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The almost daily blog started 01 April 2006.

To April 2007

27 May 2007

Just in the door at 15:00 EDT from a great time at Downsview Airfield!! I don't have any time at the moment to tell you all about the "fun". . I have to do laundry, and at 18:00EDT I have to be at CYGK to meet "Olivia" and Don. "Olivia" will stay overnight on the ramp and Don will come home to "Beaver Lodge" for the night. Tomorrow we will be off on our adventure across Canada to Victoria, British Columbia. She will have about 19.0 hours on the meter when we leave.

I hope to send messages via the DHC-2 Group at our stop-overs (if at all possible) First stop WX permitting will be Wawa (CYXZ), Ontario.

Needless to say, I am quite "enthused" about this kind invitation from Viking!!

24 May 2007

Just about to load up my paintings and head off to CYZD, via CYTR and CYOO.

Eric's site will be the place to watch. The Press Day link is active...looks like it will be fun.

Russ and George seem happy  (scroll to the last shot!)

The main page

23 May 2007

Latest news. "Olivia" was due at CYAM Saulte St Marie at 21:00 local time. A long day for all on board. They left Brandon at about 11:00.

I'm signing off, lecture is ready, off to Trenton and Oshawa before heading to the Toronto Aerospace Museum tomorrow evening.

Back Monday.

21 May 2007

"Olivia" Update - 14:10 EDT - Contact from Arwen, currently at Medicine Hat, Alberta (CYXH) awating for the weather to improve. Thunderstorms on route ahead. They hope to get to Brandon, Manitoba maybe today, if things improve. 2007/05/21 18:00 - CYXH 211800Z 01007KT 4SM -SHRA BR OVC008 09/09 A2969 RMK SC8 SLP058

Article from yesterday's Times Colonist on "Olivia". By the way, she left the DHC paint shop almost 51 years ago, on July 6th.

20 May 2007

"Olivia" is en route to her birthplace!! After her first flight on 17th May, I can report that C-GODH (979) left Victoria, British Columbia (CYYJ) for points east at 10:57 local time. I have images for her page but will wait until I get back from Toronto next week before I post them. So, be patient folks.

I wish her a safe journey to Downsview.

Update: 16:30 EDT Nelson, British Columbia. N49 29 39 W117 18 02 CZNL

They just completed an air-to-air shoot, and after victuals for crew and "Olivia" they will continue eastwards. More news as it happens.

14 May 2007

Family events will overtake Beaver additions this week. Our middle offspring, Robin arrives this evening for a visit from Golden, British Columbia. We also have a huge fund raising event planned for Friday evening, to celebrate my wife Danie's lieu of the normal celebrations, we have about sixty (maybe plus!) folk coming to help out Calcutta Rescue Canada, so needless to say, the Aird house is a hopping.

12 May 2007

Photo: Neil Aird © 15 October 2002

For those of you (like me) who missed the recent April 28th
documentary on W5 (Canadian Television) on the C-GAQW tragedy - here is a link to the official W5 replay of the program.

Photo: John Caswell © 29 July 2005

09 May 2007

Two more great Chapters from "The Wonderful Beaver" by Derek Palmer. One includes a ride to Carrier H.M.S. Victorious. Ride along!

Photo: Richard Grevatte-Ball © XP824 (1489) shown here on a similar flight.

05 May 2007

Received a huge file of images from Graeme Mills the "Kiwi Beavers Website" lad who has just been scanning some of Neville Worsley's magnificent collection on a recent visit to New Zealand. Thanks Graeme, wonderful archives!!

Some other Antipodean images too from Peter Reardon who went flying Sy's VH-SYS (763) just the other day. What a day out! Now I just have to allocate some time to add these pictures. This month I am very busy preparing for my "Downsview Gig". . so uploads will be on the light side.

04 May 2007

First blog entry for May. Been a tad busy here and actually did not have time to add a Beaver for a day or two. Just had some images of the latest Beaver out of the Kenmore Shop. N510PW (642) I will be adding some images courtesy of Kevin Wyman shortly. Here's a teaser.

Photo: Kevin Wyman © 02 May 2007