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• Credits Page •

Main person to thank is Danielle, my very patient wife of over almost 54 years......sometimes wondering what I have been up to all these years, hunched over a keyboard. She has published her first book. I'll take orders ;-) It contains some of her short stories, one of which is "aviation oriented"...she might even let me use part of it here. 2021 update - Book Two is finishedl!! The third book is now underway. Still very busy raising money for the destitute in Kolkata, especially during the Covid-19 mess.
"The Fishermen of Progreso" (now retitled "SHORT STORIES for the LONG FLIGHT") by Danielle Aird

AVAILABLE NOW! ALL OF HER PROFITS GO TO Calcutta Rescue Canada - Please check Danie's website for details, support her and her wonderful cause!.

Her web site is here - Anthony did this snazzy site for his Mom .

Needless to say, I am a very proud husband ;-)

Just to let you know, Danie has written her second book, it is about her "Camino" travels, adventures and observations . . . Published by Amazon 07 February 2022. Also availible on Kindle since May 2022. (No pictures or cool maps alas on that platform). She is completing her third book!! (June 2023).

"Short Stories for the Long Flight" is now on Amazon - June 2023.

Title: "THE CAMINO IS NOT JUST FOR WALKING" - Pilgrims, Hosts and ghosts along the way.

Needless to say, I am still a very proud husband - again! ;-)

Danie's latest book "Who's on the Camino" - 101 Pilgrim experiences on the way to Santiago - It is a really good read, all colour photographs too.


Some people I now single out for "special thanks"... Eric Munk, of Zwolle, The Netherlands. A long time friend and fellow enthusiast who has helped, in the early days, with compiling information on the Beaver. (We just met for the first time in Melbourne in April 2005!) Next is professional aviation photographer, bushpilot and operator Rich Hulina, of Sioux Lookout, Ontario, who keeps me updated with slides, prints, digital images and sightings. Another is former Beaver pilot and photographer is Bill Hann* with his outstanding contributions from Lotus Land!! Thanks gents! *Bill sadly passed away in 2012 at the very young age of 37.

Ian S. Macintosh

For being my main number cruncher No:1 keeping me straight on the website, pointing out bad links, errors etc. Ian has been busy compiling our main database, which we hope to publish one day. I can't believe my luck in enlisting Ian. Thanks lad!! Ian is also doing research on USAF airframes and compiling Accident reports and cross-referencing all of that. Without Ian's Sterling help, I could not keep this website going!!!

As of January 2024 - Ian is unable to help with the websites. Enjoy your retirement from all those website duties Ian. I hope to do the same in the not too distant future . . . !

Ian M. Macdonald

One of my main researchers, based in Ottawa, Ontario - Ian trawled through the Files housed at our National Archives, for detailed information archived records on DHC-2 individual aircraft. Thanks Ian for supplying this information.

Kenneth I. Swartz for his generous loaning of a remarkable private slide collection, amassed over the years. I feel I'll soon have to rename the site to the Ken Swartz Collection!! I have enough slides to scan now . . . I see no end ;-) A great position to be in. Thanks again Ken ! I will be scanning for years!! Your collection is a National Treasure! In 2021 I began re-scanning his collection!

Sheldon D. Benner for his incredible documentary work done at de Havilland Canada, Downsview and area, as the Beavers rolled off the production line. Sheldon's work makes this website!!!! Sheldon passed away on Friday 04 August 2023. His work will continue and expand on my websites. RIP SDB.

Adrian M. Balch for sharing his huge de Haviland Canada slide collections. Quite outstanding and most generous! Thanks Adrian.

John Mounce also for sharing his huge DHC collections. Thanks John!

John Rodger like his pal above, for sharing his huge DHC collections. Thanks JR.

Robert S. Grant for sharing his huge de Haviland Canada slide collection. Thanks Bob! Look foward to your second album.

Michael "Mike" J. Ody (RIP) for the use of his collection of slides and prints. Mike and I corresponded for years on the Beaver and his visits to my home with binders of information, were always welcome. Mike passed away on 01 October 2011 and I have started a web site dedicated to him and his research on the de Havilland DHC-6 Twin Otter. aided by Ian Macintosh.

Lenn Bayliss of Toowoomba, Queensland. Lenn, thanks for your dedication to the Beaver and for all those magnificent images you have generously contributed to DHC-2.COM. It was great to finally meet you "downunder" in April 2005 and again in 2010 in New Zealand. Your patiently acquired, incredible shots from Australia, New Zealand and Canada are a great historical record. You are a real professional!

Graeme D. Mills from New Zealand originally, and now living in Australia, an all round great guy, and webmaster of the awesome Kiwibeavers web site. A truly great resource for New Zealand Ag-Aviation History. Well done Graeme. Finally got to meet Graeme in October 2010 in New Zealand and also in Australia after that! You rock Graeme! Note: Kiwi Beavers is now only as a Face Book site.

John Kimberley I can't thank you enough John for granting permission to use your extensive, outstanding collection, garnered from years on the trap line! Your recording of Beaver history is second to none. Without your work, this site would be insignifcant!

Ruben Husberg of Norway, another generous gentleman, scanning and sending super slides of Beavers from his travels and very extensive collection. Wonderful stuff Ruben, always a pleasure to see an e-mail and scans from you!

The three Ians come next:

Ian Macintosh from the United Kingdon. Ian is my right hand man . Without his attention to detail and incredible research skills, this website and the and would not exist. (See also at top of list!!)

Ian MacFarlane also from the United Kingdom has supplied many images from his extensive collection. Ian is alas, no longer with us. RIP Ian - your work lives on.

Ian Macdonald A chum from Ottawa, has been sending many photographs from the 1970's taken in Ontario and B.C. (See top of list also)

Dirk Septer. Dirk holds a copy of my Master Index Database and has been cross-checking with his vast data collected over the years. He has supplied many images and lots of corrections etc., over the years. What a kind and generous fellow. Seemingly the world's expert on the Beaver. Always willing to share. Thanks Dirk.

John Olafson of Vernon, who patrols Beaver haunts for your viewing pleasure. One of my top contributers!! Thanks JWO.

John Caswell of Campbell River, a very regular correspondent and former Beaver Pilot. John kept me up to speed on Campbell River activities with photographs and news. His work with video on the Cable TV station there was well known. RIP John.

Wayne Mutza for donating his superb collection of prints.

Robin A. Walker for his USAF, U.S. ARMY in Europe and AAC images.

Geoff McDonnel for his slides and print collection, which I was able to purchase.

Mark Merry for the donation of his great collection of negatives, thanks Mark.
Glen Etchells of Vancouver, a friend from a long time back, who risked his fine work to Canada Post in dribs and drabs to share his images with us all. Thanks Glen. It was great to finally meet you after all those years! Thanks for supplying all those fantastic slides and photos. The Post Office has done us proud.
Gary Vincent who is sharing his great collection of historical images fom the early eighties. A great help Captain!

Ben Cogger who sends regular shots from Lake Hood, Anchorage. Thanks Ben.

Danny Hoggard who sends regular shots from Ketchikan. Thanks Danny.

Bruce W. Gowans who supplied his DHC-2 Collection, thanks Bruce. Well documented too!

John Rodger who supplied his extensive DHC Collection, thanks John. (Came via John Mounce!!)

Joseph F. Baugher (RIP) I have used Joe's site for many a year and also helped him with U-6 additions. His website will live on.

Elwood White on Vancouver Island who has sent slides to me from there for careful scanning and return. Thanks to Elwood, and also to daughter Shannon who has helped along the way ;-)

My two aviation pals "Speck" and "Kilo Mike", aka Stephen R. Peck and Ken Marshall*, for their cheering from the side lines...also their omnipresent sarcastic humour ;-) Another valuable resource is "magicman" Bill Jesse, now of Victoria, BC.

* Ken sadly passed way on 31 January 2010 - RIP "Kilo Mike"

Erik Johannesson for his donation of many DHC-2 slides from his collection, and his extensive research and documentation. Erik also maintains detailed datasets on most DHC types. He still is managing to do an excellent website, which he keeps up to date: TwinOtterWorld.

I have not heard a "peep"from Erik in a few years!! He is rather peeved I believe, that Ian Macintosh and I continue to work on our hobby website in the format I designed. We enjoy the layout and it conforms to my other two websites. Too bad ;-(

It is a fact that websites cannot just be deleted from the www . . . We wish him the best with his health and ventures. His current website is excellent and is certainly the finest one on the Twin Otter. He is certainly a dedicated fellow!

Nick Nicholas of On Target graphics for the use of his great drawings. If you like them you can order directly from Nick. ontarget "at"

Bombardier Aerospace / de Havilland Canada at Downsview, for making archives available in the early days of my research. Even today, continuing the help by permitting me access to their photgraphic records. I will attempt to make a dedicated Archive for their Historic Work ! This work has been greatly assisted by the good offices of Kenneth I. Swartz.

Anthony Aird my graphic designer, tech whiz son, for some logos and his expertise on things "website/computer" related. Thanks Ant!

Archie Difante of AFHRA.

At this time I should like to give a huge "shout out" to AFHRA - the Air Force Historical Research Agency, at Maxwell AFB., in Alabama. My colleague Ian Macintosh has worked with Archie Difante over the years. Archie has been very helpful with our L-20 / U-6 reseach.

Many others will be listed here, some have helped with letting me use their photographic images, many others have provided information, comments and encouragement. I thank you all. If I have missed your name . . let me know.

A special ongoing thanks to the photographers of - they have at present about 3,000 DHC-2 / U-6A Beaver images to view ;-) , many of their photographers have kindly granted me pernmission to use their images, but to include them all is a daunting task, so have a look for yourself. Great to see them as large images. This site is truly "awesome" well done! Visit it often, I certainly do! I have just been invited to join this group (February 2019) and hope to add to their huge collection. They have a nice selection of Beavers too! Approximately 1,983 as of january 2024

Join our ranks

Without your help and participation, this site would not exist!
Jon Abuhl, Danny Acton, David Adam, Colin Adams, Jesse Adams, Jvan Aeberli, Etyan Aidelbaum, Marty Aidelbaum, Gary Aldred, Anthony Aird, Danielle Aird, Katie Aird, Neil Aird, Robin Aird, Josh Akbar, Torleif Åkesson, Bill Alder, Abbas Ali, Stephen C. Allsep, Paul Altenhofen, Ron Altenhofen, Philip Amadeus, Michael Andersen, Jonny Anderson, William Anderson, Jim Andie, Tammy Andie, Michel Andrieux, Nico Anello, Michael M. Anselmo, Alexis Antonakis, Tony Arbon, Kurt Ariano, Melissa Arntz, Glen Arsenault, Tom Arthur, Farrukh Athar, Ian Atkinson, James Atwater, Luc Aubin, Sadie Audette, Mike Aune, Pekka Autere, Marnie Ayers, Neil Ayers, Ross Baadsvik, Han Backner, Tim Badham, Bob Baglow, Harold Bailey, Steve Bailey, Peter Bakema, Francois Bakkes, Jan Bakkus, Mick Bajcar, Chad Banfield, Greg Banfield, Russ Bannock, Fred Barnes, Joe Barr, Craig Barratt, Doug Barry, Mike Barth, Bob Bates, Dave Bates, Michael Bausch, Lenn Bayliss, Ian Beatty, Simon D. Beck, Jon Beekman, Sheldon D. Benner, John Bennett, Nels Bentley, Ole Johan Berg, Oscar Bernadi, Ronnie Berning, Trevor Bartlett, Roger Besecker, Michael Besenthal, Rene Biber, Andreas Bischel, Mick Bajcar, Francois Bakkes, Adrian M. Balch, Eric Banworth, Dave Bates, Ralph Baxter, Jon Beekman, Sandy Benzies, Peter Berganini, Pierre Berube, John Bessette, Warwick Bigsworth, Jeremey John Birkbock, Scott Black, Bill Blanchard, Steve Blanchette, B. Blatherwick, John Blatherwick, R. Blaxland, Mark Blok, Keith J. Bollands, Bob Bolivar, Jean-Pierre Bonin, Mark Booth, Simon Boothroyd, Warren Bork, Nathan Bonyun, Todd Bottcher, Marc Bourdon, R. Bourges, Eric Brady, Cyrus Brantenberg, Andrew Brattkus, Alain Brecqueville, David Bridgen, Jens Brokuf, Bill Brophy, Chris Brown, Darcy Brown, David Brown, Wes Brown, Jean-Marc Braun, Mike Bristol, Dave Brown, Gorden Bulger, Jim Burton, John Burford, Pat Burns, Keith Burton, Joe Bush, Mark Butcher, Ian Burnett, Brian Byl, Philip Casey, John W. Calderwood, George Calef, Ian Callier, Terry Calvin, Bob Cameron, J. Neil Cameron, Kyle Cameron, Bill Campbell, Con Campbell, Kennedy Canarr, George Canciani, Mark Carino, Tammy Carmack, A. H. Carter, David Carter, Ron Carton, Raynold P. Camilleri, Peter Caslick, Caz Caswell, John Caswell, David Chadwick, Terry Challice, Gary Chambers, Paul Chamois, Kent Chaput, Chris Charland, George Charity, Ron Charity, Chris Charland, Glenn E. Chatfield, Bowen Chau, Bob Childerhose, Al Christensen, Terje Christensen, Bill Christopher, Rick Church, George Clark, Harold Clark, Keith Clark, Daniel Clarke, Frank Clautier, Mike Clayton, Garry Cline, Chris Coates, Eddie Coates, Simon Codd, Bill Coffman, Jenny Coffey, Ben Cogger, Barry J. Collman, Keith Connors, Peter Conquerwood, Gerry Conrad, Blake Cook, Peter J. Cooper, Bob Coppinger, Les Corness, Mike Costello, Jim Court, Terry Coxall, David J. Cocks, Robin Cooper, Matthew Cosier, Steve Cos, Ryan Cossette, Jim Court, James Craik, Barrie Crampton, B. Cranston, Darren Crick, Mike Croker, Matthe Crosier, Terry Croucher, Justine Crowe, Richard J. Currie, Dave Curtis, Gary Cutsforth, Pierre d'Andre, Andres Dallimonti, Ernest M. Dalton, Ken Dalton, Peter A. Danby, Ben Dannecker, Steve Darke, Levi Darnell, Brian Dary, Doug Davidge, John M. Davis, Pete Davis, John R. Davies, Trevor Davies, Carl Davison, Barney Deatrick, Spencer Decorby, Ray J. Deerness, Archie Difante (AFHRA), Manuel J. Delgato, Normand Denis, Jeff Denny, Jonathan Derden, Michel Despres, Thierry Deutsch, Jeff S. DeVore, Archie Difante, Rod Digney, Marco Dijkshoorn, Christian Donig, Carl Dore, Jin Dorst, Glenn F. Douglas, Ian Douglas, David A. Dozenroth, Paul J. Draine, Henry E. Dreher, Lindsi Driesbach, Matthew Donica, Paddy Doyle, Bruce Drum, Eric Dumigan, Richard Dumigan, Gary Dumond, Troy Dunn, Andreas Durr, Jordan Dykstra, Doug Dzus, Syl Dzus, Martin Eadie, Kyle Eaton, Richard Edelman, Robert A. Edwards, Verity Edwards, Brandon Elliot, Ben Ellison, Eric Ellison, John Elwin, Kevin Elwood, Chris England, Art Englund, Paul Englund, Jaime Escobar-Corradine, Norman Eastaff, Kevin Esping, Glen Etchells, Glynn Evans, Oliver Evans, Bill Ewing, Dave F., Manfred Faber, Bill Fairchild, Kevin Fairley, Adrian Falconer, Joe Fanazick, Andrew Esola, George Faulder, Robert W. Faulder, Mike Feeney, Pat Feenstra, Rick Feldmann, Martin Fenner, Michael Fenwick, Scott Ferguson, Tom Fex, Bernard Filiatrault, Emin Findikli, Kurt Finger, Glen Firman, Brian Fisher, Josh Fitz, Peter Fitzmaurice, Lorence R. Fizia, Barry Flahey, Erin Fleck, Tee Flemming, Terry Fletcher, Alan Flett, Dale Floyd, Marcel Fluet-Lecerf, David Fogwill, Harry Follas, Gerald Fontaine, Chas Ford, Harrison Ford, Paul Forsythe, Michael Fortin, Alberto Paulo Fortner, Carlos R. Fortner, Charles Fournet, Bob Fowler, John L. Francis, Chuck Franzin, Dr. W.G. Franzin, David M. Frederikson, Pam Freese, Brienna Friday, Jack M. Friell, Erik Frikke, James "Jim" Neil Wallace Frogley, Dion Fuchs, John Fuller, Stew Fumerton, Mike Fussell, Don Fynn, Robert Gagne, Paddy Gardiner, Bob Garrard, Don Garrett, Steve Garlick, Wilber Gates Jr., L. Gautschi, David Gee, Gary Gentle, Ted Gerow, Tom B. Gibbons, Bruce Gignac, K. J. Gilchrist, Don Gilbertson, Pierre Gillard, Michel Giroux, Darrel "Luke" Gisbrecht, Adam Glowaski, Ab Gobet, Benno Goethals, Geoff Goodall, Fergal Goodman, Michael Goodwin, Daniel Gorun, Pat Gould, Jennifer Gradidge, Bill Grady, Andy Graham, David Graham, Michael Graham, Doug Grainger, Rory Grammer, Robert S. Grant, Wayne Grant, Detlev Grass, Tom Grant, Joe Green, Brian Greenhalgh, John Greenhill, Michael Greenhill, E. H. Greenman, Gary Gentle, John Goring, Richard Grevatte-Ball, Hallett Griffin, Peter Grimm, Gunter Grondstein, Gert Groenenberg, Brad Greaves, Kim Grist, Bob Groop, Joop de Groot, Jacques Guillem, Dave Guilliams, Andres Restrepo Guitierrez, Peter Gun, Bernie Haberl, Usman Habib, Scott Habberstad, Dan Hagedorn, Bo Haggkvist, William Haines, Jim Hall, Rod Hall, Richard Hamblin, Bill Hann, Ian Haskell, Jim Hansel, John Hansen, Phil Hanson, Christian Hanuise, Nick Harris, Alan Harrison, Philip Harte, Ken Hartford, Steve Hartl, Rainer Haufschild, Vernon Harvey, Nathan Havercraft, Paul Hawkins, I. B. Hayes, Jack B. Hayes, Paul Hayes, Michael Hays, Gary J. Hebbard, Dave Hedge, Brad Hegland, Magne Egil Heitmann, Derek Heley, Jeff Henderson, John Henderson, Oliver Herting, Markus Herzig, John Hevesi, Peter Hews, Jos Heyman, Barry Heyton, Rolf Hicker, Jack Hickson, Lance Higgerson, Colin Higgs, Dave Hilchie, Tom Hildreth, Conor Hildebrandt, Chris Hiles, John Hill, Peter C. Hill, Ron Hill, Steve Hill, Holly Hipwell, Rowly Hipwell, Nigel Hitchman, Chris Hobson, Jim Hodgson, Danny Hoggard, Chris Hogue, Heather Holt, Mark Holt, Robert P. Hom, Ben Hopkins, John Hopton, Dan Hornseth, Denis Hosking, Fred Hovestad, M. D. Howley, Ronan Hubert, Frank Hudson, King F. Hui, Sergio Hulaczuk, Rich Hulina, Richard Hume, W. G. Humphrey, Andrew Hunt, Arwen Hunter, Colin Hunter, Bev Hurford, Ken Hurford, Harry T. Hyvonen, Igor113, Justin Iyres, Rodrigo Santa-Maria Izquierdo, Bill Jackson, Jim Jackson, Nick Jackson, Nano Jacobsen, Anthony T. Jarvis, Arno Jannson, Gord Jenkins, David Jaremy, David A. Jarratt, Greg Jensen, William Jesse, "Alaska John", Erik Johannesson, Alan Johnson, Daniel Johnson, Garth Johnson, Jamye Johnson, Stan Johnson, Mel Johnstone, Clark Jones, John F. Jordan, Dick Josaitis, Mogens Juhl, Christian Hansen Kamhaug, Andreas Kanonenberg, Dwayne Kasulka, Yoshihiro Kawada, Toni Kazakoff, J. D. Kean, Peter Keating, Colin Keith, Mike Kell, Johan Kellerman, David Kellock, Peter Kelly, Ryan Kennelly, George Kent, Ryan Kerby, John Kerr, Jim Kershaw, R. F. Killick, Peter Killin, Tom Kim, John Kimberley, Carrie King, Mike Kincaid, Paul Kip, Peter A. Kirkup, Kihei Kitagawa, Axel Klegian, Marco Klostermann, Kevin Knox, Martin Koetsier, Leo J. Kohn, Ralf P. Kokoschka, Bill Kolarik, Steve Koon, Ron Kosys, Peter Kovanda, Karl Kramer, Loet Kuipers, Ken Kula, Jan Kulhavey, Gerry Laberege, Andre Labine, Patrick C. Lace, Vern Lace, Tim Lachenmaker, Franz Lackner, Oliver Lacombe, Bill Laidman, Colin Laker, Dirk Lamarque, Michele Lambert, Bruce Lamond, Jack Lamont, Brian Langevin, Pierre Langlois, Tim Langton, John Land, Ted Larkin, William T. Larkins, David Lawrence, Simon Lawrence, Joey LeBlanc, David Lednicer, Barry Leeming, Luc Levevre, Johnny Letto, Valerie Levasseur, Peter Lewis, Ricardo Martin Lezon, Peter Liander, Peter Liedtke, Jacques Lienard, Björn Lindström, Lief Lindström, Bob Logan, Dick Lohuis, Richard London, Helmut Lorenz, Fabrice Loubette, Russ Lougheed, Osborne Love, Mike Lunenschloss, Roland R. Lussier, Greg Lynn, Marathon Museum, Sean Mac, Ian M. Macdonald, Allan MacEwan, Ian MacFarlane, Ian S. Macintosh, Barrie MacLeod, Mike Madden, Karsten Madrian, Michelle Madsen, Scott Magie, Chris J. Mak, Ron Mak, Norm Malayney, Jan Mangelschotz, Daniel Marks, Travis Marsh, Brian Marshall, Chris Marshall, Ken Marshall, Patrick Martin, Richard Martin, Tim Martin, Stuart Martindale, Marcel Martineau, Klaus Marx, Laura Marxen, Michael Mastin, John Mastro, Ken Mattocks, John Mazepa, Dennis McCallum, Ian McConnell, Dudley McDermott, Geoff McDonnel, Bill McFarland, Scott McGeachy, Ben McGilvray, Stephen McGinn, Joe McGoldrick, Tim McGraw, Len McHale, Michael McKendry, Keith McKenzie, Tom McKibbon, Rod McLean, Gary McLeod, Ken McTavish, Scott McTavish, Trevor McTavish, Jean-Marie Magendie, Charles Mali, Ernest Martin, Laura Marxen, Kai Mecklin, Ken Meegan, Tobias Meier, Martin Meijers, Tom Meikle, Vince Meneely, Mark Merry, Shawn Miller, Stephen Miller, Todd Miller, Graeme Mills, Jason Milot, Joseph J. Miner, Yu Ming, Mike Minty, Wesley Minuano, Mike Mirkovic, Rob Mitchell, Vern Mitchinson, Heath Moffatt, R. Moneta, David A. Mongomery, Jim Moore, Robin Moore, Albert Morris, J. A. Morrow, Derek Morton, Jack & Nancy Most, John Mounce, Xavier Mouraux, Harald Mueller, Hugh Mullen, André Munniks, Coert Munk, Eric Munk, André Munniks, Dave Munro, Aaron Murphy, Mark Murphy, Neville Murphy, Terry Murphy, Nicolai Musante, Wayne Mutza, George Neal, Bob Neate, Rick Neilsen, Sippo Nevalainen, Dennis Newell, Franklin L. Newton, Nick Nicholas, Air Nikon, Larry Nix, Don Noble, Russell Noble, Gerry Norberg, John N. Nordstrom, Lindsay Nothrop, Bob O'Brien, Christopher O'Brien, Michael O'Farrell, Errol O'Hara, Dan O'Link, Philip O'Regan, John W. Olafson, Harald Olsen, Ron Olsen, David Orberg, Bob Ostrom, Paul den Ouden, Jesse Ouellette, Glyn Owen, Stefano Pagiola, Radek Palika, Robert K. Parmerter, Dave Paull, Ryan Park, Den Pascoe, Ted Paskowski, Craig Paul, Anthony L. Payne, Chris Payne, Stephen R. Peck, Marcel Peerlkamp, Alain Pelletier, Fernando Peña, Alex Penrose, Mark Alan Perry, Jay Perrycook, David Perston, Antti Pesonen, Ferdinand Peters, Eric Petersen, Dick Petit, Charles Phaneuf, Jules Pilon, Mike Pink, Darren Pitcher, Daniel Piotrowski, Robert Poirier, Jean-Luc Poliquin, Daryl Poncelet, Paul Poppenhager, Patrick Vinot Prefontaine, Alexander J. Prentice, Anders Presterud, Breck Bresnell, Mervyn W. Prime, Martin Prince JR., Nathan Pritchard, Ted Prodzinski, Michael Prophet, Greg Putz, Marion Pyles, Heiko Quandor, Bob Quinn, Gerard Quirk, Tristan Raab, John Racey, Gary Racicot, Sherrie Radatzke, Tom Radatzke, Don Ratcliff, Peter Reardon, R. Reaville, Gary L. Redhead, Melvin Reed, Chris Reeves, Eugene Reid, Gordon Reid, Verne Reid, Fred Remmler, Steve Rice, Jean-Philippe Richard, Mario Richard, Antony Richardson, Dave Richardson, Rob Richey, Robin Ridley, Martin Riehl, Alain Rioux, Juha Ritaranta, Stephen Ritland, Paul D. Roach, Brian Robbins, Frank Roberts, Dave Robertson, Greg Robertson, Es Robinson, John Rodger, John Rodriguez, Robert Roggeman, Pierre Rohr, Mike Ronayne, Eric Roscoe, Chris Roughan, Willem Rongé, Chuck Ross, Kurt Roth, Rob Rowe, Wayne Rudd, Christian Ruppert, Paul Rushton, David Russell, Davis Rutherford, Dev Salkeld, Daniel Sallée, Mathew Salmon, Kalevi Savola, Paul V. Savora, Bill Sawchuk, Frank Schaefer, Henk Schakelaar, Juergen Scherbarth, Peter Schinkelshoek, Walt Schlotfeldt, Jim Schoeggl, Rene Schrijver, Matt Schroeder, Derek Scott, Wally Scott, Bill Scrivens, Colin Sedgwick, Dirk Septer, Dennis J. Seath, Jay Selman, Howard Setzer, Matthias Sieber, Rick Sigurdson, Wallace Shackleton, Bob Shane, John Shappell, Robbie Shaw, Noel Shennan, Terry Shepherd, Jay Sherlock, Frank Shipway, R. A. Scholefield, Charles Shorter, Beth Shrieves, Bill Shull, Marcel Siegenthaler, William W. Sierra, Jose E. Silveira, Tii-Maria Siitonen, Keith M. Simpson, Tom Singfield, Sky Wrench Aviation, Simon Slater, Doug Slowiak, Davis Smart, Jim Smith, Jesse Smith, John Smith, Malcolm Smith, Mike Smith, Stan Smith, Silas Smith, Thomas Soder, Keith Sowter, Jeff Sparks, "Sparkman", Stuart Spicer, Paul B. Spychalski, Ted Stallings, Erick Stamm, Scott Stamp, Bill Stadnyk, Mark Stedman, Raimund Stehmann, Peter Steinemann - Skyline APA, Ragnar Stenarson, Paul Stenner, Jeff Stephenson, Neil Stephenson, Dave Stern, Mark Stevens, Philip Stevens, Charles R. Stewart, John P. Stewart, Robert M. Stitt, Brian Stockall, South Australia Aviation Museum, Ken Stoltzfus, G. Strathdee, Jim Sullivan, John F. Sumrall, Justin Sutton, Mike Sutton, Kevin and Wenona Suydam, N. Suzuki, Stephen Svacina, Baldur Sveinsson, Fred Swartz, Kenneth I. Swartz, Kevin Swash, Terry Sykes, Roger Syratt, Babak Taghvee, E. Tailliet, Ernie Tait, Daniel "Danny" Tanner, David Tanner, Norm Taylor, Henry Tenby, Nico Terlouw, Martin Third, Jochen Thoma, Simon Thomas, Uwe Timm, Rick Timms, Steve Todd, Walt Torgersen, Toda Toshiyuki, Phil Treweek, Ellis Trautman, George Trussell, Philip Tsherische, Mathieu Tornare, Pekka Tumme, Joan Turner, Harry Tyrpak, Ben Ullings, Gerben Van Beek, Kristof Vandermoere, Steven Vanseggelen, Jessica Veal, Ben Veldman, Ad Vercruijsse, Harry Vercruijsse, Peter Vercruijsse, Gary Vincent, Aad van der Voet, Marcel van Leeuwen, Jimmy van Sickle, Peter Vine, Ugo Vizenci, Jeff Voigt, Michael Volk, George Volsky, Dennis Waddington, Robin A. Walker, Eddie Wallace, George D. Wallace, Fred Wallis, David Walker, Robin A. Walker, Sally Walsh, Marcel Walther, Trevor Warne, George Warren, Bernard Watson, Peter Watson, W. Watson, Marg Watson-Hyland, Randy Webber, Dave Welch, Cable Wells, Erik J. Wennen, Roger Wensley, Charles Wesley, Rick Wheeler, Robert Wheeler, Brick Wellman, John Wester, Elwood White, Ian White, Shannon White-Zahar, Ian Whyte, R. W. Whitlock Jr., Evan Wick, John Wielickzo, Michael Wiens, Michael Wigen, Kevin Wiggins, Wally Wiggins, Stephen Wilcox, Terrance L. Wilds, Ric Willems, Bob Williams, Kevin Williams, Robert G. Williams, Steve Williams, Stuart Williams, Ed Willing, Chris Wilson, Robert D. Wilson, Robert Wiseman, Shaun vanBergen, Raymond van der Wilk, Steve Van Seggelen, Rick Wilbee, Brad Wilson, Ian Wilson, Jeremy Wilson, Simon Wilson, Warren Wilson, Mark Windridge, Wup Winn, Robert "Bob" Wiseman, Mark Witteveen, Jack Wolbrink, Peter Wollenberg, Todd Woodward, Jim Woolnough, Colin K. Work, Jon Wornham, Neville Worsley, James Wood, Robert Wood, Tim Woodland, Sid Woods, Frank Wright, Kevin Wyatt, Willy Yanta, Erik Zarones, Larry Ziminisky, Paul Zogg, Raik Zühlke, J. Zwart, Wim Zwakhals, Crystal Zwicker, " Project DHC-2 ", 656 Association and the Harbour Air Archives.

And of course "Unknown photographer" whoever you are?

My appologies if your name does not have the appropiate accent applied - this website software can't handle it!!

There are many others "unknown", who have images in my Archives, if you see your work and it is not duly credited, please let me know post haste and I will rectify the matter!!