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The almost daily blog started 01 March 2006.

To Part One (December 2005 - February 2006)

To Part Three (April 2006)

March 30, 2006

Distractions - heavy metal, I don't only watch Beavers. Here is UAL800 N218UA Boeing 777-222ER over St George's Cathedral, Kingston on March 29th, routing RJAA - KJFK.

Not to be outdone, below is CLX771 LX-KCV B747-4R7F eastbound en route to ELLX passing the other Cathedral, St. Mary's. Taken from my studio window, facing north. 11:41 EST this morning.

March 29, 2006

Where does the time go to? Not been painting for a few days, but promise to get back "to-it" soon. I got a great package from "Terrible" Tom Barnhill with images and a tale of the demise of "Good Ole 754" in Korea on 11 April 1967. I will have a special page or two up by the anniversary of that date. Here is an image of "Terrible" as a young lad serving in Korea.

March 26, 2006

I'm having problems with harware/software issues with Photoshop CS, so there might not be any updates for a while. No idea what is wrong. Have uninstalled and re-installed (grief) but still same issues!

Managed to get things working with old Photoshop 7.0 so can function. I have more gray hairs!

March 24, 2006

My first flight of Canada Geese noted flying north over Kingston this morning.

March 20, 2006

Added a new section, a page of Archived Banner shots. I will expand this section and try to keep it up to date. I change the banners so often that I don't really give the fine photographs their "moment of glory" long enough!

March 19, 2006

A whole slew of Beavers today and a lot of web site house-cleaning, as a consequence, no painting.

March 18, 2006

I am tied to my brush today.

For those of you not in the DHC-2 Group, you may be interested in the Dave Unwin's Pilot Report in this British Magazine.

March 16, 2006

I am solo here in the lodge for a few days, so expect more Beavers on the site, but I will be painting lots as well ;-) I did receive a large collection of images from Ed as promised, many thanks Ed. c/n 491 is awaiting the appropriate papers, so no first flight just yet.

March 09, 2006

I received a couple of images of the "newest" Beaver, N4081F (491) which will be taking to the skies very soon. Loren Gunderson has been working on this project for many a year. I have been privy to see the progress, and I will soon add images taken by his friend Ed Stevens, of the process.

March 08, 2006

Happy to report that our DHC-2 Group is still growing. 441 so far and that includes a couple of new-comers, both of whom are Beaver owners.

I added a 1970 image of Turbo Beaver, N53011 (1646TB25) today, to keep those of you amongst our ranks who enjoy them, happy!

March 06, 2006

I hope you have all enjoyed the US Army blitz on the website. Images will return to civvy street tomorrow. Been taking two days off the painting, other things to attend to. Did some nostalgic writing about Prestwick for Larry Milberry (Canav Books) for an upcoming tome on a mutual friend, Wilf White. Larry is an outstanding, dedicated author/publisher. For those few not familiar with his work, check his website out!

March 04, 2006

Took the animation back off the site as it demanded too much time away from the real painting. Got to keep things in perspective (yes..pun intended!). I will keep up the daily snap, as that is quite quick to do. Yet another beautiful winter day here in Eastern Ontario.

I've started adding some images to c/n 1151 (Thanks Judy), more maybe later today or tomorrow.

March 02, 2006

Added a six frame animation this evening to the "Follow the brush" section. I will dig up the old animation, scale it up, and patch it in soon.

March 01, 2006

Finally got an image of C-FAXC (1048), thanks to my good pal Rich, trapped on his quick flip to Flin Flon in February. Try saying that with a mouthfull of hot coffee.