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The almost daily blog started 01 April 2006.

To May 2007

29 June 2007

This is as close as I can come to a web-cam folks. A few minutes ago at 10:52EDT CC-130 Hercules 130323 came to check what I was up to ;-)

Photo: Neil Aird © 29 June 2007

28 June 2007

An enigma solved, thanks to the images of Yu Ming! 981 c/n 1610 is the identity of the Beaver at Datang Shan. Compare the images - dimples can be useful!

Three short video clips of departure to Salt Spring Island from Pat Bay, Sidney in C-FAOP (1249), arrival at Salt Spring Island, Ganges village. The last is of C-FAOP starting up and moving over to another dock for fuel. Be patientwhile the clips load (if you have slow connection) and have your speakers cranked up ;-)

27 June 2007

Quite the day for aviation activity. After the choppers earlier, the Snowbirds gave a spirited performance at supper time, gusty conditions . . . here are two images shot from the studio, one through my Beaver porthole!!

Photos: Neil Aird © 27 June 2007

This morning at 11:15EDT there was a heck of a racket. These were the protagonists. 6 x CH-146 Griffon helicopters of the Canadian Armed Forces.

24 June 2007

Beaver lodge has house guests in the form of Ken Swartz (known to you all I'm sure - without his photos this website would be, well, lack lustre) and his friend Susie. They are off cycling on Wolfe Island at the moment, so a chance to update one Beaver at least.

23 June 2007

At this point I'd like to thank some of the many folk that made my adventure a delight. First my pilots. Don Berends (C-GODH DHC-2T); Martin Hebert (C-FAOP & C-FZZJ DHC-2); Jeff Kutyba (C-FMXS DHC-2); John Nordstrom (N456N DHC-2); Mick Eagan (C-FIUZ DHC-3T); Billy Beech (C-FGQZ DHC-2).

A big "special" thanks to Arwen Hunter and David Malysheff of Gamut Productions . . without their hospitality, driving, "egging on" etc., I would not have embarked on this great adventure. Can't wait for "The Immortal Beaver" to roll out.

Another item for you. My painting "Misty Mission" has been captured digitally and is now available as a giclée print. Thanks to Derek Cooper (yet again) for his very precise work.

Photo: Derek Cooper Photography.

22 June 2007

Gardening and other "stuff" took over my life today. Only one Beaver added. Made good progress yesterday on my images taken on the Olivia Odyssey. I even watched a "slide show" which brought it into perspective (somewhat!).

Our neighbours removed two trees, and radically trimmed a third . . the result, I have much more sky to gaze at ;-)

Happy to see Viking have got the DHC-6 Twin Otter 400 order book up to 40! Well done.

21 June 2007

As we were leaving Sudbury, this OMNR Turbo Beaver beat us to the runway. I think it was C-FOEU (1678TB46), can anyone from CYSB confirm? Time was 10:43EDT (15:43UTC). Looking good at forty!!

Photos: Neil Aird © 28 May 2007

Working diligently through my images (and there are many!). Here's a shot of Rich Hulina working hard shooting C-GODH near Sioux Lookout, his platform, a company Cessna 206 C-GPCR. Conditions were not the brightest, but he worked his usual magic anyway!

Photo: Neil Aird © 28 May 2007

I figure I travelled some 15,000 plus kilometers (9,320 miles) during the 24 days I was away. Not bad for a spontaneous magical mystery tour!

18 June 2007

Just beginning to realize just how much work I have to do . . not complaining, just a statement! I think that a special section on the website to record this adventure. I hope some of you will enjoy that. I did not keep a daily journal, but the photographs and video clips bring it all back ;-) 

I value your comments and suggestions as to amount of detail to include. Send them along to adminnca "at" (substitute @ for "at") It would have been fun to run a camera for the whole trip...but we will leave that to the folks at Imax!

But first, 10:00EDT . . . I have to deal with the plumber... 03:00EDT "Mr Aird, there is hot water shooting out of the kitchen sink . . . the tap exploded . . . . what do we do ??? There is water everywhere"

17 June 2007

Back in the lodge!! This just might be the longest blog ever. I will probably move it to a dedicated page on the website or my Current Cover Page will never load on some systems!! I should have some new images for you all today. Normal service will resume as soon as possible !! ;-) To use the vernacular I heard on the street in Los Angeles - "Know what I'm sayin' ?"

Nice to be back home.

Fixed my counter and figured out how many looked at the site when I was away. . . still popular it seems? I've never seen the DHC-2 Yahoo Group so busy - Maybe I should leave the lodge more often!!

"Rocky Mountain High" or "Driving Miss Olivia"

Still from video clip - Don Berends © 29 May 2007

Don by Neil, passing Mt. Baker, Washington - almost home.