-4416 (1140), which is in US ARMY manual TM 100-500-70. Thanks Dennis.

As Dennis wrote:

.  I hope the pilot would have allowed me to take the next airplane out because I do not want to be on board this Beaver when they start shoving that stuff outside the door at altitude.  No Thanks, I do not want to hear the thump when this stuff hits the horizontal stabilizer.   It is true we always wore parachutes in the Beaver at all stations (Chest packs on the Otter), good plan if you are going to dump this stuff mid air.

28 August 2020

Last night I lost another aviation friend - Thomas J. Macfadyen "Pud" to his pals, and there are many. Here is a link to a page with some details about Tom sent by good friend Douglas A. Rough. Sympathies to Tom's wife Sheilagh and his daughter. I like this image taken about 1969 by his pal Stuart Sim. RIP Pud.

26 August 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 26 August 2020 - 11:28 edt

Back and forth, back and forth. "TIGR337" our venerable RCAF Rescue Herc 130337 (4584) is playing over RMC this morning. Must be some kind of training. Heading back to CFB Trenton as I enter this - 11:39.

23August 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 23 August 2020 - 16:45 edt

Sounds so much like a Beaver, but I am used to this local buzzing in from his cottage on Loughborough Lake, north of Kingston. Caught him heading home just now. C-FLLF Murphy SR3500 Moose (259SR) powered by nine cylinder 360 hp Vedenyev M14P Radial Engine - sure sounds a lot like an R.985!!.

20 August 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 21 August 2020 - 19:01 edt

Some odd looking clouds tonight.

20 August 2020

Photo: Danielle Aird © 20 August 2020 - 13:00 edt

The Constant Gardner . . well, when it is cooler anyway. Moving some flowers from one garden to another. Caught in the act by Danie from the kitchen window - so much for a surprise! Here's the view without yours truly.

Photo: Neil Aird © 20 August 2020 - 14:00 edt

13 August 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 13 August 2020

I see you Red, I know what is coming . . .

12 August 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 12 August 2020 19:49 edt

Turkish delight - "THY5" TC-LLA Boeing 787-9 (65801) at FL379 cruising by Kingston, eastbound.

09 August 2020

Photo: Les Dvorak © July 1974

Here's the story to go with the above picture of CF-RDA (1578TB7) at Norman Wells, supplied by Tim Parrish. Thanks Tim.

Arctic Air Ltd., operated CF-RDA  out of Fort Simpson and Fort Nelson on floats in the summer and wheel/skis in the winter.    In the summer of 1974 Arctic Air Ltd., had a contract with an exploration firm and RDA was based at the float base (DOT Lake) in Norman Wells (VQ) where a camp was set up.  The pilot was John Hnatiuk and the engineer was Pete Austin.  I was in Fort Simpson flying for Arctic Air when the report came in that the aircraft had been damaged at the lake in Norman Wells.  The story was that the engineer took it out for a taxi power check but inadvertently got airborne.  He flew around for a short period of time obviously gathering his thoughts on what to do.  The pilot came out of his tent to see his aircraft overhead.  The engineer got RDA back on the lake but with some damage as the picture shows.

The above picture of the damaged RDA at DOT Lake was taken by Les Dvorak.  Here is what Les wrote back .  " I took the picture of RDA when I had a trip to the lake at NW. Arctic Air had it repaired and Gary Moore installed the overhauled engine down at the shed at WAL where they had parked".   (NW being Norman Wells.)  The damaged aircraft was transported(possibly by barge) to FS where the new engine was installed at Les Dvorak's yard on the Fort Simpson Island Airport.   "I dont remember how they got RDA out . Gary installed the new engine at FS . they had the airplane at Arctic Air and they brought it down the airstrip to where I was and put in the engine. That would have been the next year"   Les has started Wolverine Air (WAL) by then. 

08 August 2020

Photo: Katie Aird © 16 July 1991

Might have shown this snap before? Taken 29 years ago. "Boy in Beaver" . . having fun with Katie (our Daughter) at Middle Wallop.

Photo: Mike Biddulph © 1964

London / Gatwick - EGKK used to be a great place to catch U-1A and U-6A. Here is a crop of an image I saw this morning on the Facebook Group - Vintage & Classic Light Aircraft. I had to clean it up a bit. It was taken by Mike Biddulph in 1964.

07 August 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 07 August 2020 16:50 edt

A familiar sound, but not my "regular" - this time C-FKPI Pilatus PC-12/45 (250) RCMP zipping by. I waved.

06 August 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 06 August 2020 09:36 edt and screen shot below at 13:12 landing RWY 19 CYGK.

Busy Twin Otter, flew by on the start of a rabies baiting flight. C-GOGC deHavilland DHC-6 (750) was out working and flew the patterns, low level, that you see above. An annual event in this area.

01 August 2020

Yesterday, as I was working on this website, I "lost" the whole "Front Page" - it was, needless to say, the most nerve shattering, stressful day!! Thanks to distant external backup (It was still on the www) I managed to rebuild it by late evening last night. All is not 100%, but good enough for now - I think?

31 July 2020

N4982U (904) was involved in mid-air with a PA-12 near Sterling, Alaska this morning about 08:30 Alaska time. Tragic loss - six in Beaver and one in PA-12. Sympathies extended to families and friends.

30 July 2020

• Photo: Todd Boettcher © 06 September 2016 •

One more day left in July. Here are the August 2020 DHC-2.COM Calendar pages. Thanks to Todd Boettcher for the image of N564RC (1156) at Renton. Danielle and I were flown in this Beaver from Rosario's on Orcas Island, Washington, to Eagle Nook Resort on Vancouver Island back in 2015.

29 July 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 29 July 2020 20:46 edt

This evening, and every evening recently, if there is a nice sunset, we enjoy the reflections in the windows of Sydenham Public School, across the street.

24 July 2020

Photo & Screen shot: Neil Aird © 24 July 2020 14:15 edt

Getting my picture taken again I guess . . ? Cessna T206H N558TA (T20608621) 3,750', GV Air Inc., a long way from Oregon.

22 July 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 22 July 2020

This tiny pink Poppy measuring 1.5 cm popped up in my window box. I have never seen one so small.

20 July 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © FL390 - 20 July 2020 20:01 edt

A nice pass directly over the house by D-AIKK Airbus 330-343 (896) of Lufthansa operating "DLH441" - Houston / IAH - Frankfurt / FRA. 9 hours 15 minutes en route.

Photos: "The Yard" Neil Aird © 18/22 July 2020

Some of you may know that I am building a small N guage model railroad scene - Layout dimensions 2' 10" x 5' 6" - yes, that's pretty small! - the black oil tank above is a 35mm film container! It is just as a change from Beavers etc. If you wish to follow the progress, you can do so here

It is a lot of fun. A tribute to my Dad.

08 July 2020

Photos: Neil Aird © 08 July 2020

Shot from our third floor balcony, this Swallowtail was feeding at the top of a Linden Tree.

07 July 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 07 July 2020 13:26 edt

Biz Buzz - RCAF C-GSYC Beech 300 King Air (FL-20) "CFC1600" zipping by at 1,000' after playing around the eastern end of Wolfe Island for a bit. Difficult day to see high level aircraft, unless very lucky (been lucky twice) aircraft not trailing and high haze. C-17 Globemaster III 02-1098 (50106) "RCH457" went right over the house at FL 310 - heard but not seen!

05 July 2020

A sad day - eight people lost their lives today near Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. A Cessna TU206G and DHC-2 Beaver collided in the air. The Beaver was N2106K (1131). I met the former owner and his Dad back in 2001. The company was sold, planes, name and all, two years ago. I am relieved somewhat, but saddened by this event.

02 July 2020

A sober reminder folks.


20 August 2020 CANADA (37M) 123,653 9,051

20 August 2020 UNITED STATES (327M) 5,720,387 176,794

20 July 2020 CANADA 110,626 8,884

20 July 2020 UNITED STATES 3,711,413 140,119

02 July 2020 CANADA (37M) 106,289 8,678

02 July 2020 UNITED STATES (327M) 2,688,592 127,299

01 July 2020

I'd like to give a big shout out to Alan Flett in Camden, NSW. Many thanks to Alan for sharing the super images of Australian DHC-2 Beavers taken over the years. Great to have those vintage images!

30 June 2020

• Photo: Kenneth I. Swartz © 21 August 2007 •

Calendar time as we head into the second half of the year. The DHC-2.COM July Calendar pages are ready. This month a shot by Kenneth I. Swartz of N49771 (1079) at the Tyee Spit. Thanks Ken, nice image.

25 June 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 25 June 2020 10:20 edt

A quick circuit around town at 3,500' before heading off NE, I presume to Ottawa. C-FGXJ Beech C-90A King Air (LJ-1178) of the DoT.

22 June 2020

Photo: Robin Aird © 21 June 2020

Yesterday, Midsummer's Day, local "flight line" down by the river close to where my son Robin lives, 21 km south of Golden, British Columbia. The river is still a tad "refreshing" . . .

10 June 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 10 June 2020 14:30 edt

The clouds and rain vanished, so Top Aces' Alpha Jet C-GVTA (0009) "CHETA61"came to play. Fortunately it is circling at 5,300', so very quiet. Thank goodness.

09 June 202

As promised - Another visit.


Photos: Neil Aird © 09 June 2020 12:30 edt

At least the Dash 7 is quieter than the two Top Aces Alpha Jets that will be circling overhead for four hours tomorrow. Never quiet around here alas!!

08 June 2020

Photo: Anon - Just like those standing here.

Visit USA 2020 - Social distancing - I for one, will not be visiting.

Meanwhile their buddies in Minneapolis were slashing all the tires of cars legally parked in a K-Mart parking lot!

Photos: Neil Aird © 08 June 2020 13:36 edt

Lots of this going on these days. Nice to follow this one, did me the courtesy of a fly by! Says he will be back this way tomorrow. C-GCFR 1985 DHC-7-150 (102) doing round-robin Ottawa - Ottawa as "TGO992".

I got buzzed by my RCMP friend, PC-12 C-GMPB while I was picking my first strawberry of the season . . but I won't comment further.

07 June 2020

I have uploaded, as a PDF, part two of three lectures I compiled in "Power Point" to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver. So here, for the record, is Part Two "Military Days". Remember these presentations were completed in 2007 - they maybe a wee bit dated.

06 June 2020

Wow - big hail storm. Scary stuff, especially if you have a metal roof and lots of skylights. So very loud!! Trees shredded, so clearing eaves trough today, now that things are dry.

Photos: Neil Aird © 06 June 2020

03 June 2020

City of Kingston tree crews are here today to work on the huge tree outside our house. If my cable goes out, there may be no udates for a few days - so, fingers crossed. It might mean more sky for me. 10:45 edt - all clear. Tree saved, lost of branches removed near the house and lower down. Not too big a change up top. Job well done.

Photo: Neil Aird © 16 April 2009

80-0254/DM A-10 Warthog (A10-0604) doing circuits at Davis-Monthan AFB. 357th FS - 355th TW.

01 June 2020

Another long project underway. First four months of Flame's 2020 complete. I always get a giggle when I look back at my "Toonies" - after all, that's what they are for ! There is no sound track and maybe set the speed to "2 or 4" - right click with your mouse and set to whatever speed you prefer. I will be adding to this file over the coming year.

30 May 2020

• Photo: Keith Connors © 2018 •

DHC-2.COM Calendar time again. My thanks to Keith Connors for the beautiful image of C-GZXV (1079) on Turnagain Lake, British Columbia.

25 May 2020

Photos: Neil Aird © 25 May 2020 14:01 edt

Another OTT ship - I showed Danielle it on my camera, "Bet you know which country this is from" - thenI zoomed in - "Qatar" - Boy, she is getting good!! A7-ANJ Airbus A350-1041 aka an A35K (266) "QTR729" at FL400, heading from Doha to Dallas.

22 May 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 22 May 2020 19:28 edt

Lovely evening here. PH-BKF Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner (42499) operating "KLM82" FL369. First time I have been able to see the actual registration on my photograph! I think I have a new screensaver for a while.

I have uploaded, as a PDF, part one of three lectures I compiled in "Power Point" to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver. So here, for the record, is Part One "The Museum Crowd". Remember these presentations were completed in 2007 - they maybe a wee bit dated.

20 May 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 20 May 2020 15:34 edt

A colourful regular Freighter above here (OTT) is D-ALMD Airbus A330-243F (1524) "BCS396" with DHL from Leipzig to Cincinnati. Sometimes from East Midlands. The first of five ex Ethiad aircraft - formerly A6-DCB.

16 May 2020

Sterling silver 925/1000 lapel pins © Neil Aird

Promised myself to get back (after doing a Beaver and a few Otters) to scanning my jewellery negatives and slides. Currently working on my "Belugascapes" series, based on these little fellars. Fun to go back in time. Long overdue!

14 May 2020

Photos: Neil Aird © 14 May 2020 14:04 edt and 13:42 edt

Skies are getting busier again. Here is a sample. Oldtimer , well twenty years, N412MC Boeing 747-47U(F) (30559) Atlas at work "GTI539". Presume by heading, making for Anchorage and onward to China. (It came back on Saturday 16th at 14:20!). It was following a China Airlines B-2037 Boeing 777-39L(ER) (38677) "CCA 646". Other items of interest to me today, were a USAF C-17 04-4132 "RCH541" and down low a US Navy Boeing P-8A Poseidon was doing circuits for quite some time at Wheeler Sack Army Airfield.

12:29:53 169542 Boeing P-8A Poseidon (64073) United States Navy "PIONR33" 13:51:50

12 May 2020

Screen capture: - 12 May 2020 11:05 edt

A sprightly 63 year old is orbiting upstate New York, near Fort Drum (desert pink area), just about thirty miles ESE from me. 57-2599 Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker (17735) is delivering fuel to some "chicks" I imagine. It has been there for about an hour and a half. Currently at 23,025'. Arrived from Niagra Falls. Looks like he has had enough of that and maybe heading home at 11:20 edt.

08 May 2020

Photos: Neil Aird © 08 May 2020 11:36 edt

As part of their Cross-Canada flight, the RCAF Snowbirds did a fly by over Kingston this morning, as a tribute to out Health Care and Front Line workers in the effort to combat the Covid-19 virus.

02 May 2020

Photo: Jim Hymrack © 28 April 2020

C-GYOJ (442) is progressing along. Latest pictures from Jim Hymrack are on 442's page.

Photo: Neil Aird © 02 May 2020 10:44 edt

Well, there goes another Air China flight, oh so many these days. B-2047 Boeing 777-39L(ER) (60374) "CCA634" following sister ship B-2031 (38670) "CCA981" which went by just twenty minutes earlier. 11:31edt and one more heading back to Bejing, China, 100 nm to my east, the regular track for them. B-2046 passing B-2089 heading to JFK. B-2045 "CCA989" doing the same, but it will pass my window in a while. Still over Hudson's Bay. Noon here now, and B-2088 heading to China.

30 April 2020

• Photo: Kenneth I. Swartz © 20 August 2018 •

Thanks once again to Kenneth I. Swartz for this atmosphheric image of C-GHPG (713) at a smokey Nanaimo. This is the May 2020 DHC-2.COM Calendar feature. Thanks Ken

28 April 2020

Card by Anthony. © 2020

Well, fifty years ago today, Danielle and I got hitched. Guarantee still good it appears.

27 April 2020

Photos: Neil Aird © 27 April 2020 17:15edt

Okay, okay, so you know where I live lads! Get back to work.

25 April 2020

Uh-oh. did I do something? Just noticed this E-6 162783 (23889) US Navy, "GIN048" coming at me - well, after I took the screen capture at 12:25 edt., it veered westbound across the lake. Phew. It is a regular up here, always at FL260 - 265kts.

24 April 2020

L-R: C-GUBD (747); C-GNLA (424); C-FZVR (639); C-FLPF (1300).

I asked Paul to write something to go with the photograph he sent the other day. Thanks Paul - a somewhat "chilling" tale.

Newfoundland to Labrador Annual Winter Food Lift

The photo of wheel/ski equipped Beavers and an Otter was taken about April, 1982 at Long Pond, Forteau, Labrador at: N 51 27’10” & W 57, 00’,00”.

Annual winter freeze-up brought an end to ferry and coastal boat service and these aircraft were a common sight for decades when the annual food lift to Labrador transported passengers and freight across the 20 km wide Strait of Belle Isle that separates Newfoundland from Labrador. Most communities along Coastal Labrador and the North Shore of Québec lacked airstrips of any kind so ski operations were the norm. Lack of hangers also meant aircraft were tied down outside on lakes and harbours, secure against the winter storms and Nor’Easters that struck frequently, packing snow drifts like concrete, or coating aircraft in sheets of ice and drizzle requiring hours to manually deice. In the days before synthetic oil, the Pratt & Whitney engines winter oil W-80 nearly solidified in temperatures of -20C to -30C, requiring pre-heat with the “Herman Nelson” shown on the komatik in front of C-FLPF. If pre-heat was not available, it meant using the aircraft “oil dilution” system that metered a specified amount of avgas into the oil system using a chart from the aircraft manual and based on the overnight low temperature forecast. This meant letting the P&W engine cool sufficiently at end of day before restarting and then adding gas to the oil. The engine needed to be cool enough to add the gas, but not sufficiently hot to evaporate the gas after shutdown. It also meant that start of next day required running the engine at operating temps for a specified time to evaporate the gas prior to takeoff, otherwise there was a risk of loss of oil pressure. Typically, the 70 lb. battery also needed to be removed and stored in a warm location, then re-installed next day. Overall a time consuming but necessary process for winter operations.

Passenger service and food lift operations usually started about New Year and depending on Arctic drift ice conditions continued until late April, but sometimes into May. On short hauls of 30-40 minutes or less, the Beaver could carry 1200 lbs, but for longer flights of 1-2 hours the load was reduced to 1000 lbs. Customers expected the maximum load possible as weight was money and wholesale food distributors became adept at maximizing weight and volume, so that the aircraft was always at maximum weight and fully bulked in volume.  For certain there are many pilots that still have images of a box of bananas or oranges strapped into the co-pilots seat to prevent freezing during the flight. Short winter days also meant pilots started their day and aircraft pre-flight long before daylight, flew the daylight hours and put the aircraft to bed well after dark, often with temperatures that never rose above -20C and windchills of -40 and colder that continued for days at a time. Restricted to Day VFR operations, pilots faced whiteout conditions over treeless terrain, hidden ice ridges during take-off and landing, cross winds on icy surfaces as well as rapidly changing weather in a region notorious for extremes of climate. Communication with HF radio meant frequently talking to someone possibly 500 km away to relay a message or ETA or get weather updates for a destination that was only 50 km away. In those days, GPS was nonexistent and pilots soon got to know the best weather routes and could readily identify hills, rivers, shorelines and treelines from memory.

During the 1980s construction of Labrador coastal airstrips brought turbine aircraft, GPS and IFR capability to much of the area. Further transportation progress occurred in 2010 with the completion of the Trans-Labrador Highway that introduced road transport combined with marginal success with year around ferry service across the strait which has eliminated the need for these study aircraft and the pilots that flew them.

Paul Bennett

23 April 2020

Another stealthy visitor, snapped napping, from my third floor studio. Enjoying a sunny spot behind our house.

An RCAF Airbus trying to be stealthy - but I was waiting - you know me by now! "Husky 04" at 4,300' just 2.3 nm to my south. Cruisin' . . 15004 Airbus CC-150T Polaris (444). - aka A310-304 MRTT. Heading back to CFB Trenton.

Photos: Neil Aird © 22 April 2020 10:17 edt

21 April 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 21 April 2020 11:04 edt

Finally, an interesting flyover. My persistence paid offf - fast moving clouds here! I noticed 54+26 Airbus A400M-180 (086) "GAF 286" German Air Force heading my way from Bangor at FL319 doing 331 kts. I stared at the clouds from the time it was 60nm away. He left Wunstorf yesterday - it took 8:03 to reach Bangor, Maine. It was nice that it jogged my way en route today ;-)

NOTE: Returned eastbound at 18:15 Thursday at 23 April 2020, from Nellis, FL320 on the same track!

Eventually, some blue skies arrived, I spied him trailing while still 22 nm from me. Managed a few shots as he trailed (noisily) by and was hidden my clouds again while overhead.

He passed a German registered Learjet LJ60 just west of here. D-CPMU (60-032) "IFA183A" heading east from Toronto at FL390. I wonder if they waved to each other?

20 April 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 20 April 2020 14:49 edt

Makes a change from Jets and high flyers. CF-XHF is a local (CYGK) Piper PA-18 Super Cub (18-5465) 1957 vintage. There was a yellow one earlier, but that avoided positive identification!

Photo: Neil Aird © 20 April 2020 08:56 edt

19 April 2020

Danielle is still working away fundraising for her charity CalcuttaRescueCanada - her way of helping the destitute. Getting lots of customers who pick the masks up from a basket outside our door, then they leave a cheque. Well done Danie! I hear the sewing machine . . . . . Here is the main Calcutta Rescue website - we are so fortunate!

14 April 2020

Not had an entry here in a while. Here's one! just had a "roll-over" . . . 10:45 edt.

02 April 2020

Photos: Neil Aird © 02 April 2020 13:06 edt

Busy day in the skies too - not as busy as usual - here is RCAF 130604 CC-130J-30 Hercules ( 5636) "CFC2584" heading east from Toronto - CYYZ, at FL290 - leaving a very long trail. Not to be outdone, N441WD Cessna 441 Conquest (441-0107) was trailing also at FL290! It is on approach to Burlington - BTV as I type this. Everything higher was not trailing!

Screen capture: 02 April 2020 12:45 edt

Not only do I check on plane traffic, I keep tabs on what enters and leaves the St Lawrence Seaway for my maritime friends around the world. My Grandfather was a Chief Engineer, I therefore have more than a passing interest. I have sailed the North Atlantic twice, and the North Sea four times (as a passenger I might add!)

Now here is a brilliant idea for today's transportation issues. Image came via Flight Global this morning. Congratulations to Colibri Aero / J&C Aero! 252kg for each block - 75kg on the seat and 9kg under each A320 seat!

Photo: Neil Aird © 02 April 2020 10:51 edt

I happened to see PH-MPS  Boeing 747-412 (BCF) (24066) operating "MPH 8141" from Chongquing to Chicago. A long flight, almost 8,000 miles. Well done to the Martinair crew and the 29 year old airframe! The aircraft was 26 nautical miles away and at FL360 hence fuzzy image.

31 March 2020

• Photo: Marcel Fluet-Lecerf © Summer 2008 •

March is finishing out, so the April 2020 DHC-2.COM Calendar image to brighten up your month! Thanks to my dear frriend, the late Marcel Fluet-Lecerf with an image of C-FGBF (168) departing the dock at Lillabelle lake, near Cochrane, Ontario.

26 March 2020

Photos: Neil Aird © 1984

Another change of pace . . . "What's he on about?" I can hear you say. Scanning eleven slide pages of my "Queen Elizabeth Chalice" design and construction archive. Above is the finished "Turtle" which was to be integrated into the base later. Quite a long story as to why I finished up one item, when the chalice had yet to be completed.

Short version is that my wife Danielle and I had to meet the Queen and Prince Philip on their visit to Canada in 1984. I wanted part of the chalice to have actual contact with the Queen, since she was my patron. When I was chatting with her, I produced the item from my pocket, I asked if she would hold the turtle . . "Is that all?" she enquired. I mentioned that the rest would come "later" . . . the drawings had been to Windsor Castle already, they were on the table in front of us. Prince Philip, hands behind his back looked at the drawings and said "Everything appears to be rather pagen . . . is there anything Christian?" I mentioned there were a couple of "token" crosses on the stem. "Jolly good" he replied. I had wanted to greet him as "Rainbow One" which I knew was his call sign. I had once tried to marshall the Queen's Flight Avro 748 to park at my training school, as I had recognised the callsign. The f/o waved, and they proceeded to The Kingston Flying Club at the east end of the field. I spoke my CFI, owner of Wagner Aviation, and I shrugged and said "I tried" . . .

I did not address the Prince by his callsign.

25 March 2020

The website still seems to be popular . . . . just saw the counter roll around!

Photo: Neil Aird © 25 March 2020 12:33 edt

A quick fly over RMC at 1,300 before dropping back down to follow the river downbound. Lockheed CC-130J Hercules "CFC2568" was 130606 ().



Had a very intensive two hours cleaning up this old image by Don Neely. My thanks to Doug Chisolm for adding the first image of CF-DIX (16). A welcome image. For a minute, I began to wonder if all those black specks were mosquitoes and black flies!!

24 March 2020

A big shout out to Beaver owner and friend Doug DeVries in Seattle area who is ramping up production at his company VENTEC Life Systems, to produce more ventilators for the United States. He has linked up with GM in this important "mission" - good luck Doug and all your crew!! Special link.

During this difficult time, with most of us staying in our residences - you can always go and check out our banner archives when you have had enough of TV and on-line updates about COVID-19!

17 March 2020

Good grief - it sure is a quiet day on my screen! Ten aircraft checking in, usually 40 to 60!

I was listning to some Nina Simone and other "blues" when this appeared on my screen, over Ottawa, Ontario. Kind of appropriate I thought! Boeing KC-135R 59-1461 (17949) "BLUE 22" on deployment.

Screen capture: 17 March 2020 13:45edt

Photo: Neil Aird © 19 September 2004

While adding some images to yesterday, I came across an image I took at Boundry Bay (CZBB), British Columbia, back in 2004. It was of an unidentified (no registration applied) Republic RC-3 SeaBee. I did not add the image. Low and behold, on Instagram last night there was an image of the actual aircraft taken by my pal Rich Hulina. I now know which RC-3 it is!! CF-DLX (1016) - thanks Rich!

Photo: Rich Hulia © March 2020

16 March 2020

Photo: Neil Aird ©19 September 2004

An important item, often neglected on this website. I am starting a page for the venerable Pratt & Whitney R.985 Wasp Junior!

15 March 2020

Photo: The Knowledge Network © Gamut Productions 2005

Photo: Gamut Productions © 2005

For those of you who want to watch or rewatch "The Immortal Beaver" Video. You can do so here on The Knowledge Network. You can now watch also on SPARK which is now a legal viewing link on YouTube. You can join the over 353,000 others that have watched the video! (With Advertising - unless you pay for YouTube service or use VPN). David Malysheff of Gamut Productions advised me that "All is good!" Phew - Thanks - Patrol Man Neil

14 March 2020

Photo: Alessandro Parmigiani © 05 February 2020

Here's a flickr page you have to go visit. LINK Follow the work of Alessandro Parmigiani as he builds his RU-6A 51-16862 (433). Sit back and admire his talent. Great work Alex, happy to have been of help!

05 March 2020

Scanning more old black and white negatives, family stuff plus a few aircraft - they are always mixed together!

Photos: Neil Aird © 02 September 1974

Busy scene along the Toronto waterfront during the Canadian National Exhibition - Air Show of 1974. The OMNR busy showing how the do water drops.A local seagull gets into the act as well with the Yellwbirds. Aircraft participating were DHC-3 Otters CF-ODU and CF-ODY; DHC-6 Twin Otters CF-OPH and CF-OPJ; DHC-2 Turbo Beavers CF-OEC and CF-OET; Trackers CF-OPU and CF-OPZ.

01 March 2020

Continuing on my massive project - getting my Metalworking Slides in order. Sorted out 1,245 - now in four binders. Not counting digital images from the latter part of my career. Some scanning done, but first a scan of each slide page, just so I can get my head around all that "stuff" - jeepers, I made all that? Then there are all the design renderings that I have . . . . not ready to go there!

29 February 2020

• Photo: Ron Kosys © 06 June 2008 •

Another great image from Ron Kosys graces thos month's DHC-2.COM Calendar page. C-FSCM (1583) is the subject Beaver. Thanks once again Ron.

22 February 2020

Are you "Fanning Flame?" As a bit of comic relief, check out my daily cartoon "Adventures of Flame" Toonie - become a "Flame Fan".

21 February 2020

Photo: Neil Aird © 21 February 2020 14:16 est

This low flying Griffon caught me off guard - not seen one in this colour scheme before. Looks like the ones used for training out west. This one is RCAF however with a 146** serial, unable to read due to the high gloss paint!! Callsign was "145".

Nasty event overnight at CXH - Vancouver's Coal Harbour. Some idiot tried to steal a SeaAir Beaver C-FPCG (1000) and managed to almost destroy DHC-3 C-FIUZ (135). The thief remains at large. Photos from CBCwebsite, taken by Ben Nelms. The Beaver lost a wing and had more damage I'm sure as can be seen from image below.

Photos: Ben Nelms / CBC © 22 February 2020

20 February 202

Photo: Neil Aird © 20 February 2020 - 15:05 est

Almost home - "CFC4262" starting descent, over my house for CFB Trenton. RCAF Lockheed 130606 CC-130J -30 (382-5649) FL170.

19 February 2020

Photo: Air Force Museum of New Zealand © c 20 January 1960 - REF: MUS19093

A timely image sent to me by Thomas Singfield, shows Squadron Leader L.C. Jeffs and Flight Lieutenant P. S. Rule beside the unfortunate NZ6010 (911).

Photo: Danielle Aird © 09 February 2007

While doing some hard drive cleaning up, I came across this snap taken by Danie on one of her many trips to India. Quiet the shot I thought! Ahmedabad area.

14 February 2020

Recieved this nostalgic e-mail from my pal Dennis Newell.

11 February 2020

Photo: Peter Keating © August 1978

I'm enjoying restoring some old scans of Peter Keating's work (and items from his extensive collection), sent to me many, many years ago by the late Ian MacFarlane. They require some work on my part, but it is a great pleasure to add these images to the website. I do hope you are liking them. More to come!

I am also doing a lot "behind the scenes" on older pages, changing the type face and updating the expanded data. Same goes for the website. Much more work there, as it really involves a complete rework of each page. It does, however, make it easier to keep it up to date.

Photo: Rob Cripe © February 2020

On the mend and off to the paint shop. Rob Cripe's image of N9RW (1095) being trailered off for touch ups! Novel method I thought. Thanks to Fred Wallis for sending the screen shot along. Thanks to my colleague Ian Macintosh for identifying the airframe!!

07 February 2020

Trawling through some old slides. Came across these two Cessna 150 aircraft that I flew solo. There was a third, but I don't seem to have a snap of that. In 2020 all three are still in existance. I did my first solo in CF-XSF 1968 Cessna 150J (150-69667) on 27 October 1969. CF-TRJ 1969 Cessna 150K (150-71338) was brand new and I thought it was cool. CF-WRP 1967 Cessna 150H (150-67994) was my third trainer. All three belonged to Doug Wagner, Wagner Aviation. Happy days.

My thanks to Dennis for the research on the tail crest / flash.

The 39th Engineer Group from Wiley Barracks, Neu-Ulm , West Germany. During my time in Europe all the Engineer companies had at least one Beaver as they were common and had a unique flash on the tail.  
I believe 57-2578 to have been an asset of 39th Engineering Group, Wiley Barracks (Kaserne), Neu-Ulm, West Germany, up until it was sold at Coleman Barracks.  The Bell UH-1 Iroquois was the end of the Beaver.

Dennis Newell, Maricopa, AZ.