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The almost daily blog started 28 December 2005.

This period covers until 28 February 2006.

To Part Two (March 2006)

February 28, 2006

Last day of the month with 54 Beavers added. I wonder what March will bring ?

February 26, 2006

Recent visitors to the web site from Ascension Island and Albania. The Beaver net widens. A couple of hours painting today, more tomorrow before updating the Follow the brush page.

February 25, 2006

Painting and shovelling snow today. ;-) Maybe a Beaver later?

I hope you all like the early morning image by Captain Tom McKibbon, of Harbour Air, as he started his day at Vancouver South seaplane base on the Fraser River, Richmond, BC. Beavers were C-FOCY (79) and C-FFHQ (42). I have no idea of the seagull's identity.

February 23, 2006

Canada is famous for The Group of Seven paintings . . . . .

As of yesterday, Viking has a acquired a very special, different, Group of Seven !

I'd like to congratulate Dave Curtis and all at Viking Air on the awarding of the seven Type Certificates for the de Havilland Canada Legacy series of aircraft. The DHC-2 Beaver being amongst the seven.

My wife Danielle and I were happy to attend the event at the National Aviation Museum in Ottawa last evening to share in this historic event.

So here is the most recent Canadian Group of Seven "painting".

Press release

Gala Evening

February 22, 2006

Off to the Nation's Capital for an historic event ;-) No, not going to meet the PM or anything like that!

February 21, 2006

There will be no additions on Thursday as I will be away from my desk. News of "why" on Thursday sometime.

Ian Wilson checked out N755JM (1143) on Saturday at Lelystad, she has her new engine.

February 19, 2006

Having a busy Beaver day, but picking up paintbrush again for an hour or two. Maybe an addition to the painting blog after the sun goes down?

I see N9290Z (1387) has had a respray since I last saw her in September 2004.

This evening hope to add a couple of aircraft to Eddy's Section.

This just arrived from Arwen Hunter of Victoria taken last September. It's amazing what you can find on the docks! Here a West Coast Beaver gets an engine change. Sorry, don't know which Beaver. Quite a balancing act! Bill Hann just let me know, it is C-FGQZ (118)...ah, the network is working!

February 17, 2006

Windy, bright day here in Kingston. Gusts of 52 mph. I have added the first entry to the "Painting blog" as promised. If you are interested, I invite you to follow along. I did actually start on the glacier today. Maybe that's why I feel a little "blue".

February 16, 2006

Sorry about the lack of Beavers yesterday, spent a good whack of the day painting and also working on Richard's superb AAC collection. Today I received from Philip Spencer of Roundel Research in the UK the shot of Indonesian T-250 (95) at Singapore in 1960. Thanks Philip.

For those interested I'll soon start a page with my "Painting Progress" - be prepared, it will be slow and steady (like the Beaver) for a while yet. About 70% complete. To give you an idea of scale..the Beaver in the painting measures about eleven inches from spinner to tail cone!

I worked on the rockface beneath the aircraft most recently.

February 15, 2006

Very excited by a CD that arrived yesterday, a collection by Richard Grevatte-Ball, documenting some of his time flying Beavers with the (British) Army Air Corps at various postings. The first I have included as a cover page shot. More to come!

February 14, 2006

As promised . . here are Mike's images, click on the Beavers ;-)

February 13, 2006

Today six slides arrived from Mike Ody in Toronto, of the La Chute "Compound" in September 1973. This goes to show that everything comes to those who wait. I will ask you to wait one more day as I clean up the images and we can all enjoy the site of over sixty Beavers in view at one place!! Thanks Mike, slides going back in the mail tomorrow.

A few more hours spent on the painting today.

February 12, 2006

Taking the day off to paint! The glacier awaits.

Well, did not work on the glacier, will tomorrow. Worked on nose and wing extension..bit more to my liking now, but still a long way to go. Here's a peek.

Roll on tomorrow!

February 10, 2006

Nice selection of winter images from Rich Hulina from his road trip to Saskatchewan and Manitoba just the other day. Thanks Rich. I will add some in the coming week. Here's C-GKEN (1072) at La Ronge on 08 February.

February 8, 2006

Not a Beaver I know, but I saw a photo of the A380 which just arrived in our far north at Iqaluit, could not resist a tongue in cheek "cartoon" of the special construction techniques used by Airbus Industrie for these cold weather trials.

My sincere appologies to the photographer who took the original shot. I don't know who it was.

I am adding some nice Beavers shots however.

February 7, 2006

Today I awoke to a batch of Ketchikan images taken by Michael Greenhill's Dad John on a recent trip to Canada and Alaska. Lovely way to wake up. I will be adding some of them over the next week or so.

Last night I watched a TV5 (France) documentary on Canada and Alaska. Some good sequences of Ce180/185/206/Caravan, Husky, DC-6 and various other machines doing what they do. It appears I am in Alaska mode yet again ;-) To bring home the point, FedEx 21, an MD11 just trailed overhead en route to Anchorage from Newark. (08:35EST)

February 6, 2006

I want to acknowledge the kind donation from ex Beaver pilot George Kent from BC. We also have yet another retired Beaver driver who just joined our group, having flown N7212N (311) for many years in Maine.

Thanks to John Caswell for the new shots of N471PM (1366), the rain stopped long enough for him to get down to Sealand at the "Spit" for a few images.

Visitors today to the website from two "new" countries -

Kazakhstan and Botswana. Welcome!

February 3, 2006

For those of you who have the 2006 de Havilland DHC-2 Calendar, I'd like to point out that the fine shot of N76SU (483) "Alaska Adventure" was taken by Robbie Shaw of the UK. Thanks again Robbie!

Due to some computer glitch at the printer and my oversight in proofing, I did not notice his name was not on that page until I got the finished product! It is however on the back page in super fine print! Which always goes to should always read the fine print.

Fortunately Robbie has a moderately sized ego and he took the sad news very well!

February 2, 2006

Yesterday was yet another interesting day for me. Click on the image for the saga; Before - During - After.

February 1, 2006

First day of February, so I thought I'd start with Beaver Number 1, C-FFHB. Moved the monthly additions archives to a new page with a link to the old archives.

January was quite a busy month with 1,626,531 hits to the site!

January 31, 2006

Last day of the month. This 1959 image of CF-JOP (1058) arrived this morning, so I tinted it for a warmup project. Thanks to George Kent. The titles explain the subject.

Added a second image of C-FOCL (41) late in the day. Had a busy day with exciting project, "Boy and Beaver" will soon be available as a giclée print! It is superb...even if I say it myself. As good as the original painting!!

January 30, 2006

Might manage a few more "classic" Beavers for January, everything here in Kingston is covered by ice (freezing rain) so not going anywhere today!! Glad I got Danielle home safely!!

Hope you like the fantastic, colourful, air-to-air by Ben Ullings over typical Dutch landscape.

January 27, 2006

A busy day on the website with six Beavers added. Output will drop steadily after tomorrow, but shooting for 80 this month. Nice to see some "vintage" shots - seems like only yesterday to some of us ;-)

January 26, 2006

My warnings about Bandwidth manifested this morning when I opened my e-mails to find news that DHC-2.COM was "off air". Great start to the day, but within 14 minutes of a request to midPhase, I had 100GB more bandwidth and the web site was back. Thanks midPhase!

In all the website was down from 22:01 CST to 06:59 CST.

January 25, 2006

Sixty-five Beavers added this month so far, it will continue until Friday at this high rate (4 a day) then I will return to the more normal one-a-day as my family duties return to normal !

Will be adding some historical shots of C-FORC (1499) in Newfoundland later today. A new shot to replace CF-HNL on the cover slot.

January 24, 2006

It seems I have unmetered bandwidth, so we'll see what happens ;-) So business as usual folks. I'll still move the large files over gradually .

Working on my DHC-2 slides today, I have to get these in order that I know what still has to be scanned and up-loaded, I'm sure I have missed many. Halfway at present. Also scanning more Ken Swartz Collection slides.

January 23, 2006

Federal Election day here in Canada!

I'd better get all my sound files moved over to as we are almost at my limit of bandwidth for January...extra BANDWIDTH is VERY expensive. So please don't listen to any sound files on DHC-2.COM until further notice. Otherwise the screen will go blank!! Thanks!

January 22, 2006

Adding some earlier New Zealand shots from Graeme Mills, who was with various operations in the top dressing business. I've got a couple of images (awaiting copyright clearance) that will blow you away!! Stay tuned.

Been doing general housekeeping on the website today, some 36 only two Beavers today.

January 21, 2006

I'd just like to make a public note of appreciation to Ruben Husberg of Norway, for taking the time to scan his Beaver collection gradually, and to share the images with us here on the website. The cover picture today, CF-HNL (621) is the earliest slide in his extensive collection. What a painting it would have made!! Love that sky.

January 19th, 2006

A very big thank-you to Jim A., for his generous donation to the website. I now have a 200GB portable hard drive to free up some space on my hard working computer, dedicated to the web site images, which continue to pour in.

January 16th, 2006

Moved the CBC clip over to my other website. Yesterday was the busiest ever day on the website, (I think?) with 60,311 hits, 12,722 pages looked at, 570 visits and 3.06MB downloaded ! Usually Saturday and Sunday are quiet days. It is Martin Luther Day in the USA today.

Another care package arrived from Wayne Mutza for the Archives. Working on a New ! Beaver for the site.

January 14th, 2006 10:50 EST

Added an interview done with Terry MacLeod "Live" on CBC Radio back in 1997 on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the first flight of the Beaver. Click here if you have high speed Internet and speakers. 20 minute interview.

Just how current is this website? C-FOER (1671TB41) just departed Sioux Lookout, on RWY 34 a few minutes ago! Here she is arriving. Thanks to Rich Hulina..our on the spot reporter!

January 13th, 2006

Early start at 04:30 and a trip to the local airport (CYGK) to get Danielle on board C-GANK a Jazz DHC-8 for Toronto. Next leg to Mexico City. You might notice a rise in web work for the next two weeks.

More fantasic L-20/U-6 images arrived from Wayne Mutza, thanks Wayne!

N52CQ (52) is now safely in Montana, having some instrument panel upgrade work done, pictures promised after it is complete.

January 12th, 2006

Since c/n 1300 is coming home to Canada, I have included an image of her in 1996 at Stockholm, Sweden. "Friendship I" served with the MAF.

January 10th, 2006

Island watchers. Two recent countries added to the website list, Trinidad and Tobago, and Christmas Island.

January 9th, 2006

Today brought some three new images of older Beavers, including a new one (771) to the database, from Norway via Australia! Thanks Ruben. Ah, the Global Village.

Norm: This pic's for you and the group! CF-ROM (1543TB2) is the Company Turbo Beaver demonstrator, thanks to Dave C's eagle eye.

January 8th, 2005

Well, I have added up the green boxes, 950 airframes. If any questions come up, please let me know via the comment form.

Please note that this is not an exact figure, shall we say, "plus or minus" as they do in polls.

January 7th, 2006

Another session doing the Beaver census. Up to airframe 1501, might make an attempt to reach the end today. Only 194 to go!

Well finished it...just have to do a head count.

January 5th, 2005

As promised years ago, here is an excerpt from Danielle's book. A story that might strike a chord with some of you, those of European extraction... I say no more. "The Caravan of Lossiemouth"

January 4th, 2006

A busy day at the lodge, added five Beavers today. Enjoyed cleaning up the Leo J. Kohn (via Wayne Mutz) image of 51-16477 (226) at K-16 in South Korea. I noticed I had photographed this aircraft at Victoria many years later. Hope to catch up with her again in Alaska one day. Interesting to me was VF661 an AOP9 of the British Forces in the background. This aircraft, on reasearch, I noted, was still active at Aldergrove (Belfast) on 20 September 1958. Mailman brought twelve of my pal Eddy's notebooks safely in the freezing hope to add dates and details to his images. N52CQ is ready to leave Campbell River for Montana.

January 3rd, 2006

An Antipodean Day - CD arrived from Perth, Australia with images of Australian Antarctic aircraft and NZ dusting Aircraft. I had already been working on VH-WOZ in an earlier form as ZK-AZB, also ZK-CPE (1603). Also received a Christmas Card from a pal in Melbourne.

January 2nd, 2006

We had a visitor to the site from Lebanon, the 119th country I have noted.

January 1st, 2006

Worked behind the scenes continuing to mark green areas in the main index to show Beaver airframes that I believe still exist, either flying, stored, museum aircraft a or just a pile of components! I need your help in answering the question "How many Beavers are there ?"

December 30th, 2005

Last few images for the month and year. I have been working on the incredible collection of prints sent to me by George Kent of Delta, BC. The first image of CF-EYS is on the cover page above, taken almost 46 years ago! Lots more to be added to c/n 484's page.

I also added some images to go with the sound clip of C-GAXL taking off. I hope you are patient while that clip loads...don't tackle it unless you have high speed internet service!!

December 28th, 2005

Experimenting some more with sound clips and also larger sound files. Unfortunately these take a while to load. If you don't have a fast connection, I would not bother, unless you are very patient. Once loaded they are quite fun. You can try this one which is an interview I did with Russ Bannock in February 1993.