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The almost daily blog started 01 April 2006.

To Part Eleven (DECEMBER 2006)

31 January 2007

A busy month. . . even too busy to write blog entries! Maybe February will bring some anecdotes?

17 January 2007

A great selection of images on a CD arrived from the United Kingdom this morning from Peter Watson. He caught some elusive Beavers last summer. Thanks Peter.

Ian Macodonald was on the morning Harbour Air Ganges mail run, Captain Tom Radatske was at the helm of C-FAXI (1514) today. Nice images Ian, just like being there. I wonder how many noted you took other pictures of AXI more than a few years ago - 37 to be exact!

I've been slacking over the last two days due to work with Mode-S, just another interest of mine. I like to know whats going on "up there". . right now!


13 January 2007

Five Beavers added before noon, I'm exhausted! Have a great selection to choose from, so look for a banner month.

Danielle safely in India thanks to HB-IQJ A330-200 (294) and C-FMWU B767-333ER (25585/597) you see, I do look after her carefully.

10 January 2007

Watch for an increase in activity on this website. Danielle is off on another travel adventure . . took her to the VIA Train this morning. Beautiful day -7C. She travels this afternoon from Montréal to Zurich and onward tomorrow to Delhi.

Enjoying Ian MacFarlane's fine collection. Filling in the early years of Beaver service 1970's mainly. Many thanks Ian for taking the time to scan these nagatives, wonderful history sir!

06 January 2007

"It's only a paper world" . . just received permission from Guido Van Roy in Belgium to post the images of his U.S. ARMY L-20A diorama. Fantastic work Guido! I will add a Paper Page shortly. In the meantime, here's a paper sample ;-)

Photo: Guido Van Roy © 2006

04 January 2007

David Jarrett contacted me a while ago and mentioned he had a picture of an L-20A he flew many years ago...well today the image arrived at DHC-2.COM ! It is now our banner shot above. I checked the identity and low and behold it is C-GOER (714) which is "Miss July" in the Calendar, plus I have a video clip on the page. David sounded quite excited. The image above shows 52-6128 on the ramp. Thanks David - He wrote:

Hi Neil:

    Finally able to dig up that old L-20A picture from my 'youth!' (:  This was the day of my first Beaver ride.  Picture snapped on the ramp at Keflavik International Airport, Iceland in May of 1961. Instructor Pilot 1st Lt. John C. Price, Pilot 1st Lt. David A. Jarratt.  We logged 3.0 hours 'contact' although I also spent an hour 'under the hood' as we used to say.  I have no idea which de Havilland number this was, but I'm sure you have a way of finding out.  We had two Beavers at Kef. along with three SC-47s, and two SH-19Bs for air sea rescue.  The L-20s were used primarily for radar site (DEW Line) support and 'currency!'    I'll keep looking. (:

02 January 2007

Starting off the new year with another U.S. Army collection from Robin Walker, shot in the early 1960's. Thanks Robin - you note there are even two New ! ones for us ;-)