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The almost daily blog started 01 April 2006.

To Part Two (March 2006)

To Part Four (May 2006)

April 29, 2006

Peter Reardon has sent more wonderful "period" pictures from his days in the Ag business in Australia. I have added more to VH-AAY (136), so please check that page out again.

April 25, 2006

This will be the last image posted until the painting is complete, I have three weeks to work on it. At that time I will update "Follow the Brush". I hope you have enjoyed the process so far.

April 24, 2006

It's raining more glacier work, tomorrow to the framers..then back out of the frame for more work! Nice USAF Beavers in from George Trussell today, thanks for those. I will add more antipodean Ag ones later today.

April 22, 2006

It's raining today, so working on the know what I mean ;-) treated myself to some new brushes and some Gesso today.

April 21, 2006

Off to framers in a few minutes, about time to select a frame for the old painting...not finished yet, but getting close, well close enough. Done...framing will commence on Tuesday, meanwhile I still have painting here to play with. If it rains, I might spend a few hours on it this weekend.

April 20, 2006

Blue skies and warm temperatures again, but I'm trying to focus on my painting today, after uploading Ken's two Orillia Beavers.

Danielle returns a week from today, should be leaving Morocco for Spain today.

April 16, 2006

Well, a great pang of nostalgia this morning. It was one year ago that I left Vancouver for Melbourne and a fantastic time in Australia! Maybe this time next year I will do it all again, this trip with Danielle. Btw, she is having a great time in Morocco at the moment. Yesterday they were in Rabat.

April 14, 2006

Back from a wonderful road trip hunting Beavers. Great places, great people, and I'm glad to say, super images. Downloaded 277, from which I will choose a selection. Most will have to remain here until I get that book/CD done. Nice to be back here in the cab. I will tackle the additions soon. Maybe a few tonight. First a long soak in the tub. I thought of you all while on this short three day adventure in la Belle Province..

April 10, 2006

Off travelling in the Province of Québec for a few days, I hope to snap a few DHC-2 on my travels ;-) and meet some operators. Au revoir, je retournerai en quelques jours.

April 09, 2006

Worked on the Beaver's wings and watched high-level jets go by. The colours in this photograph are not accurate, aircraft colour is same as image added from Fred Wallis, taken yesterday. Thanks Fred, jeepers I want to get back to Talkeetna.

April 08, 2006

I have some friends visiting from Toronto this weekend, so painting on hold again. I did finish the rudder the other day.

Still managing to add the odd Beaver however.

April 03, 2006

The "Follow the brush" page has been updated. I did a little work on the Beaver (finally) after a relaxing week of other things.

April 01, 2006

Started the day with some extensive restoration work on scanned DHC slides taken 51 years ago. I hope you enjoy them. Once they are cleaned up, they are preserved!