DONATIONS - Thank You!

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Thanks to your help I'm still here!

The "Beaver Hat" campaign


always running ;-)


Your support through donations, make this website possible.

In order to grow and maintain this website, I am actively soliciting your help as a sponsor/patron/donor, to help me finance the DHC-2 website. If you are a daily visitor, and you get pleasure from my effort, please consider helping out, any contribution welcome, no matter how small !

Thank you so much for all your support. I know there are a lot of
things vying for your money - I don't take your support for granted.

All monies are invested in populating the website with information and purchased images for us all to enjoy. I also, from time to time, need to purchase software, back-up hardware and ongoing web services.

Many thanks to you all for considering this request.

Best wishes, Neil.

My sincere thanks to those of you who have contributed over the years - your help has enabled me to buy slides and add the scanned, and cleaned up images to the website for all to enjoy, you have helped with the monthly costs associated with running a web site. I'm still more than happy to work for free ;-)

Thanks also to those of you who purchased a calendar or calendars in the past - this was the major fund raiser for the website. I cannot publish a paper version any more. I try to add to the website as a PDF file each month. I hope you enjoy the effort, my thanks to the photographers who generously donate their work.

Thank you for supporting the website DHC-2.COM, I rely on your help to keep it going.

My special thanks goes to my small group of very generous supporters !


The 2024 campaign is now underway.

Help out if you can.

18 responded in kind so far this year - Thank you all!

* recurring installment donations

Steve T (BC)*, Rod H (UK), John O (BC), Klaus M (WA), Chris R (UK)*, James K (WA) twice! Keith C (AB),

Pete R (OZ), Ian Mac (ON), James S (IA), Sandy T (UK), Adam W (ON), David F (WI), Pete R (OZ),

Matt S (WA), Jim & Paige B (ON), Blake Q (CA), Michael C (MO).

Thank you!

Especially my "faithful few" regular donors!

I could not do this without your help!

2023 campaign - 13 responded in kind.

Rod H (UK), James K (WA) four times!, John O (BC), Randy S (MI) twice!, Klaus M (WA), Blake Q (ID), Philip C (SC), Bob G (MD), Chris R (UK), Greg C (BC), Steve T (BC), Bill G (IN), Kristen McC (OZ).

2022 campaign - 21 responded in kind.

Rod H (UK), Randy S (MI), Klaus M (WA), John O (BC), Blake Q (ID), Ian Mac (ON), Anthony A (ON), Greg C (BC), Kevin F (WA), Jeffrey K (CA), Mark B (NS), Paige and Jim B (ON) Twice!, Sandy T (UK), Peter R (OZ), Dwayne C (KS), Philip M (NZ), André M (NL), Kristen McC (OZ), Donald B (MI).

2021 campaign - 23 responded in kind.

Rod H (UK), Randy S (MI) twice!, Klaus M (WA), Herb W (CH), Ian Mac (ON), Erik N (YT), John R (BC), Gerald C (NS), Anthony A (ON), Mark A (WA), Rob M (ON), Peter R (OZ), Andre L (BC), Paige and Jim B (ON), Blake Q (CA), Preben E (WA), Jim C (AZ), Peter R (OZ), Crawford P (AK), Sandy T (UK), Chris E (?), Jim G (MN), Kristen McC (OZ).

2020 campaign - 18 responded in kind.

Klaus M (WA), James K (WA) thrice!, Ian Mac (ON), Rod H (UK), Terry H (NC), Paul C (ON), Peter R (OZ), Blake Q (CA), David M (NC), Neil A (ON), Paige and Jim B (ON), Keith C (AB), Ian Mac (UK), Randy S (MI) twice!, Greg C (BC), Kevin S (WA/AK) twice!, John O (BC).

2019 campaign - 32 responded in kind.

James K (WA) four times! Klaus M (WA), Rob M (ON) twice!, Ian Mac (ON), Gerald C (NS) twice ! Steve T (BC), Chris L (IL), Anthony A (ON), Peter R (OZ), Antony R (CH), Randy S (MI), Jim H (AB), Blake Q (CA), Ian Mac (UK), Nicolas F (OZ), Randy S (MI), Allan MacE (ON), Mathieu T (CH), Vincent M (AB), Ian B (BC), Andreas P (AT), Bob W (ID), Jordan S (UT), Paige & Jim B (ON), Mark B (NS), Brian W (ON), John R (BC), Ken S (ON), John N (WA), Kristen McC (OZ), Rod H (UK/BC).

2018 campaign - 26 responded in kind.

James K (WA) four times! Klaus M (WA), Rick N (YT), Bill L (AB), Stan B (CA), Randy S (MI), John R (BC), Ken H (ON), Gerald C (NS), Steve T (BC), Marshall C (MA), Peter R (OZ) twice!, Rob M (ON), Rod H (UK/BC), Ian Mac (ON), Fred W (AK), Ken T (ON), Ken S (ON), Paige & Jim B (ON), Blake Q (CA), Vince M (BC), Kenmore Air (WA), Mark B (NS), Jon K (AK), Kristen McC (OZ).

2017 campaign - 33 responded in kind.

Stan B (CA) thrice! - John O (BC), Klaus M (WA), James D (UK), James K (WA) four times! James M (WA), Randy S (MI) twice!, Rob M (ON), Rod H (UK/BC), Mark H (IA), Ross McG (ON), Jim H (AB), Gerald C (NS), Paige & Jim B (ON), Bob W (ID), James A (TN), Herb W (CH), Anthony A (ON) twice!, Blake Q (CA), Rich H (ON), Jeff P (ON), Chris E (BC), Tim M (CA), Bruce F (?), Ian B (BC), Marshall C (MA), Stewart W (SK), Antony R (CH), Rick M (UK), Kristen McC (OZ), Neil A (ON), Klaus S (DE).

2016 campaign - 34 responded in kind.

John O (BC), Neil A (ON) twice! - Stan B (CA) thrice! - Kjell S (WA), Mark M (BC), Klaus M (WA), James D (UK), Bill Z (ON), Randy S (MI), Richard G-B (UK), Rick N (YT), James K (WA) four times! - Hallett G (NZ), Donald B (AB), Chris R (OZ), Garith A (MN), Wojciech B (UK) , Peter R (OZ) twice!, Ken H (ON), Daryl P (SK), Ian Mac (UK) twice! Rob M (ON), Vincent M (AB) Rod H (UK/BC), James M (WA), Blake Q (CA), Gerald C (NS), Ian Mac (ON), Stewart W (SK), Mark A (TX), Jeff P (ON), Adrian G (BC), Mark M (BC), Kristen McC (OZ).

2015 campaign - 30 responded in kind.

John O (BC), Herb W (CH), Rod H (UK/BC), Jeff P (ON), Michel W (QC), Ken T (ON), Stan B (CA) , Ian Mac (UK) twice! - James D (UK), Rob M (ON), James K (WA) twice! - Ian Mac (ON) twice! - Rick N (YT), Stephen McG (ON), Jean T (FL), Dale F (BC), Louis G (QC), Peter R (OZ), Denis C (ON), Jim P (AK), Stan B (CA), Blake Q (CA), Keith F (ON), Neil A (ON), Anthony A (ON), Lance L (WA), Dave C (BC), Kristen McC (OZ), Paige & Jim B (ON), William L (AB).

2014 campaign - 37 responded in kind.

John O (BC), Ian B (BC), Wes B (OZ), Neil A (ON) , Stan B (CA) twice! - Randy S (MI) twice! - Rick N (YT), Rob M (ON), Peter B (CA), Chris R (OZ), Brian W (ON), Peter R (OZ), Dale F (BC), Tim McG (CA), James K (WA), Jeff P (ON), Rod H (UK/BC), Ian Mac (ON), Ian Mac (UK), Fred W (AK), Stefan P (CT), Ken H (ON), Paige & Jim B (ON), John L (TN), Paul S (AK), Norman S (CA), Jon B (BC), Louis G (QC), Paul C (OZ) Ian B (BC), Anthony A (ON), Robert M (BC), Timothy G (OH), Keith C (BC), Lance L (WA), Robert C (NH).

2013 campaign - 17 responded in kind.

Randy S (MI), Sandy T (UK), John O (BC) twice! - Rob M (ON), Louis G (QC), Lenn B (OZ), Ian Mac (ON), Bob W (MT), Peter R (OZ), Sandy T (UK), Paige & Jim B (ON), James K (WA), Stan B (CA), Rod H (UK/BC), Daniel T (BC), Lance L (WA).

2012 campaign - 31 responded in kind.

Randy S (MI), Peter R (OZ), Lance L (WA), Malcolm D (OH), Jeff P (ON), John O (BC), Jean K (LU), Peter G (UAE), Paige & Jim B (ON), Ian B (BC), Sox (BC), Andre (BC), Nick J (UK), Lance L (WA) twice! Tom B (WA), Bill G (WA), Rob M (ON), Glenn D (MB), Corrine T (BC), John R (BC). Rod H (UK/BC), Stefan P (CT), David M (BC), John W (AZ), Rob M (ON) twice! Michael G (OZ), Dave C (MB), Neil A (ON), Sherrie and Tom (BC), Ed A (TX).

2011 campaign - 40 responded in kind.

Sherrie & Tom (BC), Randy S (MI), Peter R (OZ), Mac D (OH), Rob M (ON), Bryan (UK), Dan (MD), Anthony (ON), Gerry C (BC), Kris (OZ), Liam (BC), Jeff (ON), George K (BC), George W (NS), Lamar (LA), Greg C (BC), Antony (CH), Richard B (NZ), John O (BC), Paige & Jim (ON), Fred B (UK), Mike M (MB), Nick J (UK), Martin & Inge (HK), Fred W (AK), Rich H (ON), Derek P (UK), Lance L (WA), Rod H (UK/BC), Carlos R (FL), Daryl P (SK), Ian Mac (ON), Lamar (LA), Jim H (IL), Herb W (CH), Richard G-B (UK), Neil A (ON), Dale F (BC).

2010 campaign - 32 responded in kind.

Randy S (MI), Sherrie and Tom R (BC), Peter R (OZ), James J (WA), Jonathan L (MA), Ian C (UK), John O (BC), Jean B (QC), George W (NS), Dennis N (CA), Greg C (BC), Rob M (ON), Olav K (NO), Lance L (WA), Warren T (QC), Jeff P (ON), Tim McG (CA), Luke H (OZ), Ian B (MB/ON), Ian Mac (ON), David F (WI), Russell K (WI), Neil A (ON), Rob M (ON), Rod H (UK/BC), Mark C (WA), Jon A (WA), Roger A (IN), Fred B (UK), Mike M (WI), Tim McG (CA).

2009 Campaign - 32 responded in kind.

Michael M (CA), Randy S (MI), John C (BC), Richard B (VA), John O (BC), Ian C (UK), Stephen McG (ON), Roger J (BE), Jim A (MT), Charles G (TN), Peter R (OZ), Graeme M (OZ), Fred W (AK), André DuR (QC), Yves D (QC), Dennis N (CA), Blake Q (CA), Sherrie and Tom R (BC), George W (NS), Fred B (UK), Jeff P (ON), Rob M (ON), Ian B (BC), Eriksson (MN), Dale F (BC), Rod H (UK/BC), Lamar B (LA), Gerry C (BC), Greg C (BC), Gary H (FL), Robert B (MB).

2008 Campaign - 48 responded in kind.

Randy S (MI), Bill (MB), Rod (UK/BC), Greg C (BC), Sherrie & Tom (BC), Chip (AK), Steve (VA), Wayne (NS), Dennis (CA), Peter (OZ), Del (AB), Alan (CA), John O (BC), John (AL), Daniel (BC), Sox (BC), Pat (AB), Derek (UK), Dick (IL), Todd (WA), Dimitrios (GR), James (OZ), Ivan (ON), J. Neil (BC), Terrance (MI), Jean K. (LU), Graeme (OZ), Sam (CA), Bob (QC), Charles (TN), Wayne (BC), Robert (CA), Anthony (ON), Jeff (NL), Rod (UK), Daryl P (SK), Jean-Jacques (QC), Chris (UK), Neil (ON), Roger (ON), Fred (UK), Pierre (QC), Sippo (FI), Lenn (OZ), Mark (OH), Levi (OR), John R. (BC), Dimitris (GR).

2007 Campaign - 24 responded in kind.

Gerald (UK), Randy S (MI), Jim (MT), Michael (SK), Sherrie & Tom (BC), Norm (BC), Daryl P (SK), Kevin (WA), Jean K. (LU), Ian C. (UK), Tamás (HU), Bart (NL), Anthony (ON), John O. (BC), Adrian (AB), Fred (UK), Stefan (CT), John R. (BC), Kevin (SK), John (NJ), Chris S. (UK), Mike G. (IL), Sippo (FI).

2006 Campaign - 33 responded in kind.

Jim (MT), Ian (ON), Graeme (OZ), Arne (NO), Dennis (CA), Marty (UK), Jeff (ON), Anthony (ON), Gary (SK), Randy S (MI), Ian C. (UK), Sippo (FI), John (UK), Martin (ON), Bill (CA), Kevin (WA), John (IN), Peter (OZ), Clive (NJ), Sox (BC), John O (BC), Roger (BE) , J-J (QC), Chris (UK), Michael (OZ), Craig (AK), Adrian (AB), Fred (UK), John R. (BC), Greg (BC), George (BC), Rod (UK/BC), Sami (FI).

2004 Campaign - 31 responded in kind.

Steve (CT), John O. (BC) , Bob (ON), Dennis (CA), John R. (BC) , Leroy (AR), Rich (ON), Laura, (CT), Bill (OK), Franklin (CA), Dave (WI) , Anthony (my son!) (ON), Paul S. (BC), Bill (BC), John (OZ), Randy S (MI), Mike (MD), John (AL), Henry & Linda (ON), James (AB), Jim (MT), Tom (AK), Craig (AK), Ian (ON), Walt (AK), Craig (ON), Mark (NS), Sippo (FI), Blake (CA), George (BC).

Thank you all so much!

Without your generous help, this website would not exist!

Note: A banner ad can be inserted on my cover page for an additional fee.

Enquiries and offers, please send details to this e-mail

(please enter @ where you see "at" ). I will reply privately.

nca "at"