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The almost daily blog started 01 April 2006.

To Part Four (MAY 2006)

To Part Six (JULY 2006)

June 30, 2006

Last day of the month and maybe one more Beaver. I've been very busy last few days and the website has only had minor work. I think July will see maximum of "one-a-day", as several other "non-Beaver" projects are looming. It's summer anyway, time for a break.

June 23, 2006

Canforce Herc 130317 from CFB Trenton, pays the studio a visit at 14:58 EDT. These aircraft will be replaced/augmented by 16 new C-130J variants . . . eventually ;-)

June 22, 2006

Just been doing general housekeeping on the website recently, hope to add a few catch-up Beavers today. Trying my best to get my archives in order, quite the task. Thanks to my friend Chip Porter for some wonderful air to air shots. Might hold one back for the calendar. I will have to start work on that project soon. Didn't I just finish the 2006 one?

You can see some more of Chip's wonderful images here. He is one of a very few professional photographers who can really capture aircraft doing what they do, where they do it.

June 18, 2006

This was in my mailbox yesterday from my youngest! Thanks Ant!!

June 17, 2006

Well, not a Beaver, but a heck of a lot of fun. Thanks Tom..what freedom. Thanks for trusting me ;-)

June 16, 2006

A few bonus Beavers today, courtesy of Thor Johnson. He sent one that will be going into the 2008 DHC-2.COM Calendar!!

I will be busy later. Our good friends Tom and Kathleen are arriving in Kingston from Pennsylvania at 15:30 in their Commander N115KT. So, with a little bit of luck, I will be boring through the skies tomorrow morning ;-) Forgive me.

June 12, 2006

Well, been quite the trial and reward day here. UPS man Sven just delivered a new Wacom Intuos pen..I've been using my son Ant's one for the last week. Mine vanished last Saturday..without a trace. Searched every possible was not in the usual holder (never missplaced it since I got it a few years ago). Totally lost without it. (Mouse..what is that?) I use a trackball and a tablet and pen. Finally decided to get another one on Friday afternoon from CDW Canada. Another expense...but my time spent looking was way more than the cost!! Nice help towards the pen was a donation from Marty L. (UK) this morning and one last week from Jeff P. (ON). Thanks gents.

Still on the reward side, three images from Michel of Lac Sebastien Beavers. The first is the banner Beaver. I can't believe I don't have this Beaver on the website..I have even flown it!! Now I will add later on, barring any idiotic moves on my should be on the website in a few hours.

A very big thanks to Gary R. (SK) for a super donation. Thanks too, to Graeme M. (OZ).

June 02, 2006

Back safely from our 1,380 km trip to collect my son Robin and partner Tracy. On the way I managed a quick look in at the Sudbury Aviation Beavers at Azilda. Very pleasant trip with Canada looking very lush and green. More than a few black flies and mossies at Windy Lake (our destination) but company and activities (sauna, swimming and boating...yes swimming in May in the North), made up for any attempts they made to spoil things!

Photo: Danielle Aird (c) 29 May 2006