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The almost daily blog started 01 April 2006.

To Part Seven (AUGUST 2006)

29 September 2006

Neil here with a request. Anyone know the identity of this fine Beaver? The image is on a post card I received in 2001. I did a search last night and contacted the photographer Greg Syverson in Talkeetna, Alaska, who kindly allowed me to post the image. Thanks Greg. Here we have a Bear, Otter and Beaver! Great shot.

Photo: Greg Syverson (c) 1999

NEWS: John Caswell of Campbell river wrote > Neil : Bear on beaver float - appears to be N1432Z  #797 on Mark IV Norseman floats.<

28 September 2006

Here is a close up of the group of avians passing C-GEWP (1543TB2) in Northern Manitoba. (Re: recent comments on the Group)

Photo: Myles Karn (c) 25 August 2006

27 September 2006

Once, when I was a Kenmore Air Harbor on the dock taking pictures, for some reason I turned around and looked down into the lake . . this is what I saw. I knew of course that it was not submerged there just by accident! The fresh water was doing a good job of neutralizing any salt water corrosion process at work.

Photo: Neil Aird (c) 1995

24 September 2006

Dave Brown sent a few additional shots later today of Thornburn Aviation's C-FXPD (1507) taken in 2005.

22 September 2006

Added a new revised trailer for the video production "The Immortal Beaver" currently under production my Gamut productions. Thanks to Arwen for permission to show here. Large screen version - Small screen version

21 September 2006

The day started with a beautiful dawn.

Later we enjoyed a rainbow.

I also added a page of Candle-Holder images. My other website is currently being obstinate!

20 September 2006

Added to the Tech Specs Section, a very nice little drawing of the hopper installation in a Beaver, circa 1950.

DHC (c) Print No:462

19 September 2006

I have been neglecting the website due to busy Calendar work...progressing well. I'm a bit rusty with Adobe InDesign etc., but with some pointers from my son Anthony, I'll get through this task

I watched the radar last night to see our house guests from India safely on their way from Toronto to Birmingham (and on via Amritsar to Delhi and Mumbai)..well, at 22:00 I could see them overhead Ottawa (on radar) and I called it quits. Turns out, a suspicious package was found in the washroom of AIC188 VT-AIL and the flight returned to Toronto where the package was destroyed. Hope they have better luck today!!

Image: Courtesy

Update on two fronts. As I type this 21:56 EDT our friends are just about the same location they were when they turned back last night, but further north this time. They did eventually arrive on time, one day late ;-) They also were interviewed on Canadian Television! Quite the vacation.

The Calendar is now 99% complete. It has been a full and productive day. Approval has been given for production. I will be taking orders in the near future.

15 September 2006

Been Mr. Fix-it" around the house today. Making up for absence during recent weeks! Just took this snap from the studio window a few minutes ago at 19:00 EDT, I guess the season is a changing.

Saw a DC-3 at 1,500' while I was out and about, checked when I got home (sleuth that I am!) and it was indeed (my guess) C-GRSB (12295) a 1943 vintage Dakota , it was busy today flying a total of 3:46 today from sources. Ottawa - Kingston - Trenton and return on the last 1:41 sortie. Nice to know she is still active.

13 September 2006

Project Candle-holders completed. Delivered three days early. I'll be adding a page or two to my other website soon, showing the construction process. But here are a few shots for those of you who are I can return to Beavers.

12 September 2006

Well, can you believe that a Beaver visited Kingston (CYGK) yesterday, and I was at work! Thanks to Tim Barber of Brockair for catching N741RS (1115) for me, well done! Tim said the metallic scheme was superb.

06 September 2006

Sorry for the lack of action on the site recently. I am working flat out in my "candle stick maker" role. I'm having a lot of fun, just like old times. Here is a bench snap, not exactly "beaver" related, except "busy beaver". Off for another session after I load N9822F (530)

02 September 2006

Added a page "plugging" Karl's excellent CD on the de Havilland DHC-3 Otter. Incredible value..over 800 pages of information and stories. I have also added several more illustrations to the Tech Specs page.

01 September 2006

Another month starting and that is always a big event, moving the previous month's Archives, Blog, etc. The Current Cover page always looks rather bare...but it will load faster!

To Part Seven (AUGUST 2006)