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CF-DJM a PWA "upset" at Port Alice.
Photo: Jack Baudrie © 1957 - Frank Roberts via Mark Murphy
Photo: Unknown photographer © 1957 - Frank Roberts Collection - Aird Archives
CF-DJM with PACIFIC WESTERN getting gas.
Photo: Len McHale © Date unknown - via Robert M. Stitt - Aird Archives
CF-DJM scaring a busy ramp.
Photo: Unknown photographer © Date unknown - Aird Archives
CF-DJM at Atlin, British Columbia.
Photo: Unknown photographer © 1954 - Bob Cameron Collection - Aird Archives




• CF-DJM Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co., Ltd., Montréal, QC. Delivered 05-May-1950.

• CF-DJM Queen Charlotte Airlines, Vancouver, BC. Dates unknown.

Note: QCA purchasing CF-DJM at a date prior to 1955 and PWA buying out QCA in Jul-1955 probably explains the apparent anomaly with the ownership following the date of the crash. The quoted date above should perhaps be Jul-1955 rather than 1959. See also the image from Whiskey Jack Decals showing the aircraft in PWA colours.

• CF-DJM Pacific Western Airlines Ltd., Vancouver, BC. Reported as regd Jul-1955. 

Accident: Port Alice, BC 1957. On amphibious floats aircraft landed with wheels extended.

Accident: Between Eureka River, AB and forestry strip. 08-Sep-1958. Details unknown. Transport Canada report states aircraft “disappeared”. Wreck found 05-Jul-1977.

• CF-DJM Canx 08-Sep-1963 following accident in 1958.

Fate Unknown
