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The almost daily blog started 01 April 2006.

To Part Eight (SEPTEMBER 2006)

30 October 2006

I just figured out that I have trapped 65.3% of all the Beavers constructed on the website . . it won't be as easy for the remaining 35.7% - I have most of the data, but pictures of older US Military are scarce. I'm sure there are many in family collections!

28 October 2006

Lovely banner shot of CF-OBS (2) in acton over Lake St. John, Ontario, many years ago. She is now in a museum. Gary is looking in his collection for some other gems for our website. A similar image was used on the cover of May/June 2001 Water Flying magazine. Note the "wing" mirror on cockpit door.

26 October 2006

Added a few more images of N8523 (1262) taken by Ken Swartz on his trip to the west coast back in August. Lots more images of other aircraft to add later.

25 October 2006

I had an e-mail yesterday from the Grandaughter of Phil C. Garratt, Pam Garratt Dunlop. She had the opportunity to visit with C-FPCG (1000) still serving Seair at Vancouver. A very nostalgic day for Pam. She wrote;

>> Renewed acquaintance with my Grandad's Beaver on Saturday in Vancouver, Canada.  CF-PCG was the 1,000th beaver off the DH assembly line, and initialled for Papa, as it was for his use while managing the plant and commuting up north.  It was in wonderful shape, and the paintjob was fine, turquoise and white.  Papa however, always said 'A plane can be any colour, as long as it's yellow'!!!  The $20 coin embedded in the dash is a lovely touch.  My nephew, of the same name, Philip Clarke Garratt (age 18, PCG the fifth!), sat in the pilot seat with headset - shades of the past for us!! >>>

Thanks Pam, for permission to quote from your e-mail.

I'd like to tip my hat to all of you who have granted permission to use your images on the web site. To those who have sent in images. Take a bow folks. I hope I have not missed too many in my credit list. I can't thank you enough.

David Adam, Anthony Aird, Danielle Aird, Josh Akbar, Abbas Ali, Stephen C. Allsep, Jonny Anderson, Jim Andie, Alexis Antonakis, Tony Arbon, Tom Arthur, Mike Aune, Pekka Autere, Tim Badham, Steve Bailey, Peter Bakema, Francois Bakkes, Mick Bajcar, Russ Bannock, Fred Barnes, Joe Barr, Doug Barry, Mike Barth, Lenn Bayliss, Ian Beatty, Sheldon D. Benner, Ole Johan Berg, Oscar Bernadi, Ronnie Berning, Michael Besenthal, Rene Biber, Andreas Bischel, Mick Bajcar, Eric Banworth, Warwick Bigsworth, Scott Black, Bill Blanchard, Keith J. Bollands, Jean-Pierre Bonin, Warren Bork, Simon Boothroyd, Marc Bourdon, Andrew Brattkus, David Bridgen, Bill Brophy, Darcy Brown, David Brown, Jim Burton, John Burford, Mark Butcher, Ian Burnett, John W. Calderwood, J. Neil Cameron, George Canciani, A. H. Carter, Raynold P. Camilleri, Peter Caslick, John Caswell, David Chadwick, Terry Challice, Gary Chambers, George Charity, Ron Charity, Chris Charland, Bowen Chau, Bob Childerhose, Terje Christensen, Harold Clark, Mike Clayton, Eddie Coates, Simon Codd, Jenny Coffey, Peter Conquerwood, Bob Coppinger, Darren Crick, David J. Cocks, Robin Cooper, Matthew Cosier, Ryan Cossette, Mike Croker, Richard J. Currie, Dave Curtis, Pierre d'Andre, Andres Dallimonti, Peter A. Danby, Steve Darke, Levi Darnell, Brian Dary, John R. Davies, Carl Davison, Barney Deatrick, Ray J. Deerness, Normand Denis, Jonathan Derden, Marco Dijkshoorn, Ian Douglas, Henry E. Dreher, Lindsi Driesbach, Matthew Donica, Bruce Drum, Doug Dzus, Syl Dzus, Robert A. Edwards, Brandon Elliot, Ben Ellison,Art Englund, Paul Englund, Glen Etchells, Dave F., Bill Fairchild, Adrian Falconer, Joe Fanazick, Martin Fenner, Michael Fenwick, Scott Ferguson, Tom Fex, Bernard Filiatrault, Emin Findikli, Glen Firman, Brian Fisher, Barry Flahey, Tee Flemming, Marcel Fluet, David Fogwill, Harry Follas, Gerald Fontaine, Chas Ford, Paul Forsythe, John L. Francis, Chuck Franzin, Dr. W.G. Franzin, Pam Freese, Jack M. Friell, Erik Frikke, Wallace Frogley, Dion Fuchs, John Fuller, Mike Fussell, Robert Gagne, Bob Garrard, Steve Garlick, David Gee, Ted Gerow, Tom B. Gibbons, Bruce Gignac, Pierre Gillard, Michel Giroux, Benno Goethals, Geoff Goodall, Fergal Goodman, Pat Gould, Jennifer Gradidge, Bill Grady, Andy Graham, David Graham, Rory Grammer, John Greenhill, Michael Greenhill, E. H. Greenman, Gunter Grondstein, Gert Groenenberg, Tom Grant, Brad Greaves, Joop de Groot, Dave Guilliams, Andres Restrepo Guitierrez, Scott Habberstad, Bo Haggkvist, Jim Hall, Bill Hann, Ian Haskell, Jim Hansel, Phil Hanson, Nick Harris, Paul Hawkins, I. B. Hayes, Jack B. Hayes, Gary J. Hebbard, Magne Egil Heitmann, Oliver Herting, Markus Herzig, John Hevesi, Barry Heyton, Rolf Hicker, Jack Hickson, Tom Hildreth, Conor Hildebrandt, Steve Hill, Holly Hipwell, Rowly Hipwell, Nigel Hitchman, Jim Hodgson, Robert P. Hom, Ben Hopkins, John Hopton, Dan Hornseth, Frank Hudson, Sergio Hulaczuk, Rich Hulina, W. G. Humphrey, Andrew Hunt, Colin Hunter, Justin Iyres, Rodrigo Santa-Maria Izquierdo, Bill Jackson, Arno Jannson, Gord Jenkins, David Jaremy, William Jesse, Erik Johannesson, Garth Johnson, Jamye Johnson, Mel Johnstone, John F. Jordan, Dick Josaitis, Mogens Juhl, Peter Keating, Christian Hansen Kamhaug, Toni Kazakoff, Johan Kellerman, Peter Kelly, George Kent, John Kerr, R. F. Killick, Peter Killin, John Kimberley, Carrie King, Paul Kip, Marco Klostermann, Martin Koetsier, Leo J. Kohn, Karl Kramer, Ken Kula, Patrick C. Lace, Franz Lackner, Oliver Lacombe, Colin Laker, Michele Lambert, Bruce Lamond, Jack Lamont, William T. Larkins, David Lednicer, Luc Levevre, Johnny Letto, Valerie Levasseur, Simon Lawrence, Peter Liander, Peter Liedtke, Jacques Lienard, Richard London, Russ Lougheed, Mike Madden, Michelle Madsen, Chris J. Mak, Ron Mak, Chris Marshall, Ken Marshall, Patrick Martin, Klaus Marx, John Mastro, John Mazepa, Dennis McCallum, Ian McConnell, Geoff McDonnel, Keith McKenzie, Tom McKibbon, Rod McLean, Gary McLeod, Ken McTavish, Scott McTavish, Trevor McTavish, Jean-Marie Magendie, Laura Marxen, Tom Meikle, Vince Meneely, Mark Merry, Shawn Miller, Todd Miller, Graeme Mills, Yu Ming, Mike Minty, Jason Milot, Mike Mirkovic, Heath Moffatt, Jim Moore, Derek Morton, Xavier Mouraux, Hugh Mullen, Coert Munk, Eric Munk, Neville Murphy, Nicolai Musante, Wayne Mutza, George Neal, Dennis Newell, Franklin L. Newton, Nick Nicholas, Air Nikon, Sippo Nevalainen, Russell Noble, John N. Nordstrom, Michael O'Farrell, R. Reaville, Philip O'Regan, John W. Olafson, Harald Olsen, Bob Ostrom, Glyn Owen, Stefano Pagiola, Ryan Park, Den Pascoe, Ted Paskowski, Craig Paul, Anthony L. Payne, Stephen R.Peck, Marcel Peerlkamp, Antti Pesonen, Eric Petersen, Charles Phaneuf, Mike Pink, Robert Poirier, Jean-Luc Poliquin, Anders Presterud, Nathan Pritchard, Michael Prophet, Tristan Raab, Sherrie Radatzke, Tom Radatzke, John Racey, Peter Reardon, Melvin Reed, Chris Reeves, Mario Richard, Martin Riehl, Alain Rioux, Juha Ritaranta, Stephen Ritland, Paul D. Roach, Brian Robbins, Es Robinson, Robert Roggeman, Chuck Ross, Kurt Roth, Rob Rowe, Wayne Rudd, Christian Ruppert, Paul Rushton, David Russell, Mathew Salmon, Kalevi Savola, Juergen Scherbarth, Walt Schlotfeldt, Jim Schoeggl, Rene Schrijver, Derek Scott, Colin Sedgwick, Dirk Septer, Frank Schaefer, Dennis J. Seath, Howard Setzer, Rick Sigurdson, Wallace Shackleton, Robbie Shaw, Noel Shennan, Terry Shepherd, Beth Shrieves, Bill Shull, William W. Sierra, Tii-Maria Siitonen, Keith M. Simpson, Tom Singfield, Doug Slowiak, Malcolm Smith, Mike Smith, Stan Smith, Keith Sowter, Erick Stamm, Stuart Spicer, Scott Stamp, Mark Stedman, Raimund Stehmann, Peter Steinemann - Skyline APA, Ragnar Stenarson, Paul Stenner, Philip Stevens, Charles R. Stewart, John P. Stewart, Brian Stockall, Ken Stoltzfus, Fred Swartz, Kenneth I. Swartz, Terry Sykes, E. Tailliet, Ernie Tait, Norm Taylor, Henry Tenby, Jochen Thoma, Simon Thomas, Rick Timms, Steve Todd, Walt Torgersen, Phil Treweek, George Trussell, Pekka Tumme, Ben Ullings, Gerben Van Beek, Gary Vincent, Aad van der Voet, Marcel van Leeuwen, Ugo Vizenci, Jeff Voigt, Michael Volk, George Volsky, Robin A. Walker, George D. Wallace, Fred Wallis, Marcel Walther, Peter Watson, Marg Watson-Hyland, Randy Webber, Roger Wensley, Charles Wesley, Robert Wheeler, Elwood White, Shannon White-Zahar, R. W. Whitlock Jr., Michael Wiens, Michael Wigen, Kevin Wiggins, Wally Wiggins, Stephen Wilcox, Terrance L. Wilds, Shaun vanBergen, Raymond van der Wilk, Brad Wilson, Ian Wilson, Simon Wilson, Mark Windridge, Wup Winn, Jack Wolbrink, Colin K. Work, Neville Worsley, James Wood, Robert Wood, Tim Woodland, Sid Woods, Frank Wright, J. Zwart, " Project DHC-2 ", and the Harbour Air Archives.

24 October 2006

The Calendar has been printed and is in "bindery" at this time. Should have them on Thursday. Then my work begins . . move into shipping department mode.

Was just granted permission to use some fine images by Juha Ritaranta, which I will add over the coming weeks. Thanks Juha. Welcome to DHC-2.COM !

Love Fred Wallis's shot of "Maggie" taken at Kenmore this morning. Fred is travelling in the Vancouver area and later back to Seattle, before heading home to Alaska. He will be keeping us updated with his progress over the next week. Say "hello" if you see him.

21 October 2006

Every once in a while an absolutely knock out shot will arrive. This is one, taken by Beaver pilot Francois Bakkes very early one morning at Juneau. You have to see this image up close to appreciate the wonderful detail and texture. My thanks Francois, and to Lindsi Driesbach of Alaska Seaplanes for sending it along.

Photo: Francois Bakkes (c) October 2006

20 October 2006

Well the lecture was a huge success, close to 140 folk braved the heavy rains last night to come out and listen to Dr. Jack. This afternoon the rain stopped to be replaced by . . . ;-)

19 October 2006

Big day in our household. Tonight is Dr. Jack's biggest lecture engagment at Queen's University, here in Kingston, Ontario. We hope it goes well.

18 October 2006

The orders are rolling in for the Calendar. Thanks. Printing will commence on Monday 23rd October. I anticipate to start shipping at the end of October. Remember everything "earned" from this project goes back into DHC-2.COM for us all to enjoy.

15 October 2006

A new toy for you all if you want it ? A handy Beaver oriented toolbar. Click here. I find it very useful . . . cuts out some extra clicks. Very easy to install.

13 October 2006

I just noticed we had our first visitor from the Solomon Islands. Welcome to the website.

Also, I notice Beaver pilots seem to get younger every year. Shayla Pink is three and a half years old! " Can I Daddy? Can I try ? "

Photos: Mike Pink (c) October 2006

11 October 2006

Well, picked up Dr. Jack at the train. He brought me a Beaver shoulder bag from India!! C-FWAC the cutest Baxter Beaver ever, eh? Made by the Handicraft Division of Calcutta Rescue for King Beaver ;-).

Had communications yesterday with a fellow Artist. He kindly offered one of his short essays "The Unlikely Heroes" with a Beaver connection for our website. Thanks Bob. Here is one of his Alaskan Beaver paintings, three more on his website. Check them out.

Bob White (c) "Beginning of the day"

10 October 2006

The first fight of C-FMPC (1300) took place today at Victoria. Another fine Viking product takes off. A few snaps from Mike.

Photo: Mike Pink (c) 16:08PST 10 October 2006

09 October 2006

A few images of C-FMPC (1300) . We are all anxious to get some "completed" shots when she is delivered to her base at Prince George, British Columbia..

07 October 2006

Graeme Mills made an 800km pilgrimage to visit Barry Christie at Walcha to photograph VH-WOZ (156) the last active top-dressing Beaver. I know we will see many images once he has recovered from the drive.

Nice harvest moon last night. This is Thanksgiving Weekend in Canada.

Photos: Neil Aird (c) 06 October 2006

05 October 2006

Been busy setting up our website for Calcutta Rescue Canada. Made a start and expecting Dr. Jack this time next week. Great fellow. Our house will be quite busy for the next month I think! Danie had a very successful day selling handicrafts from the organization outside Tara Natural Foods, here in Kingston.

Lots of fresh Beavers arrived today, so will tackle a few tonight.

01 October 2006

Nice report from Ian Macintosh on my desk this morning, with the DHC-2.COM "Beaver Census" and all errors/bad links etc., that have to be corrected. Thanks Ian, I'll get "to-it" tomorrow. ...or the days after ;-)