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BLOG ARCHIVES - February 2007

The almost daily blog started 01 April 2006.

To January 2007

27 February 2007

Well, made it to Toronto in three hours, met Danie (was she surprised!) and brought her home to clear blue skies. I left Kingston at 08:06 when she was exactly half way over the Atlantic, I looked at the B763's airspeed and figured I'd better belt down the 401 swift like!! I made it in three hours and was in time for her arrival, which was 23 minutes early at 12:08. We were home at 16:20.

Location of ACA879 C-FMWV B767-333 (25586) 07:35 EST 493 kts FL330

26 February 2007

Busy day here, Danielle is already on the first leg of her flight AC.879 from Delhi to Zurich. I have decided to go and meet her tomorrow in Toronto, since no major storms are forecast. A very long day for her . . it's the least I can do for "The Empress".

NEWS: The wires have been humming this morning with the tale of N9LB (252) and the precautionary landing on I.84. Would you believe one of our folks was on the scene with a cell phone camera..!! Do we have our fingers on the pulse of the Beaver Community or what ? Many thanks to Patrick Wacker. Glad you made it down safely Jerry.

Photos: Patrick Wacker © 25 February 2007

25 February 2007

Distracted by other duties including two viruses in my computer, they snuck in under the radar (I have virus protection!!), maybe that was what was causing mye website woes. I have been checking all computers in the house and that has taken me away from my duties here!!

I will be working soon on the DHC-2 Yahoo Group as about 113 folk have bouncing e-mail addresses. If you find you cannot view the group in the next little while, you will know why.

24 February 2007

I've had a CD "Buchan's Beavers" on my desk for years it seems, today I am endeavouring to do something about it. The page I will build shall document the 1959 recovery of CF-GYT (182) in 27 images. I tried to do this a while ago . . but, well, er, you know how it goes ;-)

My thanks to Jan-Erik Forsling.

Photo: Via Jan-Erik Forlsing © June 1959

22 February 2007

Had a funny feeling at about four o'clock (EST) this afternoon....the "radar" in my head was working overtime, so I switched on the real thing, went up to Alaska, zoomed in on Juneau . . . there were three, count 'em, three Beavers.

A few minutes later "my" N60077 (1419) popped up on the screen. Wow, what a thrill to see them all. I could really visualize what they were seeing out the windscreen.

Photos: Neil Aird © 14 September 2004

20 February 2007

Been pretty busy with other things, hence lack of Beavers! Moved two rooms around in my house, took down some huge icicles, also working on my research room and second floor studio. Wonder what the missus will think of it when she returns? Today she was flying her third and forth legs in a Spice Jet B737-800, some have it lucky eh? So far she has flown on Safron, Mint and Cardamon.  My "Spice Girl" Danie ;-) I'll make a plane spotter out of her yet !! Due home on the 27th.

16 February 2007

Dug through some old slides today and came across a couple of de Havilland craft, a Buffalo and Caribou, participating in a SAR display at the Canadian National Exhibition Air Show on the Toronto waterfront with a Labrador and Voyageur helicopter in markings of that era.

Photo: Neil Aird © September 1970

13 February 2007

"The Mail slot"

I always enjoy what comes through this opening in our front door. Today the mail brought a purchased copy of "Crosswinds" by author Michael Bellamy of Saskatchewan. There was also an envelope with a slide from Stuart Spicer in the UK. Okay, is there a connection between the two? I did not think so. The slide was of C-FFHZ (66) taken in 1984 on the ramp at Vancouver. On browsing through Michael's book, I read his postscript.

Many years have passed since a de Havilland Beaver called FHZ and I navigated the rugged wilderness that is the Yukon.

My hair has turned gray and my girth is a little broader, but in remembering, I take comfort knowing that in the north her engine still echoes across the valleys we once flew.

Michael D. Bellamy © 2007
Quite the coincidence I thought ;-)

Now I'm reading the book. My bookmark ? Well it is a piece of a Beaver.

Cover Art by Painted Past

05 February 2007

Had my hands full with snow and fridge that stopped functioning. Some of the former was brought inside to deal with the latter! After fifteen years (plus) of service, it has a small leak in cooling system, so it will be retired. I will await the return of my better half before purchasing a new one ;-) BTW Danie is now in Mumbai.

News: Fridge is cooling it will remain as a trusted family friend.

Back to Beavers today, yesterday spent a lot of time solving hardware/software issues with my "radar" - I learned a lot. It's great fun btw!

If you would like to learn more about the SBS-1 and Mode_S here is their link.

© Kenetic-Avionics

01 February 2007

First day of February. I have added a "number of images" on the site box. This data is courtesy of my Assistant Researcher Ian Macintosh. Ian maintains the Master database of the website, without his methodical work, I would have no idea of the magnitude of this website!! Thanks Ian. My other main researcher is Dirk Septer who is filling in details of some of the early operators and the all important historical notes to the database. A long and thankless task...but thanks anyway Dirk!! ;-)

I have pulled the big 2007 Calendar "Ad" from the front page. I still have a few left for those of you who did not "get yours". ;-) This year the calendar went to 23 countries!

Now - to continue with the Beavers of February !